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See also:Shock


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Alternative forms




Etymology 1


FromMiddle Dutchschokken(to push, jolt, shake, jerk) orMiddle Frenchchoquer(to collide with, clash), fromOld Dutch*skokkan(to shake up and down, shog), fromProto-Germanic*skukkaną(to move, shake, tremble). Of uncertain origin. Perhaps related toProto-Germanic*skakaną(to shake, stir), fromProto-Indo-European*(s)kek-,*(s)keg-(to shake, stir); seeshake.

Cognate withMiddle Low Germanschocken(collide with, deliver a blow to, move back and forth),Old High Germanscoc(a jolt, swing),Middle High Germanschocken(to swing) (Germanschaukeln),Old Norseskykkr(vibration, surging motion),Icelandicskykkjun(tremulously),Middle Englishschiggen(to shake).Doublet ofshog.



shock (countable anduncountable,pluralshocks)

  1. A sudden, heavyimpact.
    The train hit the buffers with a greatshock.
    1. (figuratively) Something sosurprising that it isstunning.
    2. (psychology) A sudden or violent mental or emotionaldisturbance.
      • 2005, Elisabeth Kübler-Ross, David Kessler,On Grief and Grieving,→ISBN, page85:
        A tremendousshock arises when a secret is discovered.
    3. (medicine)Electric shock, a suddenburst of electricalenergy hitting a person or animal.
      • 2018, Sandeep Jauhar,Heart: a History,→ISBN, page173:
        But as was the case with pacemakers, external defibrillators were unwieldy, and theshocks they delivered—in the rare cases when patients were still conscious—were painful.
    4. (psychology) A state of distress following a mental or emotional disturbance, often caused by news or other stimuli.
      Fans were inshock in the days following the singer's death.
      • 2008,Wally Lamb,The Hour I First Believed, Ch.5, at p.112:
        ". . . Maureen, I don't feel sad. I don't feel anything. What's wrong with me?"
        "Nothing, Cae," she said. "You just haven't been able to take it in yet. Absorb theshock of it."
    5. (medicine)Circulatory shock, a medical emergency characterized by theinability of thecirculatory system to supply enoughoxygen to meettissue requirements.
    6. (physics) Ashock wave.
      Several reflectedshocks enter the bomb core in rapid succession, each helping to compress it to its maximum density.
  2. (automotive, mechanical engineering) Ashock absorber (typically in thesuspension of avehicle).
    If your truck's been riding rough, it might need newshocks.
    • 1993, “Back Seat (of My Jeep)”, in14 Shots to the Dome, performed byLL Cool J:
      We're bonin' on the dark blocks / Wearin' out theshocks, wettin' up the dashboard clock
    • 1994,Cycle World Magazine, volume33, number 1, page49:
      At the rear, you'll find a single, centrally mountedshock, the now-familiar single-sided swingarm and BMW's Paralever shaft-drive system, which does away with most of a shafty's chassis-jacking bugaboos.
  3. (mathematics) Adiscontinuity arising in the solution of apartial differential equation.
  4. Achemical added to a swimmingpool to moderate thechlorine levels.
Derived terms
sudden, heavy impact
something surprising
electric shock
life-threatening medical emergency
a sudden mental or emotional disturbance
tuft or bunch
arrangement of sheaves for dryingseestook
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



shock (notcomparable)

  1. Causing intense surprise, horror, etc.; unexpected and shocking.
    Hisshock announcement rocked the tennis world.



shock (third-person singular simple presentshocks,present participleshocking,simple past and past participleshocked)

  1. (transitive) To cause to be emotionallyshocked; to cause (someone) to feelsurprised andupset.
    The disastershocked the world.
  2. (transitive) To give anelectric shock to.
  3. (transitive) To subject to ashock wave or violentimpact.
    Ammonium nitrate can detonate if severelyshocked.
  4. (obsolete, intransitive) To meet with ashock; tocollide in aviolentencounter.
    • 1832,Thomas De Quincey,Klosterheim Or, the Masque:
      They saw the moment approach when the two parties wouldshock together.
  5. (transitive) Toadd achemical to (aswimming pool) tomoderate thechlorinelevels.
  6. (geology, transitive) Todeform thecrystal structure of a stone by the application of extremely highpressure at moderatetemperature, as produced only byhypervelocityimpact events, lightning strikes, and nuclearexplosions.
    • 2018,Tim Flannery,Europe: A Natural History, page44:
      It takes more than two gigapascals (two billion pascals) of pressure toshock quartz in this manner (for comparison, the atmosphere at sea level exerts a little over 100,000 pascals of pressure).
to cause to be emotionally shocked
to give an electric shock



Etymology 2


Variant ofshag.



shock (pluralshocks)

English numbers(edit)
   Abbreviated ordinal:60th
   Germanic collective:shock
  1. An arrangement ofsheaves for drying; astook.
  2. (commerce, dated) Alot consisting of sixty pieces; a term applied in someBaltic ports toloosegoods.
  3. (by extension) Atuft orbunch of something, such as hair or grass.
    His head boasted ashock of sandy hair.
    • 1968 October 12, Paul Zindel, chapter 12, inThe Pigman:
      Every now and then I’m startled at how good-looking John is, but he glared at me from under theshock of hair that fell across his brow and scared me a little.
    • 2019, Hal Y. Zhang,Hard Mother, Spider Mother, Soft Mother, Brooklyn, NY: Radix Media,→ISBN, page 2:
      On day three I pointed at the edge of an intricate pentagram peeking above hershock of oily black hair.
  4. (obsolete) A small dog with long shaggy hair, especially apoodle orspitz; a shaggylapdog.
    • 1827,Thomas Carlyle,The Fair-Haired Eckbert:
      When I read of witty persons, I could not figure them but like the littleshock. (translating the GermanSpitz)



shock (third-person singular simple presentshocks,present participleshocking,simple past and past participleshocked)

  1. (transitive) To collect, or make up, into a shock or shocks; tostook.
    toshock rye







Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishshock.





shock m (invariable)

  1. shock (medical; violent or unexpected event)





Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishshock.


  • IPA(key): /ˈʃok/[ˈʃok]
  • Rhymes:-ok
  • Syllabification:shock



shock m (pluralshocks)

  1. shock

Usage notes

  • According toRoyal Spanish Academy (RAE) prescriptions, unadapted foreign words should be written in italics in a text printed in roman type, and vice versa, and in quotation marks in a manuscript text or when italics are not available. In practice, this RAE prescription is not always followed.

Derived terms


Further reading

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