(uncountable) Sucrose in the form of small crystals, obtained fromsugar cane orsugar beet and used to sweeten food and drink.
1792, Francis Collingwood,The universal cook: and city and country housekeeper[2]:
To a pound of gooseberries take a pound and a half of double-refinedsugar. Clarify thesugar with water, a pint to a pound ofsugar, and when the syrup is cold, put the gooseberries single in your preserving pan, put the syrup to them, and set them on a gentle fire.
1895 April 1, “The Present Crisis”, inThe Sugar Cane[3], volume27, number309, page171:
There appears to be no prospect of success in attempting to combat the crisis by international arrangement, and any improvement insugar prices can only be looked for from a diminution of the production, either as a consequence of deficient crops, or of a reduction in manufacture.
2013, Robert Paarlberg,Food Politics: What Everyone Needs to Know?[4]:
Even in extreme cases such as chemical pollution in the Florida Everglades from heavily subsidizedsugar farming, strong regulations are routinely blocked by industry.
1915 September 18, “Drying Sugars Essential to Their Preservation”, inThe Louisiana Planter and Sugar Manufacturer[5], volume55:
The experience of sugar planters in Louisiana this year in holding theirsugars in warehouse for future sales at better prices has revealed again, as it has done heretofore, the fact that the presence of moisture in thesugars is inimical to their maintaining their standard of quality
1942, James E. Kraus,Effects of partial defoliation at transplanting time on subsequent[6]:
At the end of the second week there were less reducingsugars in the unpruned plants than in the previous week, but those in the pruned plants were the same.
1994, Peter J. Van Soest,Nutritional Ecology of the Ruminant[7]:
Generally speaking, plants have a much greater variety ofsugars and linkages than animal tissues have.
1998, A.J. Harborne,Phytochemical Methods A Guide to Modern Techniques of Plant Analysis[8]:
The major freesugars in plants are the monosaccharides, glucose and fructose (and the disaccharide sucros), together with traces of xylose, rhamnose and galactose.
Then there are the coffees, one with two sweeteners and no milk, one with one sweetener and milk, one with threesugars and a dash of milk, one with onesugar and lots of milk and finally her Uncle Samad who says that anything is fine.
2002, Mrs Sheila Hillier, David Kelleher,Researching Cultural Differences in Health,→ISBN, page94:
One respondent said that he had been told by his doctor that he had 'sugar' and diabetes, thus affirming for him the distinctiveness of the two illnesses. The distinction made sense to some of them as the relationship between diabetes and 'sugar' seemed to relate to their experiences of the West Indies, where 'sugar' was believed to be rare and diabetes common.
2003, Tom Lee,Above All We Ask Or Think,→ISBN, page53:
The veterinarian said his real problem was that he hadsugar, and not to concentrate on the problem with his eyes.
2004, Diane M. Parker, Ruth E. Mark,Reflections on a Life with Diabetes: A Memoir in Many Voices,→ISBN, page57:
Don't you love it when you start a new Disease - the pamphlets, the prescriptions, the attention? And the past turning ironic, cloudy, as if you'd added a chemical - my house painter saying he hassugar, reminding me of my mother demanding the sweet drool from every baby.
2008, De'lois Washington McMillan,Suppose Jesus Had Thrown in the Towel and Given Up on Us,→ISBN:
The doctor told me I hadsugar and would have to take pills.
2012, Bert Fraser-Reid,From Sugar to Splenda,→ISBN:
The memorable event was watching my father test urine, his or that of sundry other folks who had “sugar”, as diabetes was known in the rural hills of Jamaica where I grew up.
(dated) Anything resembling sugar in taste or appearance, especially in chemistry.
Sugar of lead (lead acetate) is a poisonous white crystalline substance with a sweet taste.
1717, M. de Fontenelle, “Upon the Iron of Plants”, inThe Lives of the French, Italian and German Philosophers[12]:
Mons. Lemery is of Opinion that Sweetness proceeds from a close Mixture of an Acid with a Sulphur, or with an Oyl that temperates and corrects it; he supports his Conjecture by the instance ofSugar of Saturn, so called from its Sweetness, which is Lead, a Metal insipid in its self, but very Sulphureous, dissolved by an Acid.
