The adjective is fromtutor ( noun ) +-ial , ultimately fromLatin tūtor ( “ watcher, protector, defender ” ) . The noun is transferred from the adjective.
tutorial (notcomparable )
Of or pertaining to atutor ; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor.1959 , Iona Opie, Peter Opie,The Lore and Language of Schoolchildren , page363 :The probability is that any verse of this nature, in which the lines are worn smooth, is one which has been causingtutorial ears to tingle for a generation at least; and very probably it is known in a variety of forms.
of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutor
tutorial (plural tutorials )
( education ) Aself-paced learning exercise ; alesson prepared so that astudent canlearn at their ownspeed orconvenience .( education ) An interactive class taught by atutor to students atuniversity orcollege , individually or in small groups.( computing ) Avideo ortext guide or instruction about a specific topic (generally ahow-to ).self-paced learning exercise
Catalan:tutoria (ca) f ,tutorial (ca) m Chinese:Mandarin:輔導 / 辅导 (zh) ( fǔdǎo ) ,教程 (zh) ( jiàochéng ) ,指南 (zh) ( zhǐnán ) Dutch:snelcursus (nl) m ,tutorial (nl) m ,handleiding (nl) f Esperanto:instruilo ,lernilo French:didacticiel (fr) m ,tutoriel (fr) m German:Anleitung (de) f ,Übung (de) f ,Tutorial (de) n ,Tutorenkurs m Indonesian:tutorial (id) Irish:teagasc m Italian:esercitazione (it) f Japanese:学習用 ( がくしゅうよう, gakushūyō ) ,チュートリアル ( chūtoriaru ) Korean:지도(指導) (ko) ( jido ) ,지침(指針) (ko) ( jichim ) ,안내(案內) (ko) ( annae ) Macedonian:ве́жба f ( véžba ) Polish:samouczek (pl) m ,poradnik (pl) m Russian:посо́бие (ru) n ( posóbije ) ,уче́бник (ru) m ( učébnik ) ,руково́дство (ru) n ( rukovódstvo ) ,туто́риал m ( tutórial ) ( colloquial, neologism ) Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:во̀дӣч m ,упу̀тство n ,у̏џбенӣк m Roman:vòdīč (sh) m ,upùtstvo (sh) n ,ȕdžbenīk (sh) m Spanish:tutoría (es) f ,tutorial (es) Swedish:handledning (sv) c ,självstudie c ,guide (sv) c
interactive class taught by a tutor
computing: video that is basically a how-to
FromEnglish tutorial .
tutorial m (plural tutoriaux )
Alternative form oftutoriel Internationalism ,borrowed fromEnglish tutorial .
IPA (key ) : /ˈ Rhymes:-al ,-l Hyphenation:tu‧to‧ri‧al tutorial (plural tutorial -tutorial )
tutorial :( education ) a self-paced learning exercise; a lesson prepared so that a student can learn at their own speed, at their convenience( education ) an interactive class taught by a tutor to students at university or college, individually or in small groupsSynonym: tutoran ( Standard Malay ) a video or text that is basically a how-to (advice or instruction on a particular topic) tutorial
tutorial : Of or pertaining to a tutor; belonging to, or exercised by, a tutorProbablyborrowed fromEnglish tutorial [ 1] or less likely fromtutor +-ial .[ 2]
( Brazil ) IPA (key ) : /ɾiˈaw/ [ɾɪˈaʊ̯] ,( faster pronunciation ) /tu.toˈɾjaw/ [tu.toˈɾjaʊ̯]
tutorial m or f (plural tutorais )
tutorial tutorial m (plural tutoriais )
tutorial ( self-paced learning exercise ) ( computing ) tutorial ( a video or text that is basically a how-to ) Fromtutor +-ial .
IPA (key ) : /tutoˈɾjal/ [t̪u.t̪oˈɾjal] Rhymes:-al Syllabification:tu‧to‧rial tutorial m or f (masculine and feminine plural tutoriales )
tutorial tutorial m (plural tutoriales )
( computing ) tutorial ( A video or text that is basically a how-to ) 2015 September 14, “Plataformas para aprobar asignaturas imposibles”, inEl País [1] :Hay espacios como Unybook en el que los universitarios pueden colgar sus apuntes y recibir dinero a cambio, o como Sharing Academy o Tutellus en los que ofrecen clases particulares o suben sus propiostutoriales con técnicas para aprobar asignaturas imposibles. (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation)