Latinsistō(“I bring to a stand, stop”).
sist (third-person singular simple presentsists,present participlesisting,simple past and past participlesisted)
- (law, Scotland) Tostay (e.g. judicial proceedings); to delay or suspend; to stop
- (law, Scotland) to cause to take a place, as at thebar of acourt; hence, tocite; tosummon; to bring into court
1852,William Hamilton,Discussions on Philosophy and Literature, Education and University Reform:Some, however, have preposterouslysisted nature as the first or generative principle.
sist (pluralsists)
- (law, Scotland) astay orsuspension of proceedings
1693, James Dalrymple Stair,The institutions of the law of Scotland, page755:Fourteen Days are only allowed forSists of Execution, from the Date the Bill was signed, for the Clerks inquiring in the Condition of the Cautioner[…]
- inflection ofsissen:
- second/third-personsingularpresentindicative
- (archaic)pluralimperative
The origin of this word is not entirely clear. It has been compared withAncient Greekκεντέω(kentéō,“to prick, to pierce”), fromProto-Indo-European*ḱent-(“to pierce”): itszero grade*ḱn̥t would have yieldedProto-Baltic*šint-, whenceLatviansīt-, probably the stem of archaic termsīts(“hunting spear”). This hypothesis, however, does not explain the shorti in the present stemsit- (with thes in the infinitive from*sit-ti >sist). A possibly better hypothesis is to derivesist fromProto-Indo-European*sey-(“to stretch one's arm; tension, strength”): itszero grade*si- would have yieldedProto-Baltic*sit- with an extrat, whencesit-ti >sist. The meaning would have changed from “to flex one's muscles” to “to use one's muscles (to hit),” whence “to hit.”[1]
sist (transitive or intransitive,1stconjugation,presentsitu,sit,sit,pastsitu)
- (intransitive, often with adativecomplement) tohit, tostrike, tobeat(move abody part or anobjectin order totouch so as toinflictpain,injury ordeath; tohitin order tochange ordirect anobject)
- sist uzbrucējam ―tohit the attacker
- sist bērnam pa pirkstiem ―tohit a child on the fingers
- sist zirgam ar pātagu ―tohit a horse with a whip
- Uldissita... sitiens bija ass, spēcīgs un precīzs: trāpīja taisni sejā ―Uldishit... the hit was sharp, strong and precise: straight in the face
- jūs man nekādā ziņānesistu, ja riskētu vienas pļaukas vietā pretī saņemt divas ―you would neverhit me, if you risked to get two slaps for every one you give
- (transitive) tohit, tostrike, tobeat(something)
- sist mušas ―tohit (and kill) flies
- sist ar pātagu zāli ―tohit the grass with a whip
- sist nost, zemē ―to kill (lit. tostrike down, to the ground)
- te ļaudissita, līdz asinīm ―here theybeat people, till they bleed
- meitene kliedza, vaimanāja, skrēja cūkai priekšā,sita to ar stibu ―the girl screamed, howled, ran to the pig (and)hit it with a cane
- (colloquial, inarmedcombat) tohit(toattack,defeat theenemy)
- mūsu karstākā vēlēšanās bijasist ienaidnieku tā, lai to pēc iespējas ātrāk padzītu no mūsu teritorijas ―our most ardent desire was tohit the enemy so as to drive him out of our territory as soon as possible
- (transitive) tohit,beat(move abody part or anobjectin order totouchin order tochange ordirect anobject in adesirableway, or toobtain acertaineffect, tomakenoise, etc.)
- sist ar āmuru kaļamo dzelzi ―tohit malleable iron with a hammer
- sist bumbu ar kāju ―tohit the ball (with one's foot)
- sist dēlī naglas ―tohit (= drive) the nails in(to) the board
- sist kājas pret grīdu ―tohit (one's) feet against the floor
- pie kantora puišisita volejbolu ―near the office the boys werehitting (= playing) volleyball
- zirgu pakavisit ielas bruģu akmeņus caurām dienām ―the horse hooveshit the street pavement all day long
- (transitive) tohit, tobreak(tocause something tosplit orshatter)
- sist traukus, stiklu ―tohit (= break) dishes, glass
- Zenta rosījās pie plīts unsita olas ―Zenta was busy at the stove and (she)hit (= broke) (some) eggs
- (transitive, intable orcardgames) tohit, toget(toobtain apiece orcard from one'sopponent,according to therules of thegame)
- sist laidni ―tohit (= get) (the opponent's) bishop (in chess)
- sist kārava dūzi ―tohit (= get) (the opponent's) ace of diamonds
- sist trumpas ―tohit the trump
- (transitive) toslam, toshut (or also toopen)noisily,violently (e.g., adoor,window, etc.)
