- IPA(key): /ˈsalom/ [ˈs̪a.l̪om]
- Hyphenation:sa‧lom
salom (Badlit spellingᜐᜎᜓᜋ᜔)
- toswim ordiveunderwater
- (literary) for thesun toset
- Synonym:salop
salom (Cyrillic spellingсалом)
- instrumentalsingular ofsalo
salom (Cyrillic spellingсалом)
- instrumentalsingular ofsala
- water
- Blust'sAustronesian Comparative Dictionary
Thespelling of this entry has been normalized according to the principles established by Wiktionary's editor community or recent spelling standards of the language.
FromProto-Italic*sāls, with a change in declension. CompareLatinsāl.
salom m
- salt
- Ancillotti, Augusto, Cerri, Romolo (2015) “salu”, inVocabolario dell'umbro delle tavole di Gubbio [Vocabulary of Umbrian and of the Iguvine Tables] (in Italian),page44
- De Vaan, Michiel (2008) “sāl, salis”, inEtymological Dictionary of Latin and the other Italic Languages (Leiden Indo-European Etymological Dictionary Series; 7), Leiden, Boston: Brill,→ISBN,page535
- Buck, Carl Darling (1904) “salu”, inA Grammar of Oscan and Umbrian: With a Collection of Inscriptions and a Glossary,page345
Inherited fromChagataiسلام, fromClassical Persianسلام(salām), fromArabicسَلَامٌ m(salāmun,“prace; salaam”)
- IPA(key): [sæ.lɒ̝m]
- Hyphenation:sa‧lom
- hello,salaam