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See also:Sister




PIE word

FromMiddle Englishsister,suster, fromOld Englishswustor,sweoster,sweostor(sister, nun); fromProto-Germanic*swestēr(sister), fromProto-Indo-European*swésōr(sister).

Cognate withScotssister,syster(sister),West Frisiansus,suster(sister),Dutchzuster(sister),GermanSchwester(sister),Norwegian Bokmålsøster(sister),Norwegian Nynorsk andSwedishsyster(sister),Icelandicsystir(sister),Gothic𐍃𐍅𐌹𐍃𐍄𐌰𐍂(swistar,sister),Latinsoror(sister),Russianсестра́(sestrá,sister),Lithuaniansesuo(sister),Albanianvajzë(girl, maiden),Sanskritस्वसृ(svásṛ,sister),Persianخواهر(xâhar,sister).

In standard English, the form withi is due to contamination withOld Norsesystir(sister).

The pluralsistren is fromMiddle Englishsistren, a variant plural ofsister,suster(sister); comparebrethren.





sister (pluralsistersor(archaic in most senses)sistren)

  1. Adaughter of the same parents as another person; a femalesibling.
    Mysister is always driving me crazy.
  2. A female member of areligious order; especially one devoted to more activeservice;(informal) anun.
    Coordinate terms:brother,friar,frater
    Michelle left behind her bank job and became asister at the local convent.
  3. Any butterfly in thegenusAdelpha, so named for the resemblance of the dark-colored wings to the blackhabit traditionally worn bynuns.
  4. (British) A senior or supervisorynurse, often in a hospital.
    Synonym:charge nurse
  5. Any woman or girl with whom a bond is felt through the same biological sex, gender or common membership in a community, race, profession, religion, organization, orism.
    Connie was very close to her friend Judy and considered her to be hersister.
    • 1985, “Sisters Are Doin’ It for Themselves”, inWho’s Zoomin' Who?, performed byEurythmics andAretha Franklin:
      Sisters are doing it for themselves / Standing on their own two feet
  6. (African-American Vernacular, slang, sometimes capitalized) Ablack woman.
    • 2006, Noire[pseudonym],Thug-A-Licious: An Urban Erotic Tale, New York, N.Y.:One World,Ballantine Books,→ISBN,page169:
      A flysister rolled in with a suitcase full of hip-hop novels calledThe Glamorous Life, and an African brother with long dreads wanted to sell them some incense and some fake Jacob watches.
    • 2009, Rajen Persaud,Why Black Men Love White Women, Simon and Schuster,→ISBN, page171:
      The short “naps” of the averageSister do not sway in the wind as that of a blonde.
    • 2014, J. L. King,Full Circle: Loving. Living. Life. After The Down Low:
      And now, social media has made it worse. From Facebook to Twitter, I get all kinds of invitations. Recently asister inboxed me on Facebook and told me that she knew for a fact that I wanted her and she wanted me.
  7. (informal)A form of address to a woman.
    Synonyms:darling,dear,love,(US)lady,miss,(northern UK)pet
    What’s up,sister?
  8. A female fellow member of areligious community,church, trades union etc.
    Thank you,sister. I would like to thank thesister who just spoke.
  9. (attributively) An entity that has a special oraffectionate, non-hierarchical relationship with another.
    sister publication
    sister city
    sister projects
  10. (computingtheory) Anode in adata structure that shares itsparent with another node.
  11. (usually attributively) Something in the same class.
    sister ships
    sister facility
    • 2000, Dennis W. Stevenson, Jerrold I. Davis, John V. Freudenstein, Christopher R. Hardy, Mark P. Simmons, Chelsea D. Specht, “A phylogenetic analysis of the monocotyledons based on morphological and molecular character sets, with comments on the placement ofAcorus and Hydatellaceae”, inKaren L[ouise] Wilson, David A. Morrison, editors,Monocots: Systematics and Evolution, Collingwood, Vic.:CSIRO Publishing,→ISBN, page21, column 1:
      Within the ABCZ clade, Arecanae aresister of a group that includes all of the other taxa, and the latter fall into two major clades.
    • 2006,Linguistics, number401, page11:
      Karimi (1999) and Cheng et al. (1997), among others, on the other hand, assume that specific objects are base-generated at SpecVP, whereas nonspecific objects aresister of V.
    • 2016,Bruce M. Beehler, Thane K. Pratt,Birds of New Guinea: Distribution, Taxonomy, and Systematics, Princeton, N.J., Woodstock, Oxon:Princeton University Press,→ISBN, page220:
      The bee-eaters aresister to a clade that includes the rollers, ground-rollers, todies, motmots, and kingfishers (Cracraft 2013).

Usage notes

  • InRoman Catholicism, a distinction is often drawn (especially by members of femalereligious orders) between nuns and sisters, the former being cloistered and devoted primarily to prayer, the latter being more active, doing work such as operating hospitals, caring for the poor, or teaching.
  • The pluralsistren is no longer commonly used for biological sisters in contemporary English (although it was in the past) but may be found in some religious, feminist, or poetic usage.

Coordinate terms


Derived terms


Related terms





Seesister/translations § Noun.



sister (third-person singular simple presentsisters,present participlesistering,simple past and past participlesistered)

  1. (transitive, construction) Tostrengthen (a supportingbeam) by fastening a second beam alongside it.
    I’m trying to correct my sagging floor bysistering the joists.
  2. (obsolete, transitive) To besister to; to resemble closely.


strengthen by fastening a second beam alongside
to resemble closely

Further reading




Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofsuster





FromMiddle Englishsister,syster, forms ofsuster influenced byOld Norsesystir, fromOld Englishsweostor,swustor,sweoster, fromProto-Germanic*swestēr, fromProto-Indo-European*swésōr.





sister (pluralsisteris)

  1. sister

Derived terms

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