1788, Torbern Olof Bergman, “Of Magnesia”, in E. Cullen, transl.,Physical and chemical essays[13], volume 1, translation of original in Swedish, page448:
The fluor acid, the acid ofsugar, of phosphorus, and vitriol, separate magnelia from the acid of arsenic; but the acid of tartar, united with arsenicated magnesia, is generally found to compose a triple salt.
1904, “Process of Making Milk Sugar”, inThe American Sugar Industry and Beer Sugar Gazette[14], volume 6, page392:
Sugar of milk is now produced by partly chemical means from milk-whey, the product being about two and a half pounds per hundred pounds of whey.
Compliment orflattery used to disguise or render acceptable something obnoxious; honeyed or soothing words.
See, I've put sugar-plums on his coat for fancy buttons,sugared his shirt-frill, and put on a red almond to his hat-front.
1905, “The Duke of Castle Blanco”, inThe Quiver[16], page1007:
"There spoke the real British scorn," she said,sugaring her tea, "the fine British contempt for every other nation."
2002, Frank Tallis,Hidden Minds: A History of the Unconscious[17]:
Moreover, the residents recalled that the aristocrat's pet canary had become like a personal retainer, waking his master in the morning andsugaring his drink.
(transitive) To make (something unpleasant) seem less so.
She has a gift forsugaring what would otherwise be harsh words.
1890, Anson De Puy Van Buren,Michigan in her pioneer politics:
He also published the "Weekly Recorder," an indefinite title, which was his way ofsugaring what soon became in the region where it was published, Mt. Pleasant, Ohio, a very bitter pill.
1917, Mrs. Florence Guertin Tuttle,Give My Love to Maria[18]:
She shook her head sadly at him. "No, it won't do, Arthur. I'm not in a mood to besugared."
2001, Graham Fraser,René Lévesque and the Parti Québécois in Power[19]:
But step by step, aided by Claude Morin's arguments, Lévesque had led the party through the process ofsugaring what he saw as the pill of independence.
1851,J. D. H., “On Making Maple Syrup”, inThe Ohio Cultivator, volume 7, page91:
Tosugar off, I prefer using a kettle that will hold about half a. barrel; and boil over a brisk, steady fire, till on dropping some of the syrup into cold water it will break like glass, then dip it into wooden trays to cool, and when it is grained stir it briskly.
A long time ago my grandmother and I used to boil maple sap. When shesugared off, I stood there.
2004, Lois Sakany,Canada: A Primary Source Cultural Guide[20]:
During the spring in Quebec and Ontario, maple syrup is harvested, or "sugared off," a process which is usually celebrated as a social event.
(entomology) To apply sugar to trees or plants in order to catchmoths.
1876, W. Sandison, “Note on sugaring”, inThe Entomologist's Monthly Magazine[21], volume12, page207:
Some entomologists assert that it is useless tosugar when ivy is in bloom.
1921, Arthur Herbert Savory,Grain and Chaff from an English Manor[22]:
The latter are best taken by "sugaring" — painting patches of mixed beer and sugar on a series of tree trunks, and making several rounds at twilight with a lantern and a cyanide bottle.
2006, William J. Sutherland,Ecological Census Techniques: A Handbook[23]:
Sugaring attracts some species of moth that do not readily come to light.
1920, James A. Cooper,Tobias O' the Light: A Story of Cape Cod[24]:
"Oh,sugar! I suppose that's so," reflected Tobias, filling his pipe.
2007, Melinda Henneberger,If They Only Listened to Us: What Women Voters Want Politicians to Hear[25]:
But they do not even hope for such a thing in '08, and fear far worse: Sister Suzanne Thibault, a lifelong Republican so mild she shouts, “Oh,sugar!” when annoyed, posits that if Hillary Clinton were nominated, “She'd get killed, literally assassinated. We have too many right-wing people out there who would do that."
Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “semesuga”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega