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See also:Stem,STEM,stém,andstêm


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Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishstem,stemme,stempne,stevin, fromOld Englishstemn, fromProto-West Germanic*stamni, fromProto-Germanic*stamniz, ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*steh₂-(to stand, stay).



stem (pluralstems)

  1. The stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors.
  2. A branch of a family.
    1. (taxonomy) A branch, or group of branches, located outside afamily or othercladistic group, but which is more closely related to that group than to any othertaxon of the same rank.
  3. An advanced or leading position; the lookout.
    • 1655,Thomas Fuller,The Church-history of Britain; [], London: [] Iohn Williams [],→OCLC,(please specify |book=I to XI):
      Wolsey sat at thestem more than twenty years.
  4. (botany) The above-groundstalk (technicallyaxis) of a vascularplant, and certain anatomically similar, below-groundorgans such asrhizomes,bulbs,tubers, andcorms.
    • 1736, SirWalter Raleigh,The History of the World in Five Books:
      After they are shot up thirty feet in length, they spread a very large top, having no bough nor twig in the trunk or thestem.
  5. Aslender supporting member of an individual part of a plant such as a flower or a leaf; also, by analogy, the shaft of a feather.
    thestem of an apple or a cherry
    • 2013 May-June,William E. Conner, “An Acoustic Arms Race”, inAmerican Scientist, volume101, number 3, pages206–7:
      Earless ghost swift moths become “invisible” to echolocating bats by forming mating clusters close (less than half a meter) above vegetation and effectively blending into the clutter of echoes that the bat receives from the leaves andstems around them.
  6. A narrow part on certain man-made objects, such as awine glass, a tobacco pipe, a spoon.
  7. (linguistics) The main part of anuninflected word to whichaffixes may be added to form inflections of the word. A stem often has a more fundamentalroot. Systematicconjugations anddeclensions derive from their stems.
  8. (slang) A person'sleg.
    • 2008, Lori Wilde, Rhonda Nelson, Cara Summers,August Harlequin Blaze:
      She was perfectly, fuckably proportioned everywhere else, both above and below her waist. A pocket-size Venus, with the longeststems he'd ever seen on someone so dang diminutive.
  9. (slang) Thepenis.
    • 2005, Eric Bogosian,Wasted Beauty, page135:
      Waves of ecstasy roll through him as the moustachioed Casanova slides hisstem in and out of the spaced-out chick.
  10. (typography) A vertical stroke of a letter.
  11. (music) A vertical stroke marking the length of a note in written music.
  12. (music) A premixed portion of a track for use in audio mastering and remixing.
    • 2019, Karl Pedersen, Mark Grimshaw-Aagaard,The Recording, Mixing, and Mastering Reference Handbook, Oxford University Press,→ISBN,page268:
      Stem mastering processes a mix by breaking it down into several manageable pieces—that is, stereostems. Thestem approach allows the mastering engineer the opportunity to make larger or smaller changes to separate mix elements before the final compression and limiting are applied to the complete mix.
  13. (nautical) The vertical or nearly vertical forward extension of thekeel, to which the forward ends of the planks orstrakes are attached.
  14. (cycling) A component on a bicycle that connects thehandlebars to the bicycle fork.
  15. (anatomy) A part of an anatomic structure considered without its possible branches or ramifications.
  16. (slang) Acrack pipe; or the long, hollow portion of a similar pipe (i.e. meth pipe) resembling a crack pipe.
  17. (chiefly British) Awinder on a clock, watch, or similar mechanism.
Derived terms
stock of a family; a race or generation of progenitors
branch of a family
advanced or leading position
botany: above-ground stalk of a vascular plant
slender supporting member for an individual part of a plant
narrow supporting structure on certain man-made objects
linguistics: main part of a word
typography: vertical stroke of a letter
music: vertical stroke of a symbol representing a note in written music
nautical: forward vertical extension of the keel
Component on a bicycle that connects the handlebars to the bicycle fork
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked

stem”, inCollins English Dictionary.



stem (third-person singular simple presentstems,present participlestemming,simple past and past participlestemmed)

  1. Toremove thestem from.
    tostem cherries; tostem tobacco leaves
  2. To becaused orderived; tooriginate.
    The current crisisstems from the short-sighted politics of the previous government.
    • 2023 June 2, H Conley, “Studies show top surgery is safe for fat patients, but some surgeons still mandate weight loss”, inSTAT[1]:
      Weight stigma oftenstems from an idea that patients are at fault for their body size.
  3. Todescend in afamilyline.
  4. Todirect thestem (of a ship) against; to makeheadway against.
  5. (obsolete) Tohit with thestem of a ship; toram.
    • 1596, Edmund Spenser,The Faerie Queene, IV.ii:
      As when two warlike Brigandines at sea, / With murdrous weapons arm'd to cruell fight, / Doe meete together on the watry lea, / Theystemme ech other with so fell despight, / That with the shocke of their owne heedlesse might, / Their wooden ribs are shaken nigh a sonder[]
  6. Toram (clay, etc.) into ablastinghole.
to remove the stem from
to be caused or derived
to descend in a family line
to direct the stem of a ship against something
to hit with the stem of a ship; to ram
to ram something into a blasting hole

