they ,one ,somebody ( indefinite subject pronoun prefix ) Comanche subject pronouns
Prepends to demonstrative pronouns, making them refer to something previously mentioned. 1992 , Erik Münster (quoting anonymous), "Kinguaassiuutikkut nappaataava ",Atuagagdliutit Pasipiluppara kinguaassiuutitigut nappaat herpes pineqarsoralugu, tassami pineqartumut receptimi allassimammat tarnut Zovirax.Ta anna forkølelsessårinut atorneqarneq ajorpoq, ilaa? I strongly suspect that the person in question has the venereal disease of herpes, for a prescription for Zoviraxcream was written to the person in question.This is ineffective against cold sores, right? Causes doubling of the initial consonants of these pronouns:panna ,pinnga ,qanna and their adverbial correspondents (of whichqanna has two).
Bjørnum, S.:Grønlandsk grammatik , p. 106, 122. Atuagkat, 2003. ta-
Rōmaji transcription ofた ta-
third person singular nominativeproclitic Cf.Classical Nahuatl tla- .
object prefix: something ,things Used with transitive verbs.
Cf.Classical Nahuatl tla- .
ambiently ,environmentally Used with intransitive verbs and adjectives.
Wolgemuth, Carl et al. (2002 )Diccionario náhuatl de los municipios de Mecayapan y Tatahuicapan de Juárez, Veracruz [1] (in Spanish), second electronic edition,Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C. , page168 ta-
Alternative form ofto- FromProto-Malayic *tAr- .
Used to indicateinvoluntary aspect on a verb. Used to form a passive adjective that sometimes has the meaning of 'having been'. North Moluccan Malay [ edit ] FromMalay ter- .
IPA (key ) : /ta-/ Note: Just like any other prefixes in the language, it's usually unstressed in many words. ta-
Used to form or mark an involuntary verb, that can either be active or passive in the meaning. jatong ( “ to fall ” ) >ta jatong( “ to fall (accidentally) ” ) tandáng ( “ to kick ” ) >tatandáng ( “ to kick/to be kicked (accidentally) ” ) Used to form a passive adjective that sometimes can has the meaning of 'having been'. tutu ( “ to close ” ) >tatutu ( “ (having been) closed ” ) Inherited fromProto-Malayo-Polynesian *ta- .
imperative mood FromProto-Bantu *jíá- .
of ;class 8 possessive concord. of ;class 10 possessive concord. Cognate withTernate to- .
first-person singular clitic ,I ti wiji ―I am coldThe prefixta- follows West Makianvowel harmony , and as such may surface aste- ,ti- , orto- .