- sist durvis ―toslam the door
- bet tusitot staļļa durvis par daudz stipri... ka cienīgā nemaz nevarot dabūt aizmigt ―but you apparentlyslammed the stable door too strongly... so that the honorable (lady) could not get to sleep
- gājējs... ieiet pa mazajiem vārtiņiem, kurus vējš...sit no vienas puses uz otru ―the pedestrian entered by the little gate, which the windslammed (shut) from one side to the other
- “telegrammas!”... brašs puisis, sārts un saskrējies, uz sliekšņasita vaļā savu ādas somu ―“telegramme!”... a fine young man on the threshold, healthy, quick to the door,hit his leather bag open (= opened it strongly and decisively)
- tikko koridorā atskanēja zvans, visi skolēnisita ciet grāmatas un cēlās augšā ―as soon as the bell rang in the corridor, all studentsslammed their books shut and stood up
- tohit, tobeat(tomakenoise byrapidlytouching something; toplay apercussioninstrument)
- sist plaukstas ―to clap (lit.hit) (one's) hands, to applaud
- sist papēžus ―to snap, to click (lit. tohit) (one's) heels
- sist spārnus ―to flap (lit. tohit) (one's) wings
- aizmirsusi, ka esmu naktskreklā,situ pie rūts un māju ar roku ―having forgotten that I had (only) a nightgown on, Ihit the (window) pane and wave my hands
- no visa spēkasitu pa dzelzīm apkaltajiem vārtiem ―with all (my) strength Ihit on the corrugated iron gate
- viņš prot arī bungassist ―he also knows how tobeat (= play) the drums
- un tā es arī situ šķīvjus visos jaunatnes simfoniskā orķestra koncertos ―so I alsobeat (= play) the cymbals in the concerts of the symphonic orchestra (during) all my youth (= I spent my youth doing it)
- (in the3rd person; ofclocks) tohit, tostrike(toproducenoise so as toindicate thetime)
- pulkstenissit nepareizi ―the clock isstriking wrong
- viņš dzirdēja, kā pulkstenis gaitenīsita stundas ―he heard the clock in the corridorstriking the hours
- saimnieces galā sienas pulkstenis sit septīto stundu ―in the hostess' gala the clockstrikes seven
- vecais pulkstenissit divpadsmit reizes ―the old clockstrikes twelve times
- (intransitive, in the3rd person; of one'sheart orpulse) tobeat, topulsestrongly andrapidly
- sirds straujisit ―the heartis beating fast
- Ivu pārņēma nepazīts gurdums, sirds dobjisita, un vajadzēja apsēsties uz akas grodiem ―an unfamiliar fatigue overcame Iva, (her) heartbeat hollow, and (she) had to sit on the well curb
- Juhaness smagi elpoja... skaidri redzēju, kā viņa deniņos sita pulss ―Juhaness was breathing heavily... I saw clearly that (his) pulse wasbeating in his temples
- galva kļuva vēl smagāka, un kaut kas ļoti spēcīgisita ausīs... likās - tās pārplīsīs ―(his) head became even heavier, and something wasbeating powerfully in his ears... it felt as if it was going to explode
- (in the3rd person) tohit, tostrike, tothrow, toshoot(tomovefast andstronglyagainst something; tocausemotion in something)
- krusasit sejā ―the hailhits (one's) face (lit. on one's face)
- sit sejā asi zari ―sharp brancheshit (one's) face
- vējšsit sniegu sejā ―the windhits (= throws) the snow on (one's) face
- vējš un lietussit brezentu ap galvām, pleciem un mugurām ―the wind and the rainhit (= throw) the tarpaulin on the heads, shoulders and backs (of the travelers)
- ugunskurssit augšup sārtas liesmas ―the firehits (= throws) red flames up
- strūklakasit šļakatas ―the fountainhits (= throws, causes) splashes
- upe sitviļņus ―the riveris hitting (= making) waves
- ūdens sāka mutuļussist ―the (river) water began tohit (= make) swirls
- mazgājamā mašīnasita putas pa gaisu, šļakstināja ūdeni uz grīdas ―the washing mashinehit (= threw, shot) foam in the air and splashed water on the floor
- (intransitive, in the3rd person) tohit, tostrike(tohave asudden,powerfuleffect on thesensoryorgans)
- spilgtā prožektoru gaismasita acīs ―the bright projector lighthit the eyes (lit. in the eyes)
- smags gaiss rūgtenisit nāsīs ―the heavy airhits bitterly in (people's) noses
- (transitive) tomove (abodypart)suddenly
- zirgssitis galvu sāns, izvairoties no suņa uzbrukuma ―the horsehit (= quickly moved) the side of (his) head, avoiding the attack of the dog
- (colloquial) tohit(totype, towrite down with atypewriter orsimilardevice)
- neskaitāmas reizes mašīnrakstīšanas kursos bijajāsit vieni un tie paši vārdi ―in the typewriting course (one) had tohit (= type) the very same words countless times
- kāpēc jūsnesitāt telegrammu, mēs būtu aizbraukuši pretim ―why didn't youhit (= send) a telegram, we would have departed (immediately) (if you had)
- (colloquial) tohit, tochurn, tostir into afoam orpaste
- sist uzputeni ―tohit (= stir, churn) mousse
- pie virtuves loga Paps pamanīja saimnieci, kassita olu kulteni ―at the window, Paps was watching the farmer's wife, who washitting (= stirring, scrambling) eggs
- prefixed verbs:
- other derived terms:
- first/second-personsingularperfect ofsies
- weak
FromOld Norsesíðastr.
sist (neuter singularsist,definite singular and pluralsiste)
- last (final)
- sist, men ikke minst -last but not least
- allersiste ―very last
- desiste dagene ―the last few days
FromOld Norsesízt.
- last,lastly
- “sist” inThe Bokmål Dictionary.
FromOld Norsesíðastr.
sist (indefinite singularsist,definite singular and pluralsiste)
- last
Dette ersiste gongen eg gjer dette, vonar eg.- This isthe last time that I am doing this, I hope.
FromOld Norsesízt.
- last
Kven komsist?- Who camelast?
- “sist” inThe Nynorsk Dictionary.
- pastparticiple ofseoir
- six(6)
FromOld Norsesízt.
sist (notcomparable)
- last(final)
sist (notcomparable)
- last,lastly
Han varsist hem.- He was thelast one to come home.