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishstemmen, a borrowing fromOld Norsestemma(to stop, stem, dam) (whenceDanishstemme/stæmme(to stem, dam up)), fromProto-Germanic*stammijaną. Cognate withGermanstemmen,Middle Dutchstemmen,stempen. Comparestammer.



stem (third-person singular simple presentstems,present participlestemming,simple past and past participlestemmed)

  1. (transitive) Tostop, hinder (for instance, a river or blood).
    tostem a tide
    • 1636 (date written),John Denham, “The Destruction of Troy, an Essay upon the Second Book ofVirgilsÆneis”, inPoems and Translations, with The Sophy, 4th edition, London: [] [John Macock] forH[enry] Herringman [], published1668,→OCLC:
      [They]stem the flood with their erected breasts.
    • 1711 May, [Alexander Pope],An Essay on Criticism, London: [] W[illiam] Lewis []; and sold by W[illiam] Taylor [], T[homas] Osborn[e] [], and J[ohn] Graves [],→OCLC:
      Stemm'd the wild torrent of a barbarous age.
  2. (skiing) To move the feet apart and point the tips of the skis inward in order to slow down the speed or to facilitate a turn.
  3. In rock climbing, to use a stance with the feet spread apart, bracing them in opposite directions against the two walls of a chimney or dihedral.
to stop, hinder
skiing: to point the skis inward

Etymology 3




stem (pluralstems)

  1. Alternative form ofsteem

Etymology 4


Acronym ofscience,technology,engineering, (and)mathematics.



stem (pluralstems)

  1. Alternative form ofSTEM
    • 2015 May 29, BBC News,How do US black students perform at school?:
      Stem (science, technology, engineering and mathematics) fields are a particular cause for concern because within them there are more pronounced stereotypes, extreme competitiveness and gender inequities regarding the abilities and competencies of black male and female students.

Further reading


Etymology 5


Blend ofstud +‎femme



stem (pluralstems)

  1. Alternative spelling ofstemme(lesbian who combinesstud andfemme traits)







Etymology 1


FromDutchstem, fromMiddle Dutchstemme, fromOld Dutch*stemma, fromProto-Germanic*stebnō,*stamnijō.



stem (pluralstemme)

  1. vote
  2. voice
    • 1921, “Die Stem van Suid-Afrika”, C.J. Langenhoven (lyrics), M.L. de Villiers (music), South Africa:
      Ruis diestem van ons geliefde, van ons land Suid-Afrika.
      Rises thevoice of our beloved, of our country South Africa.

Etymology 2





stem (presentstem,present participlestemmende,past participlegestem)

  1. tovote





FromMiddle Dutchstemme, fromOld Dutch*stemma, fromProto-West Germanic*stebnu, fromProto-Germanic*stebnō,*stamnijō. Under influence of Latinvox(voice, word), it acquired the now obsolete sense of “word”.





stem f (pluralstemmen,diminutivestemmetje n)

  1. voice,sound made by the mouth using airflow
  2. theability tospeak
    Zij is haarstem kwijt.She’s lost hervoice.
  3. vote
  4. (obsolete)word
  5. (phonetics)voice, property formed byvibration of thevocal cords

Derived terms







  1. inflection ofstemmen:
    1. first-personsingularpresentindicative
    2. (in case ofinversion)second-personsingularpresentindicative
    3. imperative







FromEnglishstem, fromMiddle Englishstem,stemme,stempne,stevin, fromOld Englishstemn, fromProto-Germanic*stamniz, ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*steh₂-(to stand, stay).





stem (pluralstem-stem)

  1. stem:
    1. (nautical) the vertical or nearly vertical forward extension of the keel, to which the forward ends of the planks or strakes are attached
    2. (linguistics) the main part of anuninflected word to whichaffixes may be added to form inflections of the word. A stem often has a more fundamentalroot. Systematicconjugations anddeclensions derive from their stems
    3. (music) a vertical stroke marking the length of a note in written music

Further reading









  1. first-personsingularpresentactivesubjunctive ofstō

Norwegian Bokmål





  1. imperative ofstemme

Norwegian Nynorsk





  1. imperative ofstemme

Tok Pisin








  1. stamp
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