FromMiddle English tunne ,tonne ( “ cask, barrel ” ) , fromOld English tunne ( “ tun, cask, barrel ” ) , fromProto-Germanic *tunnǭ ,*tunnō ( “ tun, barrel, cask ” ) , fromLatin tunna , probably ofGaulish origin.
Cognate withNorth Frisian tenn ( “ tun, barrel, cask ” ) ,Dutch ton ( “ tun, barrel, cask ” ) ,German Tonne ( “ tun, barrel, drum ” ) ,Danish tønde ( “ barrel ” ) ,Swedish tunna ( “ barrel, cask, tun ” ) ,Icelandic tunna ( “ barrel ” ) . Compare alsoOld French tonne ,French tonneau ( “ ton, barrel ” ) ,Medieval Latin tunna ( “ cask ” ) ,Middle Irish tunna ( “ cask ” ) ,Welsh tynell ( “ tun, barrel ” ) . It is uncertain whether the Germanic or the Celtic forms are the original.
tun (plural tuns )
A largecask ; an oblong vessel bulging in the middle, like a pipe or puncheon, and girt with hoops; a wine cask.(See a diagram comparing cask sizes .) ( brewing ) A fermentingvat .( historical ) Atraditional unit ofliquid measure (from thevolume of such a cask)equal to 252wine gallons or 2pipes .Coordinate terms: ( in order of increasing volume ) rundlet ;barrel ;tierce ;hogshead ;puncheon ,tertian ;pipe ,butt 1882 , James Edwin Thorold Rogers,A History of Agriculture and Prices in England , page205 :Again, by 28 Hen. VIII, cap. 14, it is re-enacted that thetun of wine should contain 252 gallons, a butt of Malmsey 126 gallons, a pipe 126 gallons, a tercian or puncheon 84 gallons, a hogshead 63 gallons, a tierce 41 gallons, a barrel 31.5 gallons, a rundlet 18.5 gallons.
Synonym oflong ton : aunit ofmass equal to 2240pounds , 20hundredweights of 112pounds avoirdupois each .( figurative ) Synonym ofton : anyextremely orexcessively large amount .1599 (date written),William Shakespeare , “The Life of Henry the Fift ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [ … ] (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC ,[ Act I, scene ii] :He therefore sends you, meeter for your spirit, / Thistun of treasure; and, in lieu of this, / Desires you let the dukedoms that you claim / Hear no more of you.
1682 ,John Dryden ,Mac Flecknoe , lines195–196 :ATun of Man in thy Large bulk is writ, / But sure thou'rt but a Kilderkin of wit.
( archaic , humorous or derogatory ) Synonym ofdrunkard : aperson whodrinks excessively .Any shell belonging toTonna and allied genera. Thecryptobiotic state of atardigrade , when itsmetabolism is temporarily suspended. tun (third-person singular simple present tuns ,present participle tunning ,simple past and past participle tunned )
( transitive ) To put into tuns, or casks.1843 , Mary Holland,The Complete Economical Cook, and Frugal Housewife [1] , 14th edition, page407 :Strong beer that is brewed in small quantities, and ale, whatever the quantity may be, should betunned the second day after brewing; and small beer should betunned as soon as it has fairly taken the yeast
FromMayan .Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
tun (plural tuns or tunob )
A part of the ancient Maya Long Count Calendar system which corresponds to 18winal cycles or 360 days. FromLatin tonō . CompareRomanian tuna, tun .
tun first-singular present indicative (past participle tunatã )
tothunder tun
again FromLatin tonus , fromAncient Greek τόνος ( tónos ) . CompareItalian tuono ,Friulian ton ,Catalan tro ,Romansch tun ,tung ,Romanian tun ,tunet ,Spanish trueno .
tun m
thunderclap ,thunder A contraction oftunfisk , fromGerman Thunfisch ( “ tuna ” ) , fromLatin thunnus , fromAncient Greek θύννος ( thúnnos ) .
tun c (singular definite tunen ,plural indefinite tun )
tuna tuna fish tun FromOld Norse tún , fromProto-Germanic *tūną , fromProto-Celtic *dūnom .
tun n (singular definite tunet ,plural indefinite tun )
( dated ) An enclosed piece ofground .Seetune .
imperative oftune (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
( Pular ) only Other varieties of Fula usetan . tun
( Pular ) only Other varieties of Fula usetan . Oumar Bah,Dictionnaire Pular-Français, Avec un index français-pular ,, SIL International, 2014.(when accessed 2019-9-10, there was no entry for tun, but an example using the word was given in entry for jam) Herb Caudill and Ousmane Besseko Diallo,Miɗo waawi Pular! : learner's guide to Pular (Fuuta Jallon) , Conakry, 2000.(examples in text) FromMiddle High German tuon , fromOld High German tuon , fromProto-West Germanic *dōn , fromProto-Germanic *dōną , derived fromProto-Indo-European *dʰeh₁- ( “ to put, set, place ” ) . Cognate withEnglish do .
