FromOld French relief ( “ assistance ” ) , fromOld French relever ( “ to relieve ” ) , fromLatin relevare ( “ to raise up, make light ” ) . See alsorelieve .
relief (countable anduncountable ,plural reliefs )
The removal ofstress ordiscomfort .Synonyms: ease ,alleviation ,liss ,respite ;see also Thesaurus:consolation I sighed withrelief when I found out that my daughter hadn't got lost, but was waiting for me at home.
The feelingassociated with the removal of stress or discomfort.Synonyms: ease ,alleviation ,liss 1907 January,Harold Bindloss , chapter 20, inThe Dust of Conflict , 1st Canadian edition, Toronto, Ont.: McLeod & Allen,→OCLC :Tony's face expressedrelief , and Nettie sat silent for a moment until the vicar said “It was a generous impulse, but it may have been a momentary one,[ …] .”
2020 April 8, Philip Haigh, “Out of the current crisis we could see meaningful changes”, inRail , page56 :DfT's action was greeted with greatrelief in many quarters.
Release from a post or duty, as when replaced by another. The person who takes over ashift for another.Synonyms: stand-in ,substitute ,backup ,fill-in Officer Schmidt can finally go home because hisrelief has arrived.
1963 February, “Motive Power Miscellany: London Midland Region”, inModern Railways , page136 :At Leeds arelief crew was waiting—but without arelief locomotive; after some discussion, the new men offered to take on the A3. [...].
Aid orassistance offered in time of need.Relief arrived quickly after the disaster.
1950 November, R. A. H. Weight, “A Railway Recorder in Southern England”, inRailway Magazine , page772 :On busy days, they also may be seen bowling along the Brighton main line, north of Keymer Junction, with arelief Newhaven boat express,[ …] .
( law ) Court-orderedcompensation ,aid , orprotection , aredress .Alowering of atax through specialprovisions ;tax relief . A certainfine orcomposition paid by theheir of atenant upon thedeath of theancestor . ( golf ) Permission for a player to move their ball to a more convenient spot before taking a shot, under certain circumstances.removal of stress or discomfort
American Sign Language:B@Sternum-PalmDown-B@Chest-PalmDown B@Trunk-PalmDown-B@Abdomen-PalmDown Arabic:رَاحَة f ( rāḥa ) ,تَخْفِيف ( taḵfīf ) Armenian:please add this translation if you can Belarusian:палёгка f ( paljóhka ) ,аблягчэ́нне n ( abljahčénnje ) Bulgarian:облекчение (bg) n ( oblekčenie ) Catalan:consol (ca) m ,alleujament (ca) m Chinese:Mandarin:解除 (zh) ( jiěchú ) ,安心 (zh) ( ānxīn ) ,( humanitarian ) 救濟 / 救济 (zh) ( jiùjì ) Czech:úleva (cs) f Danish:lettelse c Dutch:opluchting (nl) f Esperanto:ektrankviliĝo Finnish:helpotus (fi) ,huojennus (fi) French:soulagement (fr) m ,allégement (fr) m Galician:alivio m ,acougo m German:Erleichterung (de) f ,Entlastung (de) f Greek:ανακούφιση (el) f ( anakoúfisi ) Hebrew:הקלה (he) f ( hakala ) Hungarian:könnyítés (hu) ,enyhítés (hu) ,csillapítás (hu) Irish:faoiseamh m Italian:sollievo (it) m Japanese:安心 (ja) ( あんしん, anshin ) ,救済 (ja) ( きゅうさい, kyūsai ) Korean:제고 ( jego ) ,안심 (ko) ( ansim ) Latin:solacium n ,aberrātiō f Maori:whakamāmātanga Norwegian:Bokmål:lettelse m ,( pain ) lindring m or f Nynorsk:( pain ) lindring f Polish:ulga (pl) f Portuguese:alívio (pt) m Quechua:allinyay Romanian:ușurare (ro) f ,alinare (ro) f Russian:облегче́ние (ru) n ( oblexčénije ) Scottish Gaelic:faochadh m Spanish:alivio (es) m ,desahogo (es) m ,aliviamiento (es) m ( disused ) Swahili:faraja (sw) Swedish:lättnad (sv) ,( from pain ) lindring (sv) c Telugu:ఉపశమనం (te) ( upaśamanaṁ ) Ukrainian:поле́гшення n ( poléhšennja ) Welsh:gollyngdod m ,rhyddhad m
