Statue of asatyr byPraxiteles
A specimen of Andromedasatyr (Cithaerias andromeda).FromFrenchsatyre, fromLatinsatyrus, fromAncient Greekσάτυρος(sáturos).
satyr (pluralsatyrs)
- (Greekmythology) Asylvandeity ordemigod,malecompanion ofPan orDionysus, represented as partman and partgoat, and characterized byriotousmerriment andlasciviousness, sometimes pictured with a perpetualerection.
1637,John Milton,Lycidas:RoughSatyrs danced; and Fauns, with cloven heel, / From the glad sound would not be absent long.
male variation of nymphs
- (Romanmythology)Synonym offaun
- (by extension) Alecherousman.
- Any of variousbutterflies of thenymphalidsubfamilySatyrinae, havingbrownwings marked witheyelikespots; ameadow brown.
- (obsolete) Theorangutan.
Ultimately fromLatinsatyrus, fromAncient Greekσάτυρος(sáturos).
- IPA(key): /ˈsaː.tir/,/ˈsaː.tər/
- Hyphenation:sa‧tyr
satyr m (pluralsatyrs,diminutivesatyrtje n)
- (Greekmythology, Romanmythology)satyr,faun
Borrowed fromFrenchsatyre, fromLatinsatyrus, fromAncient Greekσάτυρος(sáturos).
satyr m pers
- (Greekmythology)satyr
- satyr(lecherous man)
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
satyr f
- genitiveplural ofsatyra
- satyr inWielki słownik języka polskiego, Instytut Języka Polskiego PAN
- satyr in Polish dictionaries at PWN
satyr c
- (Greekmythology) asatyr
- asatyr (lecherous (older) man)