FromMiddle English tellere ( “ one who counts or enumerates; one who recounts or relates; teller ” ) , equivalent totell ( verb ) +-er .
teller (plural tellers )
A person whotells stories . ( banking , chiefly US ) Abank clerk whoreceives andpays outmoney .Synonym: cashier ( more generally ) Acashier at any place of business.2007 , Joseph T. Wells,Corporate Fraud Handbook: Prevention and Detection , page107 :In the case discussed above, for example, the employee who stole money did so by waiting until anotherteller was on break, then logging on to thatteller's register, ringing a “no sale,” and taking the cash.
2013 , Alastair Henry,Awakening in the Northwest Territories :The young femailteller fingered the prices into the cash register at great speed with great dexterity while simultaneously holding a conversation with theteller in the next lane.
2023 , Eleanor Catton,Birnam Wood , page60 :The main street was shuttered; the only sign of life she detected was behind the window of the petrol station, where theteller was counting the day's cash balance into the till.
( banking ) Synonym ofautomated teller machine Synonyms: cash machine ,ATM A person whocounts thevotes in anelection . person who tells stories
Bulgarian:разказвач (bg) m ( razkazvač ) Chinese:Mandarin:please add this translation if you can Czech: vypravěč (cs) Danish:fortæller c Esperanto: rakontisto Finnish:tarinankertoja (fi) French:diseur (fr) m , diseuse (fr) f , conteur (fr) ,conteuse (fr) f , raconteur (fr) m , raconteuse (fr) f German: Erzähler (de) m , Erzählerin (de) f Indonesian: pengisah Macedonian:раска́жувач m ( raskážuvač ) ,раскажу́вачка f ( raskažúvačka ) Norwegian: forteller (no) Polish:opowiadacz m , opowiadaczka f Portuguese: contador de histórias /estórias m , narrador (pt) m Romanian: povestitor (ro) m , povestitoare (ro) f , narator (ro) m , naratoare (ro) f Russian: расска́зчик (ru) m ( rasskázčik ) ,расска́зчица (ru) f ( rasskázčica ) Turkish: anlatıcı (tr) ,anlatan
bank clerk who receives and pays out money
Armenian:գանձապահ (hy) ( ganjapah ) Azerbaijani:xəzinədar ,kassir Belarusian:касі́р m ( kasír ) Bulgarian: касиер m ( kasier ) Chinese: Mandarin: 出納員 / 出纳员 (zh) ( chūnàyuán ) Danish:kasserer c , bankkasserer c Dutch: bankbediende (nl) m or f Esperanto: bankkasisto Finnish:pankkivirkailija (fi) French:caissier (fr) m , caissière (fr) f German: Bankangestellter (de) m , Bankangestellte (de) f Greek: ταμίας (el) c ( tamías ) Indonesian: teller Irish:airgeadóir (bainc) m Italian: cassiere (it) m or f Japanese: 出納係 ( すいとうがかり, suitōkakari ) Korean:출납계 ( chullapgye ) Macedonian:ша́лтерски слу́жбеник m ( šálterski slúžbenik ) ,бла́гајник m ( blágajnik ) Malay: juruwang (ms) Maori:kaitatau moni Ottoman Turkish:وزنهجی ( vezneci ) Plautdietsch:Banktala m Polish: kasjer (pl) m , kasjerka (pl) f Portuguese: caixa (pt) m or f Romanian: casier (ro) m Russian: касси́р (ru) m ( kassír ) ,касси́рша (ru) f ( kassírša ) ( colloquial ) Slovene: blagajnik m , blagajničarka f Spanish: cajero (es) m , cajera (es) f Turkish: veznedar (tr) ,kasiyer (tr) Ukrainian:каси́р (uk) m ( kasýr )
person who counts the votes in an election
nominative plural oftel Fromtellen +-er .
Rhymes:-ɛlər Hyphenation:tel‧ler teller m (plural tellers ,diminutive tellertje n )
( mathematics ) numerator (the number or expression written above the line in a fraction)someone whocounts anydevice that displays numerical information such as aGeiger counter or atachometer → Indonesian:pembilang ( “ (mathematics) numerator ” ) ( semantic loan ) → Indonesian:teller ( “ someone who counts ” ) Unadapted borrowing fromEnglish teller , fromMiddle English tellere ( “ one who counts or enumerates; one who recounts or relates; teller ” ) . Standard spelling retain double l to avoid confusion with wordteler .
teller (plural teller -teller )
( banking ) teller : abank clerk whoreceives andpays outmoney .Synonym: juruwang ( Standard Malay ) From the verbtelle .
teller m (definite singular telleren ,indefinite plural tellere ,definite plural tellerne )
( arithmetic ) numerator (the number or expression written above the line in a fraction)teller
present tense oftelle teller
nominative plural oftel