A doctor straddled by a skeleton As a verb, attested since the 1560s. Most likely, an alteration of dialectalstriddle . The noun is first attested in the 1610s.
straddle (third-person singular simple present straddles ,present participle straddling ,simple past and past participle straddled )
( transitive ) Tosit orstand with aleg on each side of something; to sitastride .1749 , [John Cleland ], “(Please specify the letter or volume) ”, inMemoirs of a Woman of Pleasure [Fanny Hill ], London: [ … ] [ Thomas Parker] for G. Fenton [i.e. , Fenton andRalph Griffiths ] [ … ] ,→OCLC :But guess my surprise, when I saw the lazy young rogue lie down on his back, and gently pull down Polly upon him, who giving way to his humour,straddled , and with her hands conducted her blind favourite to the right place
1853 , Nathaniel Hawthorne,The Minotaur :As they approached the entrance of the port, the giantstraddled clear across it, with a foot firmly planted on each headland,
( transitive ) To be on both sides of something; to have parts that are in different places, regions, etc.1978 , Jimmy Carter,Proclamation 4627 :The mountain-ringed Yukon Flats basinstraddles the Arctic Circle and is bisected by the Yukon River.
1985 February 9, “Black History Month”, inGay Community News , volume12 , number29 , page 4:Those in our movement who are Black and muststraddle two movements, fighting the racism of the gay community along with the heterosexism in white institutions and in communities of color.
( transitive ) To consider or favor two apparently opposite sides; to benoncommittal .Wanting to please both sides, hestraddled the issue.
( transitive ) To form a disorderlysprawl ; to spread out irregularly.This weedstraddles the entire garden.
Conservation and Management ofStraddling Fish Stocks and Highly Migratory Fish Stocks
( military ) Tofire successiveartillery shots in front of and behind of atarget , especially in order to determine itsrange (the term "bracket " is often used instead).( poker ) To place a voluntaryraise prior to receiving cards (only by the first player after theblinds ).( intransitive ) To stand with the endsstaggered ; said of the spokes of a wagon wheel where they join the hub.( economics ) Toexecute acommodities market spread .to sit or stand with a leg on each side of something
Arabic:اِمْتَطَى ( imtaṭā ) Bulgarian:възсядам (bg) ( vǎzsjadam ) Chinese:Mandarin:跨 (zh) ( kuà ) ,跨骑 ,横跨 (zh) ( héngkuà ) Dutch:schrijlings zitten op Finnish:istua hajareisin jonkin päällä ,ratsastaa (fi) ( to sit ) ;seisoa hajareisin jonkin päällä( to stand ) French:enfourcher (fr) ,se mettre à califourchon German:grätschen (de) ,spreizen (de) ,breitbeinig stehen ,mit gespreizten Beinen stehen ,rittlings sitzen Hindi:पैर फैलाकर बैठना ( pair phailākar baiṭhnā ) ,दोनों ओर टाँगें करके बैठना ( donõ or ṭāṅgẽ karke baiṭhnā ) ,बताने के लिये अनिच्छुक होना ( batāne ke liye anicchuk honā ) Hungarian:terpeszt (hu) ,szétvetett lábbal /lovaglóülésben (meg) ül Italian:divaricare (it) ,sedersi a cavalcioni Japanese:跨がる (ja) ( またがる, matagaru ) Latin:vārīcō Lithuanian:apžergti ,apsižergti ,sėdėti apžergus Occitan:escambarlar ,encambar (oc) ,enforcar ,aforcar Ottoman Turkish:بینمك ( binmek ) Portuguese:montar (pt) m Russian:сидеть верхом ( sidetʹ verxom ) Serbo-Croatian:opkoračiti (sh) ,objahati (sh) Spanish:a horcajadas (es) ,ahorcajarse (es) Swedish:grensla (sv) ,gränsla Turkish:bacaklarını ayırmak Ukrainian:розставити ноги ( rozstavyty nohy ) ,сидіти верхи ( sydity verxy )
to be on both sides of something
Finnish:ulottua yli ,ylittää (fi) ,jatkua molemmin puolin German:überspannen (de) ,überbrücken (de) ,überdecken (de) ,abdecken (de) ,überspreizen ,sich über beide Seiten erstrecken Hungarian:összeköt (hu) ,két oldalán fekszik /terül el ,közrefog (hu) Walloon:asdjambler (wa) ,ascoxhî (wa)
to consider or favor two apparently opposite sides
to form a disorderly sprawl
to fire shots in front and behind of a target
to execute a commodities market spread
straddle (plural straddles )
Aposture in which onestraddles something. ( military ) Apair orsalvo of successiveartillery shots falling both in front of and behind atarget .The first salvo fell short; the next was long; the third was astraddle .
( finance ) Aninvestment strategy involving simultaneoustrade with put and call options on the same security at the samestrike price , giving a non-directional position sensitive tovolatility .( poker ) A voluntaryraise made prior to receiving cards by the first player after theblinds .( mining ) Avertical mine-timber supporting a set.A part of aharness placed on theback of abeast of burden (such as ahorse ordonkey ) to carry theweight of aload . finance: investment strategy
poker: raise made prior to receiving cards
straddle (notcomparable )
Astride .