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A doctor straddled by a skeleton



As a verb, attested since the 1560s. Most likely, an alteration of dialectalstriddle. The noun is first attested in the 1610s.





straddle (third-person singular simple presentstraddles,present participlestraddling,simple past and past participlestraddled)

  1. (transitive) Tosit orstand with aleg on each side of something; to sitastride.
    • 1749, [John Cleland], “(Please specify the letter or volume)”, inMemoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill], London: [] [Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e., Fenton andRalph Griffiths] [],→OCLC:
      But guess my surprise, when I saw the lazy young rogue lie down on his back, and gently pull down Polly upon him, who giving way to his humour,straddled, and with her hands conducted her blind favourite to the right place
    • 1853, Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Minotaur:
      As they approached the entrance of the port, the giantstraddled clear across it, with a foot firmly planted on each headland,
  2. (transitive) To be on both sides of something; to have parts that are in different places, regions, etc.
    • 1978, Jimmy Carter,Proclamation 4627:
      The mountain-ringed Yukon Flats basinstraddles the Arctic Circle and is bisected by the Yukon River.
    • 1985 February 9, “Black History Month”, inGay Community News, volume12, number29, page 4:
      Those in our movement who are Black and muststraddle two movements, fighting the racism of the gay community along with the heterosexism in white institutions and in communities of color.
  3. (transitive) To consider or favor two apparently opposite sides; to benoncommittal.
    Wanting to please both sides, hestraddled the issue.
  4. (transitive) To form a disorderlysprawl; to spread out irregularly.
    This weedstraddles the entire garden.
    Conservation and Management ofStraddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
  5. (military) Tofire successiveartilleryshots in front of and behind of atarget, especially in order to determine itsrange (the term "bracket" is often used instead).
  6. (poker) To place a voluntaryraise prior to receiving cards (only by the first player after theblinds).
  7. (intransitive) To stand with the endsstaggered; said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub.
  8. (economics) Toexecute acommodities marketspread.

Related terms



to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something
to be on both sides of something
to consider or favor two apparently opposite sides
to form a disorderly sprawl
to fire shots in front and behind of a target
to execute a commodities market spread
  • German:



straddle (pluralstraddles)

EnglishWikipedia has an article on:
  1. Aposture in which onestraddles something.
  2. (military) Apair orsalvo of successiveartilleryshots falling both in front of and behind atarget.
    The first salvo fell short; the next was long; the third was astraddle.
  3. (finance) Aninvestmentstrategy involving simultaneoustrade with put and call options on the same security at the samestrike price, giving a non-directional position sensitive tovolatility.
  4. (poker) A voluntaryraise made prior to receiving cards by the first player after theblinds.
  5. (mining) Avertical mine-timber supporting a set.
  6. A part of aharness placed on theback of abeast of burden (such as ahorse ordonkey) to carry theweight of aload.

Derived terms



finance: investment strategy
poker: raise made prior to receiving cards
part of a harness



straddle (notcomparable)

  1. Astride.
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