Fromsex +-ist, aftersexism.
sexist (comparativemoresexist,superlativemostsexist)
- Unfairlydiscriminatory against one sex in favour of the other.
2006 February 3, Graham Linehan,The IT Crowd, season 1, episode 2:What was all that about?
Well, like all women, she'sshoe-mad.
't's a bitsexist, isn't it?
Do you know one woman who isn't obsessed with shoes?
No, but I only know one woman. And she just left the room shouting "THE SHOES!"
2008, “Hiphopopotamus vs. Rhymenoceros”, performed byFlight of the Conchords:Yes, sometimes my lyrics aresexist / But you lovely bitches and hoes / Should know I'm trying to correct this
2013, Susan J. Hekman,Moral Voices, Moral Selves: Carol Gilligan and Feminist Moral Theory:A defender of communitarianism might argue that just because extant communitarian theories aresexist, it does not follow that communitarianism is inherentlysexist.
unfairly against one sex in favour of the other
sexist (pluralsexists)
- A person whodiscriminates on grounds ofsex; someone who practisessexism.
- Hyponyms:misandrist,misogynist
1965 November 18, Pauline M. Leet,Women and the Undergraduate, Franklin and Marshall College, page 3:When you argue[…] that since fewer women write good poetry this justifies their total exclusion, you are taking a position analogous to that of the racist—I might call you in this case a "sexist"—who says that since so few Negroes have held positions of importance relative to the majority race, their exclusion from history books is a matter of good judgement rather than discrimination. Both the racist and thesexist are acting as if all that has happened had never happened, and both of them are making decisions and coming to conclusions about someone's value by referring to factors which are in both cases irrelevant.
2007, Fran Harris,Will the REAL You Please Stand Up?:I don't blame racists,sexists, lookists, or any other “ists” for what they personify and perpetuate. They are mere hostages of their egos.
2022 December 6, LeAnna T. Luney, “Like our foremothers survived: Self-education, direct confrontation, and humor as resistance coping in Black womxn and femme college student being”, inFrontiers in Education, volume 7,→DOI, page10:Narrators demonstrated resistance coping techniques through direct confrontation with aggressors, such as racists,sexists, homophobes, elitists, and misogynoirists.
a person who discriminates on grounds of sex
Borrowed fromFrenchsexiste.
sexist m orn (feminine singularsexistă,masculine pluralsexiști,feminine and neuter pluralsexiste)
- sexist