1634,T[homas] H[erbert], “The Death of SirDodmore Cotton Ambassadour, at Cazbeen”, inA Relation of Some Yeares Trauaile, Begunne Anno 1626. into Afrique and the Greater Asia,[…], London:[…]William Stansby, and Jacob Bloome,→OCLC,page126:
His [Cotton's] Horſe vvas led before, vvith a mourning VeluetSaddle on his backe, his Coffin had a Crimſon Sattin Quilt lined with purple Silke, ouer him vvas laid his Bible, Svvord and Hat:[…]
My horse's bridle they [robbers] slipt, and search'd yesaddle, which they pull'd off, but let the horse graze, and then turning againe bridl'd him and tied him to a tree, yet so as he might graze, and thus left me bound.
1731 (date written; published1745),[Jonathan] Swift, “V (Directions to the Groom)”, inDirections to Servants[…], London:[…]R[obert] Dodsley,[…], and M. Cooper,[…],→OCLC,page152:
Consider your master's health, and rather than let him take long journeys,[…] leave one of his horse's fore shoes loose in the morning; or contrive that thesaddle may pinch the beast in the withers; or keep him without corn all night and morning, so that he may tire on the road;[…]
So he made the best of it, and prepared for me his own splendid riding-camel, saddled with his ownsaddle, and hung with luxurious housings and cushions of Nejd leather-work pierced and inlaid in various colours, with plaited fringes and nets embroidered with metal tissues.
[A] good horſeman,[…] is ſkilfull to knovv, and hable to tell others, hovv, by certain ſure ſignes, a man may choiſe a colte, that is like to prove an other day excellent for theſaddle.
[A]nd the third ſort [of camel] are calledRagnahil, vvhich are of lovver ſtature and learner bodies then the reſidue, vnfit for burthen, and therefore are vſed for theſaddle, by all the Noble men ofNumidia,Arabia, andLibia:[…]
Applied to camel-riding.
1835, [Edward Bulwer-Lytton], “Looking after the Halter when the Mare is Stolen”, inRienzi, the Last of the Tribunes.[…], volume I, London: Saunders and Otley,[…],→OCLC, book II (The Revolution),page285:
He travelled in company with them until they reached the Sweet Water; then taking a couple of horses, one for thesaddle, and the other as a packhorse, he started off express for Pierre's Hole, to make arrangements against their arrival, that he might commence his hunting campaign before the rival company.
[W]e had to dismount and lead our animals [camels] up a narrow hill-path with broken steps of rock so polished by long years of passing feet that they were dangerous in wet weather.[…] After fifteen minutes of this we were glad to reach a highsaddle on which former travellers had piled little cairns of commemoration and thankfulness.
So we continue climbing to thesaddle of the Kleine Scheidegg, where ahead there comes into view the wide expanse of the Grindelwald valley, backed by the snowy crown of the Wetterhorn.
To roast a leg, haunch, orsaddle of mutton.[…] A modern refinement is to putlaver in the dripping-pan, which, in basting, imparts a highgout; or a largesaddle may be served over a pound and a half oflaver, stewed in brown sauce with catsup and seasonings.
Certainly, in the gravy soups, turbot, hare, roastsaddles, cabinet puddings, boiled eggs at tea-time and bread and butter and meat paste with the morning tray, one tasted one's own decadence: a tradition had been preserved in order to humiliate. Perhaps it really was time the British limped out of Malaya.
1944 November and December, “Modified G.W.R. "Hall" Class Locomotives”, inRailway Magazine, page350:
[…] with this arrangement the cylinders are cast separately from thesaddle, and bolted to the frames on each side with a fabricated stiffener between the frames. This stiffener is carried up to form thesaddle for the smokebox, and within it is fitted the exhaust pipes from the cylinders to the blast pipe.
Then roſeBalaam vp in the mornynge, &ſadled his Aſſe, & wente wͪ the prynces of yͤ Moabites.
1615,G[ervase] M[arkham], “[The Husbandmans Recreations:[…].] Of the Ordering and Dyeting of the Running Horse.”, inCountrey Contentments, in Two Bookes: The First, Containing the Whole Art of Riding Great Horses in Very Short Time,[…] The Second Intituled, The English Huswife:[…], London:[…] I[ohn] B[eale] for R[oger] Iackson,[…],→OCLC, 2nd section (Of Horse-manshippe),page84:
Saddle yourhorſe on the race day in the ſtable before you leade him forth, and fixe both the pannell and the girthes to his backe and ſides vvith Shooe-makers vvaxe to preuent all daungers.
"Nay, nay, Reynallt," said Ap Teudor, replying to the angry glance of the Forester, "thousaddlest the wrong steed: like the Abbot, I have no voice but that of obedience."
Used figuratively.
1892, George Ferguson, “Canto VI. Earth’s Phases: The Ministry of Night: Early Temples.”, inOur Earth—Night to Twilight, volume I, London:T[homas] Fisher Unwin[…],→OCLC,page155:
And he [Abraham] doth rise up with the morrow's dawn, / And for that bidden flame, the wood straightway / He cleaveth now; andsaddleth his ass; / And taking him his son [Isaac] and servants hence, / Doth journey thitherward—full of his God.
Brünnhild! Brünnhild! / Thou shining child ofWotan! / Bright-beaming through the night, / the hero I see thee draw near: / with holy earnest smile / thousaddlest thy horse, / that dew-dripping / cleaveth the clouds.
To put (something) on to anotherthing like a saddle on an animal.
The centre of the nest is what I would callsaddled on the bough, the materials being laid so that the nest is thinner in its middle part and thicker at the two opposite sides, so as to have a firm hold.
Theysaddled themselves with the handling of light flows on a multiplicity of branch lines, and they sacrificed the speed, reliability and low cost of through train operation, even over the main arteries of the system.
Chiefly followed byonorupon: toplace (aburden or responsibility) orthrust (a problem) on someone.
1881, Walter Besant,James Rice, “How Lord Chudleigh Received His Freedom”, inThe Chaplain of the Fleet[…], volume III, London:Chatto and Windus,[…],→OCLC, part II (The Queen of the Wells),page248:
I did not dislose the name of the man I proposed, because I found her only too eager to marry anyone upon whom she couldsaddle her debts, and so make him either pay them or change places with her.
But he never would believe that Providence had sent a few men into the world ready booted and spurred to ride, and millions readysaddled and bridled to be ridden.
1826 October 25 (date written),Walter Scott, “[Entry dated 25 October 1826]”, inDavid Douglas, editor,The Journal of Sir Walter Scott[…], volume I, Edinburgh:David Douglas, published1890,→OCLC,page283:
Picked up Sotheby, who endeavoured tosaddle me for a review of his polyglotVirgil. I fear I shall scarce convince him that I know nothing of the Latin lingo.
(woodworking) Tocut a saddle-shapednotch in (alog or otherpiece ofwood) so it canfit together with other such logs or pieces; also, to fit (logs or other pieces of wood) together with thismethod.
(obsolete) To put something on to (another thing) like a saddle on an animal.(Can weverify(+) this sense?)
[A]y, every churl who owns a manor, if he dares—must needs arm andsaddle, and levy war on his own behalf, and harry and slay the King's lieges, if he have not garlic to his roast goose every time he chooses[…]
to control or restrain (someone or something), as if using a saddle—seeharness,rein in
to cut a saddle-shaped notch in (a log or other piece of wood) so it can fit together with other such logs or pieces; to fit (logs or other pieces of wood) together with this method