FromMiddle Englishsukling,sukeling,sokeling, equivalent tosuck +-ling. Cognate withMiddle Dutchsogelinc(“suckling”),Dutchzuigeling(“suckling”),GermanSäugling(“suckling”).
suckling (pluralsucklings)
- Aninfant that is still beingbreastfed (beingsuckled) by its mother.
- A young mammal not yetweaned and still being fed milk by its mother.
infant that is still breastfeeding
young mammal which isn't weaned yet
- Bulgarian:сукалче (bg) n(sukalče)
- French:nourrisson (fr) m
- German:Milchkalb n(calf),Spanferkel (de) n(piglet)
- Macedonian:цицалче n(cicalče)
- Romanian:sugar (ro) m
- Russian:сосуно́к (ru) m(sosunók),сосу́н (ru) m(sosún)
- Spanish:mamantón (es)(adj.)
- Volapük:(♂♀)sügäb (vo)(any mammal),(♂)hisügäb,(♀)jisügäb,(♂♀)sugäb,(calf, ♂♀)sugabubül,(lamb, ♂♀)sugajipül,(piglet, ♂♀)sugasvinül (vo)
Fromsuckle +-ing.
- presentparticiple andgerund ofsuckle
suckling (pluralsucklings)
- The act ofsuckling.
- Webster's Seventh New Collegiate Dictionary, Springfield, Massachusetts, G.&C. Merriam Co., 1967