Borrowed fromLate Latinsynchronus, fromAncient Greekσύγχρονος(súnkhronos,“contemporaneous”), fromσῠν-(sŭn-,“with, together”) +χρόνος(khrónos,“time”). Bysurface analysis,syn- +chron- +-ous =synchrony +-ous; however, all related words (e.g.,synchronic,synchrony,synchronicity,diachronous,diachronic,diachrony,diachronicity) were coined later, either asback-formations from, or otherwise by analogy with the surface analysis of,synchronous.
synchronous (comparativemoresynchronous,superlativemostsynchronous)
- At the sametime, at the samefrequency.
- Synonyms:simultaneous,in phase,in sync,in step,synchronised,nonasynchronous,metachronous
- Antonyms:asynchronous,antisynchronous
- (computing, of communication) Single-threaded; blocking; occurring in the same thread as other computations, thereby preventing those computations from resuming until the communication is complete.
- Synonyms:blocking,modal,single-threaded
- Antonym:asynchronous
- Coordinate term:plesiochronous
2014, Richard Blewett, Andrew Clymer,Pro Asynchronous Programming with .NET, page25:Post is a “fire and forget” where the UI thread work is performed asynchronously; Send issynchronous in that the call blocks until the UI thread work has been performed.
at the same time
- Belarusian:сінхро́нны(sinxrónny)
- Bulgarian:синхронен(sinhronen),едновременен (bg)(ednovremenen)
- Chinese:
- Mandarin:同時的 /同时的 (zh)(tóngshí de),同步的 (zh)(tóngbù de)
- Czech:synchronní (cs)
- Danish:synkron
- Dutch:synchroon (nl)
- Finnish:synkroninen,samanaikainen (fi)
- French:synchrone (fr)
- German:synchron (de)
- Greek:σύγχρονος (el)(sýnchronos)
- Hungarian:szinkrón (hu),egyidejű (hu)
- Icelandic:samstilltur m
- Indonesian:sinkron (id)
- Italian:sincrono (it)
- Kazakh:синхронды(sinxrondy),синхрондық(sinxrondyq),синхронизмді(sinxronizmdı),ілеспе(ılespe)
- Maori:tukutahi,tautokorua
- Norwegian:
- Bokmål:synkron
- Nynorsk:synkron
- Persian:همگام (fa)(hamgâm),همزمان (fa)(hamzamān)
- Portuguese:síncrono (pt)
- Romanian:sincron (ro) m,în același timp
- Russian:синхро́нный (ru)(sinxrónnyj)
- Spanish:síncrono (es),sincrónico (es)
- Swedish:synkron (sv)
- Ukrainian:синхро́нний(synxrónnyj)