tun (irregular ,third-person singular present tut ,past tense tat ,past participle getan ,past subjunctive täte ,auxiliary haben )
Todo (toperform orexecute anaction ).Synonym: machen Tu es! ―Do it!Mantut , was man kann. ―Onedoes what one can. Ertat das, was man ihm gesagt hat. ―Hedid as he was told. Das einzige, was er jetat , war arbeiten. ―The only thing he everdid was work. [with dative ] Todo something (positive or negative) to someone.Synonym: antun Dertut Ihnen nichts! ―He won't hurt you! (said for example about a dog) Mein Mann hat mir so viel Gutesgetan . ―My husband has done me so much good. ( reflexive , with an indefinite pronoun) Tomake a difference ; to be different.Synonym: unterscheiden Tut sich das viel? ―Does thatmake much ofa difference ? Die beiden Kamerastun sich nichts. ―The two camerasare nodifferent [i.e. neither better than the other]. ( somewhat informal , with “so ” or “als ob ” ) Tofake ; tofeign ; topretend .Synonyms: vortäuschen ,täuschen ,vorgeben Er hat nur sogetan . ―He justfaked it. Ertut , als ob er nichts wüsste. ―Hepretends to know nothing. ( chiefly colloquial ) Toput , toplace , toadd .Synonyms: setzen ,legen ,stellen ,platzieren ,hinzufügen Tu das hier rein. ―Put it in here.Ich würde noch was Salz an die Kartoffelntun . ―I wouldadd some more salt to the potatoes. 2017 , Simone Meier,Fleisch , Kein & Aber, page27 :» Ich finds eklig, wenn du die Butter am Morgen nicht direkt aufs Brot streichst, sondern immer zuerst auf einen Tellertust . « I find it disgusting when you don't spread your butter straight on to your bread in the morning, but always put it on the plate first. ( chiefly colloquial , with “es ” ) Towork , tofunction .Synonym: funktionieren Die Uhrtut ’s nicht mehr. ―The clock doesn’twork anymore. ( chiefly colloquial , but acceptable in writing ) Used with thepreceding infinitive of another verb to emphasise this verb Er singt immer noch gern, aber tanzentut er gar nicht mehr. He still loves singing, but as to dancing, he doesn't do that anymore at all. ( colloquial , nonstandard ) Used with thefollowing infinitive of another verb, often to emphasise the statement Ichtu doch zuhören! ―Iam listening! (as a response to the reproach that one is not) Ichtu das jetzt mal aufräumen. ―I’m cleaning this up now. ( colloquial , nonstandard ) Used in the past subjunctive with the infinitive of another verb to form the conditional tense (instead of standardwürde ) Ichtät mir das noch mal überlegen. ―Iwould think about that again. The verbtun in the sense of “to perform” is not used in combination with nouns. This function is covered by the verbmachen :ich mache Sport, wir machen ein Spiel, er macht die Wäsche (“I do sport, we do a game, he does the laundry”). The same is true with pronouns that represent such nouns:Wer macht die Wäsche? – Ich mache sie. (“Who does the laundry? – I do it.”) It is usually ungrammatical to usetun in sentences like these. Tun is only used with pronouns that represent actions as a whole:Was tust du? (“What are you doing?”)Ich tue viel für die Umwelt. (“I do a lot for the environment.”)Er tut alles, was sie sagt. (“He does everything she says.”)( colloquial, nonstandard ) : The use ofdo-support is a feature of several dialects and minority languages in Germany. In the standard language, it is most established along theRhine . It is somewhat more acceptable when used for emphasis (as in the example withzuhören above), but is otherwise often regarded as illiterate (as in the example withaufräumen ). This latter usage is generally associated with lower socio-economic status.The 1st person singular present indicative may also be(ich)tu . “tun ” inDigitales Wörterbuch der deutschen Sprache “tun ” in Uni Leipzig:Wortschatz-Lexikon “tun ” “tun ” inDuden online “tun ” inDuden online tun
since ,ever since FromProto-Hlai *tʰun ( “ language ” ) , from Pre-Hlai*tun (Norquest, 2015).
speech ;words ;language folk song dispute ;controversy FromProto-Hlai *tʰu[n/ɲ] ( “ to reap ” ) , from Pre-Hlai*tu[n/ɲ] (Norquest, 2015).
Toreap . FromProto-Samic *tonë .
This entry needs pronunciation information. If you are familiar with theIPA then please add some!
tun (genitive tuu )
you (singular)tun inMarja-Liisa Olthuis, Taarna Valtonen, Miina Seurujärvi and Trond Trosterud (2015–2022 )Nettidigisäänih Anarâškiela-suomakielâ-anarâškielâ sänikirje [2] , Tromsø: UiT Koponen, Eino, Ruppel, Klaas, Aapala, Kirsti, editors (2002–2008 ),Álgu database: Etymological database of the Saami languages [3] , Helsinki: Research Institute for the Languages of Finland Inherited fromOld Javanese tun ( “ desire, love, attach ” ) .
