Specimens of twospecies of terebrant(noun sense) : anonion thrips (Thrips tabaci ;left ), and awestern flower thrips (Frankliniella occidentalis ). Theadjective is alearned borrowing fromLatin terebrantem , theaccusative masculine orfeminine singular ofterebrāns , thepresent active participle ofterebrō ( “ to bore through, perforate, pierce ” ) , fromterebra ( “ instrument for boring, borer, gimlet ” ) +-ō ( suffix forming regular first-conjugation verbs ) .[ 1] Terebra is derived fromter(ō) ( “ to rub; to wear away ” ) (fromProto-Indo-European *terh₁- ( “ to drill, pierce; to rub; to turn ” ) ) +-bra ( suffix denoting an instrument, formingnouns ) .
The noun is either derived from the adjective, or is aback-formation fromTerebrantia ( “ suborder of thrips ” ) .[ 2]
terebrant (notcomparable )
( entomology ) Of aninsect : thatbores ( “ makes holes ” ) ; specifically,belonging to theTerebrantia suborder ofthrips which boreusing theirovipositors .1832 ,Edward Griffith , Edward Pidgeon, “Supplement on the Hymenoptera”, in Baron Cuvier [i.e. ,Georges Cuvier ], translated by[ Edward Griffith] ,The Animal Kingdom Arranged in Conformity with Its Organization [ … ] , volume 15 (The Class Insecta, volume 2), London: [ … ] [Gilbert & Rivington ] forWhittaker, Treacher, and Co. [ … ] ,→OCLC ,page395 :The otherterebrant hymenoptera feed in the same state either on larvæ, caterpillars particularly, of which they gnaw the interior, without attacking the essential principle of life at first, or on nymphs or eggs of insects, bodies in which they have been deposited under this last form by the mother.
( pathology ) Ofpain : resembling thesensation of beingbored into orpierced .of an insect: that bores; specifically, belonging to the Terebrantia suborder of thrips which bore using their ovipositors
terebrant (plural terebrants )
( entomology ) Aninsect thatbores ( “ makes holes ” ) ; aborer ; specifically, onebelonging to theTerebrantia suborder ofthrips which boreusing theirovipositors .insect that bores
—see borer insect belonging to the Terebrantia suborder of thrips which bore using their ovipositors
third-person plural present active indicative ofterebrō