The katakana and the hiragana are syllabic forms of writing derived from Chinese characters, while theromaji are the letters used in writing most European languages.
2006, Ralph Fasold, Jeffrey Connor-Linton,An Introduction to Language and Linguistics[2], page410:
For example, in Japanese advertisementssexy andmy house often appear inromaji, making the underlying concepts of eroticism and private ownership more exotic.
2011, T Okadome, J Nakajima, S Ito, K Kakusho, “An Accessible Coded Input Method for Japanese Extensive Writing”, inProceedings of the Workshop on Advances in Text Input Methods[3]:
Today people ordinarily use kana-kanji conversion systems for inputting Japanese text. Because many of them can touch-type theromajis for the kanas, the O-code with kana-kanji conversion is more accessible.