Fromroho(“grass”) +-in. Akin toFinnishruohoinen.
rohoin (comparativerohoisemp)
Declension ofrohoin (type 1/kärpäin, no gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | rohoin | rohoiset |
genitive | rohoisen | rohoisiin |
partitive | rohoista,rohoist | rohoisia |
illative | rohoisee | rohoisii |
inessive | rohoisees | rohoisiis |
elative | rohoisest | rohoisist |
allative | rohoiselle | rohoisille |
adessive | rohoiseel | rohoisiil |
ablative | rohoiselt | rohoisilt |
translative | rohoiseks | rohoisiks |
essive | rohoisenna,rohoiseen | rohoisinna,rohoisiin |
exessive1) | rohoisent | rohoisint |
1) obsolete *) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka? or-kä? to thegenitive. |
roho(“grass”) +-in. For "green", compareEstonianroheline,Ingrianrohoin.
Declension ofrohoin (type XII/sinin, no gradation) | ||
singular | plural | |
nominative | rohoin | rohoizõd |
genitive | rohoizõ | rohoisiijõ,rohoisii |
partitive | rohoissõ | rohoisiitõ,rohoisii |
illative | rohoisõ,rohoisõsõ | rohoisiisõ |
inessive | rohoizõz | rohoisiiz |
elative | rohoizõssõ | rohoisiissõ |
allative | rohoizõlõ | rohoisiilõ |
adessive | rohoizõllõ | rohoisiillõ |
ablative | rohoizõltõ | rohoisiiltõ |
translative | rohoizõssi | rohoisiissi |
*) theaccusative corresponds with either thegenitive (sg) ornominative (pl) **) theterminative is formed by adding the suffix-ssaa to the shortillative (sg) or thegenitive. ***) thecomitative is formed by adding the suffix-ka to thegenitive. |