Hyphenation:sa‧mo IPA (key ) : /saˈmoʔ/ [saˈmoʔ] samô
( possessive, exclusive ) 1st person exclusive oblique pronoun :ours Synonym: samuya samô
( exclusive ) 1st person exclusive possessive pronoun :our Synonym: samuya Bikol Central personal pronouns
Person Number Absolute (ang) Ergative (sa) Oblique (sa) Length Full Short Full Short First singular ako ko sakuya ,sako ,saako plural inclusive kita nyato ta satuya ,sato ,saato plural exclusive kami nyamo mi samuya ,samo ,kanamo ,saamo Second singular ika ka mo saimo ,simo ,kanimo plural kamo nindo saindo ,kaninyo ,sainyo Third singular siya ,iya niya saiya ,kaniya plural sinda ninda sainda ,kanila
sargassum ;gulfweed Fromsama +-o .
samo (uncountable ,accusative samon )
same ; the same thingcerne ("heartwood") andsamo ("sapwood")Unknown. Comparesámago andámago .
samo m (plural samos )
sapwood Synonyms: ámago ,magolo ,sámago marrow , live bone inside ahorn or ahoof Synonyms: ámago ,magolo ,sámago Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández , editor (2006 –2013 ), “samo ”, inDicionario de Dicionarios da lingua galega [Dictionary of Dictionaries of the Galician language ] (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Antón Luís Santamarina Fernández ,Ernesto Xosé González Seoane ,María Álvarez de la Granja , editors (2003 –2018 ), “samo ”, inTesouro informatizado da lingua galega (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega Rosario Álvarez Blanco , editor (2014 –2024 ), “samo ”, inTesouro do léxico patrimonial galego e portugués (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega ,→ISSN samō
Romanization of𐍃𐌰𐌼𐍉 FromProto-West Germanic *sāmō , fromProto-Germanic *sēmô , fromProto-Indo-European *séh₁mn̥ . Cognate toLatin sēmen .
sāmo m
seed samo
masculine nominative singular ofsama samo
neuter nominative / accusative / vocative singular ofsam According toSłownik frekwencyjny polszczyzny współczesnej (1990),samo is one of the most used words in Polish, appearing 20 times in scientific texts, 14 times in news, 4 times in essays, 15 times in fiction, and 17 times in plays, each out of a corpus of 100,000 words, totaling 70 times, making it the 924th most common word in a corpus of 500,000 words.[ 1]
^ Ida Kurcz (1990 ) “samo ”, inSłownik frekwencyjny polszczyzny współczesnej [Frequency dictionary of the Polish language ] (in Polish), volume 2, Kraków, Warszawa: Polska Akademia Nauk. Instytut Języka Polskiego, page518
samo m (plural samos )
sapwood ( soft, newer wood just under the bark ) Synonym: alburno samo
Eye dialect spelling ofsomos .Borrowed fromChinese 沙漠 ( shāmò ,“ desert ” ) .
desert Fromsȃm .
IPA (key ) : /sâmo/ Hyphenation:sa‧mo sȁmo (Cyrillic spelling са̏мо )
( denoting exclusivity ) just ,only ,only just ,merely ,solely Samo jedan ―Just/only one Nesamo uči ―She just studies all day long. Nesamo da je l(ij)epa, nego je i pametna! ―She's not only pretty, but she is also clever! Ulaznica stoji samo 5 eura. ―The ticket costs just 5 euro. Radi što god želiš, samo mi nemoj smetati! ―Do whatever you want, just don't bother me! Samo , ipak sam zabrinut. ―It's just that I am still concerned. just ,keeps on S krova sesamo cijedi! ―It just keeps on trickling from the roof! ( intensifier ) just ,only ,if only (used to put emphasis on one's message, conveying mood or various emotions)Samo nastavite tako! ―Just keeping at it! (literally, “Just go on like that! ”)Ma, naravno,samo nam je još to trebalo! ―Oh, of course, that isjust what we needed! Samo mi nemoj reći da sve to nisi prije znao! ―Just don't tell me you didn't know this before!Kad bisamo došao! ―If only you came! sȁmo (Cyrillic spelling са̏мо )
( denoting contrast and exclusivity ) just ,but ,only ,merely Ova haljina je l(ij)epa,samo (je) preskupa ―This dress is very beautiful, but too expensive. ( expressing intent ) just ,only (=tek )Govorimsamo da govorim! ―I am talking just to talk! ( dated , assuming a contradiction) just ,if only Uči,samo da nije uzalud! ―Study, if only it won't be in vain! “samo ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 samò (Baybayin spelling ᜐᜋᜓ )
supplication ;earnest request orpetition Synonyms: pakiusap ,hinaing ,pakisuyo ,luhog ,pamanhik ,panambitan Fromsam +-o .
for example ,for instance