The set is a both asubset and apropersubset of while the set is asubset of but not a propersubset of.
1963, David B. MacNeil,Modern Mathematics for the Practical Man,David Van Nostrand, Republished as 2013, David B. MacNeil,Fundamentals of Modern Mathematics: A Practical Review,Dover,page 3,
In the foregoing example, the setD of the first four letters of the alphabet, was asubset of the setA of all the letters of the alphabet, becauseA includes all the members ofD.
2007, Judith D. Sally, Paul J. Sally, Jr.,Roots to Research: A Vertical Development of Mathematical Problems,American Mathematical Society,page280:
We say that a set has afinite partition intosubsets, if, where thesubsets are pairwise disjoint, that is,, if. (We do not require that thesubsets be nonempty.)
A group of things or people, all of which are in a specified larger group.
We asked asubset of the population of the town for their opinion.