Thenoun is borrowed fromFrenchsortie(“act of exiting; exit, way out; (military) sally, sortie”), thefemininepastparticiple ofsortir(“to exit, go out”),[1] fromOld Frenchsortir, fromLatinsortīrī, thepresentactiveinfinitive ofsortior(“to cast or draw lots; to choose, select; to distribute, divide; to obtain, receive; to share”), fromsors(“something used to determine chances, a lot; casting or drawing of lots; decision by lot; a share”) (ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*ser-(“to bind, tie together; a thread”)), possibly influenced bysurrēctus(“arisen, having been caused to arise; gotten up, having been gotten up”), theperfectpassive participle ofsurgō(“to arise, get up, rise”), fromsubrigō(“to lift up; to straighten”), fromsub-(prefix meaning ‘beneath, under’) +regō(“to direct, guide, steer; to govern, rule; to manage, oversee”) (ultimately fromProto-Indo-European*h₃reǵ-(“to right oneself, straighten; just; right”)).
1827,John T[homas] Jones, “[Notes.] Note 35[Observations on the Several Sorties Made by the Garrisons of the Places Besieged in Spain].”, inJournals of Sieges Carried on by the Army under theDuke of Wellington, in Spain, between the Years 1811 and 1814.[…], volume II, London:[…][C. Roworth] forT[homas] Egerton,[…],→OCLC,page369:
The events of these sieges show that a bold and vigoroussortie in force might carry destruction through every part of a besieger's approaches, where the guard is injudiciously disposed and ill commanded; but that if due precautions have been observed in forming the approaches and posting the defenders, anysortie from a besieged place must be checked with loss in their advance, when the approaches are still distant; or when the approaches are near, should asortie succeed in pushing into them by a sudden rush, the assailants must inevitably be driven out again in a moment, with terrible slaughter.
2019 May 8, Aron Heller, “These Jewish World War II Veterans Would Be Legends, if People Knew Their Stories”, inThe New York Times[1],→ISSN:
Their aircraft had no belly gunners and were at the mercy of Luftwaffe fighters that attacked from below. Whenever they lifted off on a mission, they departed with the knowledge that thissortie could easily be their last.
2022 March 22, Maria Varenikova, Andrew E. Kramer, “How Ukraine’s Outgunned Air Force Is Fighting Back Against Russian Jets”, inThe New York Times[2],→ISSN:
They are vastly outnumbered: Russia is believed to fly some 200sorties per day while Ukraine flies five to 10.
2007 April 14, Ed Vulliamy, “Absolute MacInnes”, inThe Guardian[3]:
‘I'm just not interested in the whole class crap that seems to needle you and all the tax-payers,’ the teenager tells some ‘pre-historic monster’ of an adult, with a ‘cool’ snobbishness which MacInnes's companion on many of his Notting Hillsorties, the late Professor Richard Wollheim, compared to the ‘Sang Froid’ of Baudelaire's Dandy as he cruised through Fin-de-Siecle Paris with a similar sensibility, or lack of it.
[I]t was all encompassed by the palisades and breastworks, to which were but threesorties, whence the defenders might sally, or through which at need the vanguard might secure a retreat.
series of aerial photographs taken during the flight of an aircraft
photography session
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
1987, Christopher Shores, Brian Cull, with Nicola Malizia, “The Battles of Spring”, inAir War for Yugoslavia, Greece and Crete 1940–41, London: Grub Street,→ISBN,pages99–100:
Five Italian warships identified as two cruisers and three destroyers,sortied down the Albanian coast during the morning of 4 March and commenced shelling the coastal road nearHimara and Port Palermo, under cover of a strong fighter escort of G.50bis and CR 42s from the 24º Gruppo CT.