Formed asseries +-al, on model ofLatinseriālis, fromseriēs +-ālis. Cognate toItalianseriale. First use appears c. 1823. See cite below.
serial (notcomparable)
- Having to do with orarranged in aseries.
- Synonym:sequential
1823, Royal Institution of Great Britain (contributor),The Quarterly Journal - Volume 14, page318:These singular ribs have a very different direction from that of theserial teeth of the hinge, and cannot be taken for teeth.
- (of a person) Who performs a specified action or course of action repeatedly or regularly.
- Synonym:career
Theserial killer had a string of victims across seven states.
He was aserial entrepreneur, always coming up with a new way to make cash.
2012, Rachel James,Salisbury,,page10:"No I could not!" Kate looked at Max sternly. "I am not a cheat and I am not aserial monogamist."
- Published or produced ininstallments.
- (grammar) Of or relating to agrammatical aspect relating to an action that ishabitual andongoing.
Having to do with or arranged in a series
Published or produced in installments
serial (pluralserials)
- A literary or dramaticwork, such as a radio or television programme,published ininstallments, often numbered and without a specified end.
- Apublicationissued insuccessive parts, often numbered and with no predetermined end.
- (computing, slang) Aserial number, esp. one required toactivatesoftware.
Go to these sites forserials, cracks and keygens.
- (UK) Aunit ofpolice officers equipped withshields to tackle ariot.
1992, James Donald, Ali Rattansi,Race, Culture and Difference, page66:The practice, especially among members of shieldserials, of 'whooping like cowboys and indians' and beating of truncheons on riot shields must cease as this tends to frighten and intimidate rioters.
2013, Tony Moore,Policing Notting Hill: Fifty Years of Turbulence, page324:Theserials worked in pairs, one with long shields and one with short shields.
- → Russian:сериа́л(seriál,“TV-series”)
serial number required to activate software
serial (third-person singular simple presentserials,present participleseriallingor(US)serialing,simple past and past participleserialledor(US)serialed)
- (transitive) toassign aserial number to (especially of aircraft)
- Ariels,Lieras,railes,resail,Sal Rei,ariels,Realis,sailer,Isreal,relais,Israël,realis,Alires,Sailer,Israel,serail
FromRussianсериа́л(seriál), fromEnglishserial.
serial (definite accusativeserialı,pluralseriallar)
- (broadcasting, film)series
- türk serialları ―Turkish TV-series
Azərbaycanlılar türk seriallarına baxmağı çox sevirlər.- Azerbaijanis love watching Turkish TV-series.
- IPA(key): [seˈrial]
- Hyphenation:sé‧ri‧al
- serial(having to do with or arranged in a series; published or produced in installments)
Borrowed fromEnglishserial.
serial m inan
- (television)series(television program which consists of several episodes that are broadcast in regular intervals)
- serial inWielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- serial in Polish dictionaries at PWN
Borrowed fromEnglishserial. Bysurface analysis,serie +-al.
serial m orn (feminine singularserială,masculine pluralseriali,feminine and neuter pluralseriale)
- serial
serial n (pluralseriale)
- serial
Fromserie +-al.
- IPA(key): /seˈɾjal/[seˈɾjal]
- Rhymes:-al
- Syllabification:se‧rial
serial m orf (masculine and feminine pluralseriales)
- serial
serial m (pluralseriales)
- series,programme(TV or radio)
- Synonyms:serie,culebrón,folletín,novela