1995, Vince Emery,How to grow your business on the Internet:
Yoursig should ideally be four or five lines long, six or seven at the maximum. Since it will be repeated on hundreds of messages, a long signature wastes bandwidth and is therefore rude.
2004, Brad Hill,Building Your Business with Google For Dummies, page48:
Posting good content is the best way to get people clicking yoursig link.
And it is a matter of pride. No Black person wants to be "sigged" about or capped all over.
2005, Kermit Ernest Campbell,Gettin' Our Groove On: Rhetoric, Language, and Literacy for the Hip Hop Generation, Detroit, M.I.:Wayne State University Press,→ISBN,page29:
Clearly, signifying ain't lost a beat on the bumpy ride from Africa to America. In fact, it seem like brothas beensigging since they stepped off the boat.
2014 April 17, Allie Jones, “After Years of Bad Press, the Great Fraternity Crackdown Is Here”, inThe Atlantic[1], Washington, D.C.: The Atlantic Monthly Group,→ISSN,→OCLC, archived fromthe original on2023-03-25:
Outright banning fraternities, however, is a tough move for a university president to make. Greek alums tend to be big donors.[Phil] Hanlon has shied away from making his reform all Greek life, no doubt to avoid the ire of deep-pocketed formerSig Chis.
2014 May 29, Prachi Gupta, “Your fraternity email chain will come back to haunt you”, inSalon.com[2], archived fromthe original on2023-12-13:
Here are 6 of the most cartoonishly sexist, aggressive, and straight-up nuts fraternity and sorority email chains ever released to the public. Let them be a warning to young KappaSigs everywhere.
2022 October 6, Eliza Josephson, “POV: You're dancing at a Yale Frat, or not”, inYale Daily News[3], archived fromthe original on2022-10-13:
My time atSig Nu was quite brief, unfortunately, so I'll do my best with the data I gathered.
The formsig in the White Mountain variety;sid occurs in White Mountain and Dilzhe’eh (Tonto);shig occurs in Cibecue;shid occurs in Dilzhe’eh and San Carlos varieties;