feeling associated with removal of stress or discomfort
release from a post or duty, as when replaced by another
person who takes over a shift
humanitarian aid or assistance
Bulgarian:помощ (bg) f ( pomošt ) ,подпомагане (bg) n ( podpomagane ) Czech:(humanitární) pomoc f Finnish:hätäapu ,humanitaarinen apu ,apu (fi) German:Hilfe (de) f ,Unterstützung (de) f ,Beistand (de) m Hungarian:segély (hu) Italian:assistenza (it) f ,soccorso (it) m ,aiuto (it) m Japanese:救済 (ja) ( きゅうさい, kyūsai ) ,救援 (ja) ( きゅうえん, kyūen ) Kurdish:Central Kurdish:چار ( çar ) Latin:subsidium n Meru:gikeno Portuguese:auxílio (pt) m ,assistência humanitária f Romanian:asistență umanitară f ,ajutor umanitar n Scottish Gaelic:faochadh m Spanish:ayuda humanitaria f ,auxilio (es) m ,asistencia (es) f Swahili:faraja (sw) Swedish:nödhjälp (sv) c ,bistånd (sv) n
aid or assistance offered in time of need
law: court-ordered compensation, aid, or protection, redress
Translations to be checked: "exemption, liberation, exoneration, derogation"
FromItalian rilievo , fromrilevare ( “ to raise ” ) , fromLatin relevō ( “ to raise ” ) .
relief (countable anduncountable ,plural reliefs )
The relief of Diana at the Amalienburg, in Munich (Germany)(sense 2) Relief with twoputti and with acartouche , above a door from Paris(sense 2) ( uncountable ) Amethod ofsculpture or otherartwork in which shapes or figuresprotrude from a flat background.( countable ) Asculpture or otherartwork made with such a method.Synonym: embossing The apparent difference in elevation in the surface of a painting or drawing made noticeable by a variation inlight orcolor . The difference ofelevations on a surface.Synonyms: texture ,topography therelief on that part of the Earth's surface
1947 January and February, “A Winter's Day on the Tyneside”, inRailway Magazine , page 29, photo caption:The approach to Newcastle (Central) Station from the north after a heavy snowfall. The complicated track layout is thrown into clearrelief by the snow [referring to dark rails poking through the snow]
Relative distinctness ,perceived difference due tocontrast .( heraldry ) The supposed projection of acharge from the surface of afield , indicated byshading on thesinister and lower sides.type of artwork