IPA (key ) : /tʊn/ Hyphenation:tun tun
desire FromProto-Samic *tonë .
CompareInari Sami tun andSkolt Sami ton .
tun (genitive tu )
thou ,you 1889 , A. Genetz,Journal de la Société finno-ougrienne (VII) , Helsinki: Suomalaisen Kirjallisuuden Seuran Kirjapainossa, page116 :Kulnaſaſz, niraſam, kätze, åinakåſztun ſu salm. Kulnasasz, my reindeer, look: doyou see her eyes? tun
Nonstandard spelling oftūn .Nonstandard spelling oftún .Nonstandard spelling oftǔn .Nonstandard spelling oftùn .Transcriptions of Mandarin into the Latin script often do not distinguish between the criticaltonal differences employed in the Mandarin language, using words such as this one without indication of tone.tun ( Raguileo spelling )
Tocatch . 1 Only usable with free personal pronouns.
1 Only usable with free personal pronouns.
FromLatin tonō .[ 1] CompareRomanian tuna, tun .
thunder Atasanov, Petar (1990 )Le mégléno-roumain de nos jours: Une approche linguistique , Hamburg: Buske tun
Alternative form oftoun (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
tun m (plural tuns )
( Jersey ) tuft FromOld Norse tún . Akin toEnglish town .
tun n (definite singular tunet ,indefinite plural tun ,definite plural tuna )
courtyard ,front yard (the area in front of, around or between houses, particularly on a farm)1996 ,Jon Fosse ,Nokon kjem til å komme :Itunet framfor eit gammalt ganske forfallent hus[ …] In thefront yard in front of an old, rather dilapidated house [ …] farmstead (a collection of buildings and the area between them on a farm)“tun” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary .FromProto-West Germanic *tūn , fromProto-Germanic *tūną .
tūn m
fence Declension oftūn (masculine i-stem noun)
“tūn ”, inOudnederlands Woordenboek ,2012 FromProto-West Germanic *tūn , fromProto-Germanic *tūną ( “ enclosure ” ) .
tūn m
an enclosed piece of ground, anenclosure orgarden the enclosed ground belonging to an individual dwelling the group of houses on an area of enclosed land, ahomestead avillage ortown The Anglo-Saxon Chronicle An. DCCLXXVII Hēr Cynewulf ⁊ Offa ġefuhton ymb Benesingtūn ⁊ Offa ġenam þonetūn .Year 777 In this year Cynewulf and Offa fought near Benson and Offa seized thetown . Stronga -stem:
tun m (feminine ta )
( Anglo-Norman ) your (second-person singular possessive pronoun)vostre (second-person plural form)Inherited fromLatin tonus (the original meaning being "thunderclap", as with the Romance cognates). See also the doubletton ( “ tone ” ) , borrowed through French.
tun n (plural tunuri )
cannon ( archaic , popular) thunderclap FromLatin tonus .
tun m
sound thunder tȗn m anim
tuna Synonym: túna “tun ”, inSlovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU (in Slovene),2014–2025 (Thisetymology is missing or incomplete. Please add to it, or discuss it at theEtymology scriptorium .)
tun m (plural tunes )
a Pre-Hispanic percussion instrument fromGuatemala , consisting of a hollow wooden block with slits in the sides FromOld Norse tún , fromProto-Germanic *tūną , fromProto-Indo-European *dʰewh₂- ( “ to finish, come full circle ” ) . Cognate withDanish tun ( “ enclosed area ” ) ,Icelandic tún ( “ hayfield ” ) ,Norwegian Nynorsk tun ( “ farmstead; courtyard ” ) ,English town ,German Zaun ( “ fence ” ) ,German Low German Tuun ( “ fence ” ) ,Dutch tuin ( “ garden ” ) .
tun n
( archaic , dialectal ) courtyard (an area surrounded by buildings)tun c
( Gotland ) fence FromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *tuRun , compareMalay turun .
Todescend . IPA (key ) : /tʊn/ ,[t̪ʰʊn] Hyphenation:tun tun (plural tunlar )
night Defnyn o dun tawdd Tun gwag Borrowed fromEnglish tin , fromMiddle English tin , fromOld English tin , fromProto-West Germanic *tin , fromProto-Germanic *tiną .
tun m (plural tuniau or tunnau )
tin ( metal ) Synonyms: alcam ,ystaen tin ( metal container ) ,tin can Synonym: can Note: Certain mutated forms of some words can never occur in standard Welsh. All possible mutated forms are displayed for convenience.
R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “tun ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies tun