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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishsmothe,smethe, fromOld Englishsmēþe,smōþ, both fromProto-West Germanic*smanþī, of unknown origin. Cognate withScotssmuith(smooth),Low Germansmood andsmödig(smooth, malleable, ductile),Dutchsmeuïg(smooth) (from earliersmeudig).





smooth (comparativesmoother,superlativesmoothest)

  1. Having a texture that lacksfriction. Notrough.
    • 1695,C[harles] A[lphonse] du Fresnoy, translated byJohn Dryden,De Arte Graphica. The Art of Painting, [], London: [] J[ohn] Heptinstall for W. Rogers, [],→OCLC:
      The outlines must besmooth,[]imperceptible to the touch, and even, without eminence or cavities.
    • 1907 August,Robert W[illiam] Chambers, chapter IX, inThe Younger Set, New York, N.Y.:D. Appleton & Company,→OCLC:
      “A tight little craft,” was Austin’s invariable comment on the matron; and she looked it, always trim and trig andsmooth of surface like a converted yacht cleared for action. ¶ Near her wandered her husband, orientally bland, invariably affable, [].
    • 2005, Lesley Brown,Sophist, translation of original byPlato, page229e:
      Teaching that’s done by talking seems to have one rough path and another part which issmoother.
  2. Withoutdifficulty,problems, orunexpected consequences or incidents.
    We hope for asmooth transition to the new system.
    • 2011, Phil McNulty, “Euro 2012: Montenegro 2-2 England”, inBBC[1]:
      England's path to Poland and Ukraine next summer looked to be asmooth one as goals from Ashley Young and Darren Bent gave them a comfortable lead after 31 minutes.
    • 2019 June 19, Elisabeth Malkin and Ana Swanson, “Mexico Ratifies Trade Deal With the U.S. and Canada”, inThe New York Times[2]:
      The path to approval has been bumpiest in Washington, where Democrats in Congress have raised concerns over Mexico’s enforcement of labor rights and environmental law — andsmoothest in Mexico, where the president has described the accord as a guarantee of stability for his country’s economy.
  3. Bland;glib.
  4. Flowing or uttered without check, obstruction, or hesitation; not harsh; fluent.
    • 1670, John Milton,The History of Britain:
      the onlysmooth poet of those times
    • 1737, [Alexander Pope],The FirstEpistle of the Second Book ofHorace, Imitated, London: [] T. Cooper, [],→OCLC,page16:
      VValler vvasſmooth; butDryden taught to join / The varying verſe, the full reſounding line, / The long majetſic march, and energy divine.
    • 1713 (indicated as1714),[John] Gay, “Book III”, inThe Fan. A Poem. [], London: [] J[acob] Tonson, [],→OCLC,page23:
      VVhen brightMinerva roſe, / From her ſvveet Lipsſmooth Elocution flovvs,[]
  5. Suave;sophisticated.
    • 2003, T. Lewis Humphrey,The Price of Love,→ISBN, page279:
      He was sosmooth and handsome. He knew just what to say and when to say it.
  6. (of an action)Natural;unconstrained.
    • 2006, Mary Kay Moskal, Camille Blachowicz,Reading for Fluency,→ISBN, page 3:
      In order for a reading to besmooth and effortless, readers must be able to recognize and read words accurately, automatically, and quickly.
  7. (of a motion)Unbroken.
  8. (chiefly of water)Placid, calm.
  9. (of an edge)Lackingprojections orindentations; notserrated.
  10. (of food or drink) Notgrainy; having aneven texture.
    • 1997, Lou Seibert Pappas,Sorbets and Ice Creams,→ISBN, page19:
      A compact and stylish design, it produces 1 generous quart of excellent,smooth ice cream in 20 to 25 minutes.
  11. (of a beverage) Having apleasantlyrounded flavor; neitherrough norastringent.
  12. (mathematics, of a function) Havingderivatives of allfiniteorders at all points within the function’sdomain.
  13. (mathematics, of a number) Thatfactors completely into smallprime numbers.
  14. (linguistics, classical studies, of a vowel) Lacking markedaspiration.
  15. (of muscles, medicine) Involuntary andnon-striated.


  • (having a texture lacking friction):even
  • (without difficulty or problems):fluid



Derived terms



lacking friction, not rough
without difficulty
bland; glib
suave; sophisticated
action: natural; unconstrained
motion: unbroken
placid, calm
edge: lacking projections or indentations; not serrated
food or drink: not grainy; having an even texture
beverage: having a pleasantly rounded flavor; neither rough nor astringent
mathematics, of a function: Having derivatives of all finite orders at all points within the function’s domain
linguistics, classical studies, of a vowel: lacking marked aspiration



smooth (comparativesmoother,superlativesmoothest)

  1. Smoothly.



smooth (pluralsmooths)

  1. Something that issmooth, or that goes smoothly and easily.
  2. Asmoothing action.
    • 2006, Julienne Van Loon,Road Story[4],→ISBN, page12:
      She brushes down her hair with a little bit of spit and asmooth of her hand and opens the bright green door, walking a few metres, squinting.
  3. A domesticanimal having a smoothcoat.
    • 1916, William Ernest Castle, Sewall Wright,Studies of Inheritance in Guinea-pigs and Rats[5], page104:
      In the 4-toe stock there is a wide gap between the lowest rough and thesmooths which come from the same parents.
  4. A member of an anti-hippie fashion movement in 1970s Britain.
    • 1999, Peter Childs, Mike Storry,Encyclopedia of Contemporary British Culture[6],→ISBN, page188:
      By the early 1970s, skinhead culture began to mutate into the variant ‘white ethnic’ styles of the suedeheads andsmooths.
  5. (statistics) Theanalysis obtained through asmoothing procedure.
    • 1990, Wolfgang Härdle,Applied Nonparametric Regression[7],→ISBN, page17:
      Asmooth of the potato data set has already been given in Figure 1.2.


something which is smooth or easy
smoothing action
domestic animal having a smooth coat
member of an anti-hippie fashion movement in 1970s Britain
statistics: analysis obtained through a smoothing procedure



smooth (third-person singular simple presentsmooths,present participlesmoothing,simple past and past participlesmoothed)

  1. (transitive) To make smooth or even.
    • 1961, William Gibson,The Miracle Worker[8],→ISBN, page37:
      Shesmooths her skirt, looking as composed and ladylike as possible.
  2. (transitive) Toreduce to a particular shape or form bypressure; topress, toflatten.
    tosmooth cloth with asmoothing iron
  3. (transitive) To makestraightforward oreasy.
    • 2007, Beth Kohn,Lonely Planet Venezuela, page379:
      Caracas can be a tough place but the tremendously good-natured caraqueñossmoothed my passage every step of the way.
  4. (transitive) Tocalm orpalliate.
    tosmooth a person's temper
  5. (statistics, image processing, digital audio) To capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise.
    • 1999, Murray R. Spiegel, Larry J. Stephens,Schaum’s Outline of Theory and Problems of Statistics[9],→ISBN, page457:
      [] the 7-month moving averages provide bettersmoothing of the data in this case than do the 3-month moving averages.
  6. (West Country) Tostroke; especially to stroke an animal's fur.
    Can Ismooth your cat?

Derived terms



make smooth
statistics: capture important patterns in the data, while leaving out noise

See also



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