Albanian:reliev (sq) m Arabic:نَقْش نَافِر m ( naqš nāfir ) Armenian:ռելյեֆ (hy) ( ṙelyef ) ,բառելյեֆ ( baṙelyef ) Belarusian:рэлье́ф m ( relʹjéf ) ,барэлье́ф m ( barelʹjéf ) Bulgarian:реле́ф (bg) m ( reléf ) Catalan:relleu (ca) m Chinese:Mandarin:浮雕 (zh) ( fúdiāo ) Czech:reliéf (cs) m Danish:relief c Dutch:reliëf (nl) n Esperanto:reliefo Estonian:reljeef ,bareljeef Finnish:reliefi (fi) ,korkokuva (fi) ,kohokuva (fi) French:relief (fr) m Georgian:რელიეფი ( reliepi ) German:Relief (de) n Greek:ανάγλυφο (el) n ( anáglyfo ) Ancient Greek:ἐκτύπωμα n ( ektúpōma ) Hebrew:תבליט (he) ( tavlit ) Hungarian:relief (hu) ,dombormű (hu) Icelandic:lágmynd f Indonesian:relief (id) Irish:rilíf f Italian:rilievo (it) m ,bassorilievo (it) m Japanese:浮き彫り (ja) ( うきぼり, ukibori ) ,リリーフ ( rirīfu ) ,レリーフ ( rerīfu ) Khmer:ចម្លាក់លៀន ( jom lakk lean ) ,ចម្លាក់ផុស ( jom lakk phos ) Korean:부조 (ko) ( bujo ) Latvian:reljefs (lv) m ,cilnis m Lithuanian:reljefas (lt) m Macedonian:релјеф m ( reljef ) Norwegian:Bokmål:relieff n Nynorsk:relieff n Polish:relief (pl) m Portuguese:relevo (pt) m Romanian:relief (ro) n ,basorelief (ro) n ,altorelief (ro) n Russian:релье́ф (ru) m ( relʹjéf ) ,барелье́ф (ru) m ( barelʹjéf ) Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:рељеф m Roman:reljef (sh) m Slovak:reliéf m Slovene:relief (sl) m Spanish:relieve (es) m Swedish:relief (sv) c Turkish:kabartma (tr) ,rölyef (tr) Ukrainian:барельє́ф (uk) m ( barelʹjéf ) ,рельє́ф m ( relʹjéf ) Vietnamese:рhù điêu Welsh:cerfwedd f
apparent difference in elevation
difference of elevations on a surface
Belarusian:рэлье́ф m ( relʹjéf ) Bulgarian:релеф (bg) m ( relef ) Catalan:relleu (ca) m Czech:reliéf (cs) m Dutch:reliëf (nl) n Finnish:pinnanmuoto ,korkeusero ,reliefi (fi) French:relief (fr) m German:Relief (de) n Greek:ανάγλυφο (el) ( anáglyfo ) Hebrew:תבלוטת / תִּבְלֹטֶת ( tivlotet ) ,תבליט (he) ( tɑvlit ) Hungarian:domborzat (hu) ,domborulat (hu) ,kiemelkedés (hu) Italian:rilievo (it) m ,sopraelevazione (it) f Japanese:起伏 (ja) ( きふく, kifuku ) ( rises and dips ) ,高低 (ja) ( こうてい, kōtei ) ( highs and lows ) Latvian:reljefs (lv) m Macedonian:релјеф m ( reljef ) Malay:bentuk bumi Maori:āhua matawhenua ,takoto whenua Portuguese:relevo (pt) m Romanian:relief (ro) n Russian:релье́ф (ru) m ( relʹjéf ) Serbo-Croatian:reljef (sh) m Spanish:relieve (es) m Swedish:relief (sv) c Ukrainian:рельє́ф m ( relʹjéf )
relief (comparative morerelief ,superlative mostrelief )
( of a surface ) Characterized by surface inequalities.Of or used inletterpress . Borrowed fromFrench relief
relief n (singular definite relieffet ,plural indefinite relieffer )
relief (work of art)Inherited fromOld French , fromrelever .
relief m (plural reliefs )
projection ,relief ( geography , mineralogy ) relief , surfaceelevation ( figuratively ) contrast ,definition ,offset ( against something else ) ( mettre en relief ) Makeevident ; giveemphasis (to something), makestand out ,highlight .( sculpture ) relief relief Borrowed fromFrench relief .
relief m inan (related adjective reliefowy )
( sculpture ) relief ( sculpture or other artwork in which shapes or figures protrude from a flat backgroung ) Synonym: płaskorzeźba ( geology ) relief ,landform ,terrain ( area of land or the particular features of it ) Synonym: rzeźba terenu relief inWielki słownik języka polskiego , Instytut Języka Polskiego PANrelief in Polish dictionaries at PWNrelief in PWN's encyclopediaBorrowed fromFrench relief .
relief n (plural reliefuri )
relief (difference of elevations on the Earth's surface)relief c
arelief (type of artwork)