Whereas upon the humble Requeſt of Our Truſty and Wel-beloved Servant, JOHN OGILBY,Eſquire, We were Graciouſly pleaſed by Our Warrant of the 25. of May,in the ſeventeenth Year of Our Reign, to grant him the ſole Privilege and Immunity of Printing in fair Volumes, Adorned withSculptures, VirgilTranſlated, Homer's Iliads, ÆſopParaphraſed, and Our Entertainmentin Paſſing through Our City of London,and Coronation,together with Homer's Odyſſes,and his fore-mentioned Æſopwith his Additions and Annotations in Folio,with a Prohibition, that none ſhould Print or Re-print the ſame in any Volumes, without the Conſent and Approbation of him, the ſaid John Ogilby,his Heirs, Executors, or Aſſigns, within the term of Fifteen Years next enſuing the Date of Our ſaid Warrant;[…]