embiol ael aſenachaerib toda la plata q̃ pudo trobar en la del criador. e el teſoro de losreẏſ. eſtoz cranto ezechias las puertas del temple e todo quanto pudo aũ embiolo alreẏ de ſiria esto peſo al criador
He sent Sennacherib all the silver he could find in the [house] of the Creator and the treasury of thekings. Then Hezekiah broke the doors of the temple and all that there was he sent to theking of Assyria. This weighed upon the Creator.
Stewart, Cloyd, Stewart, Ruth D., colaboradores amuzgos (2000)Diccionario amuzgo de San Pedro Amuzgos, Oaxaca (Serie de vocabularios y diccionarios indígenas “Mariano Silva y Aceves”;44)[1] (in Spanish), Coyoacán, D.F.:Instituto Lingüístico de Verano, A.C.,→ISBN, page168