Let us divide our labours; thou, where choice / Leads thee, or where most needs, whether to wind / The woodbine round this arbour, or direct / The clasping ivy where to climb; while I, / In yonder spring of roses intermixed / With myrtle, find what toredress till noon:[…]
1796 May 10,Alexander Hamilton, letter toGeorge Washington; quoted in George Washington;Jared Sparks, compiler, “Washington's Farewell Address [Appendix, No. III]”, inThe Writings of George Washington; being His Correspondence, Addresses, Messages, and Other Papers, Official and Private, Selected and Published from the Original Manuscripts; with a Life of the Author, Notes, and Illustrations, volume XII (Part Fifth; Comprising Speeches and Messages to Congress, Proclamations, and Addresses), Boston, Mass.: American Stationers' Company; John B. Russell; Cambridge, Mass.: Folsom, Wells, and Thurston, 1837,OCLC29437768,page 391:
Sir; When last in Philadelphia, you mentioned to me your wish that I shouldre-dress a certain paper, which you had prepared. As it is important, that a thing of this kind should be done with great care, and much at leisure, touched and retouched, I submit a wish, that, as soon as you have given it thebody you mean it to have, it may be sent to me.
Nor envy we / Thy great reknown, nor grudge thy victory; / 'Tis thine, O king! the afflicted toredress, / And fame has fill'd the world with thy success:[…]
Hereditary bondsmen! know ye not / Who would be free themselves must strike the blow? / By their right arms the conquest must be wrought? / Will Gaul or Muscoviteredress ye? no!
1847,Augustin Thierry;William Hazlitt, transl., “The Anglo-Normans and the English by Race”, inHistory of the Conquest of England by the Normans: Its Causes, and Its Consequences, in England, Scotland, Ireland, and on the Continent [...]Translated from the 7th Paris edition by William Hazlitt, [...], volume II, London: D. Bogue,OCLC458279441; reprinted Cambridge:Cambridge University Press, 2011,→ISBN,pages=357–358, footnote:
[Magna Charta] [I]f we, our justiciary, our bailiffs, or any of our officers, shall in any circumstance fail in the performance of them, towards any person, or shall break through any of these articles of peace and security, and the offence be notified to four barons chosen out of the five-and-twenty before mentioned, the said four barons shall repair to us, or our justiciary, if we are out of the realm, and laying open the grievance, shall petition to have itredressed without delay: and if it be notredressed by us, or if we should chance to be out of the realm, if it should not beredressed by our justiciary, within forty days,[…] the said five-and-twenty barons, together with the community of the whole kingdom, shall distrain and distress us all the ways possible, by seizing our castles, lands, possessions, and in other manner they can, till the grievance isredressed according to their pleasure;[…]
Iohn. [of Lancaster][…] Let's drinke together friendly, and embrace, / That all their eyes may beare thoſe Tokens home, / Of our reſtored Loue and Amitie. /Biſh. [Archbishop of York] I take your Princely word, for theſeredreſſes.
Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for aredress of grievances.
It will be pleaded, thirdly, that no substitute for war can be devised, which will insure to a nature aredress of wrongs.—But is it common for a nation to obtain aredress of wrongs by war? As toredress, do not the wars of nations resemble boxing at a tavern, when both the combatants receive a terrible bruising, then drink together, and make peace, each, however, bearing for a long time the marks of his folly and madness? Aredress of wrongs by war is so uncommon, that unless revenge isredress, and multiplied injuries satisfaction, we should suppose that none but madmen would run the hazard.
Although the main sanction is a criminal prosecution, there is also the possibility of consumerredress, either through compensation orders or the new civil sanction pilots.
2013, Stephanie Wolfe, “Redress and Reparation Movements (RRMs) Following the United States Internments”, inThe Politics of Reparations and Apologies (Springer Series in Transitional Justice; 7), New York, N.Y.:Springer,→DOI,→ISBN,page210:
The offering ofredress and reparations to Japanese Americans was a significant step in the proliferation of aredress and reparation norm. As previously stated,redress had previously been focused on transitional justice, providing criminal, legislative, and reparatory justice following a shift from an authoritarian regime to a democratic regime. Providingredress and reparation to a victimized group in a country that did not undergo a regime change, and in fact was a major world power, created a tipping point for reparation politics.
The teacher first undressed andredressed the doll for the child, then showed her how to pull the snaps apart. No other activity interested the little girl, and after repeated demonstrations she was still trying unsuccessfully to undress the doll.
2009, W[illiam] Brian Rowe, “Grinding Wheel Dressing”, inPrinciples of Modern Grinding Technology, Oxford, Burlington, Mass.: William Andrew,Elsevier,→ISBN,pages71–72:
The position of the grinding wheel surface relative to the machine axis positions continually changes due to grinding wheel wear, thermal expansion of the machine tool, and thermal expansion or contraction of the grinding wheel.[…] The effect of this variability is that the wheel position stored in the CNC [computer numerical control] is inaccurate by the time it is necessary tore-dress the grinding wheel. To overcome this problem, the machine user often specifies a large dressing in-feed to guarantee that the dressing tool will dress the grinding wheel.
2009, John C. Barber,The Joy of Medical Practice: Forty Years of Interesting Patients, page22:
I talked with her mother whenever she was in the room while Iredressed the wound.
Meanwhile the actors rearranged themselves into a different blocking, as the prop departmentredressed the set.
2004, Michael P. DiPaolo, “How to be a Guerrilla Filmmaker”, inThe Six Day Horror Movie: A No-Nonsense Guide to No-Budget Filmmaking, Jefferson, N.C.:McFarland & Company,→ISBN,page120:
[Val] Lewton wouldredress standing sets, turning a church into an insane asylum or the staircase forOrson Welles'The Magnificent Ambersons into the staircase for the young girl's apartment inCat People.[…] [Y]ou should be thinking about trying to reuse every location you have as another location, either by using another room or another angle orre-dressing what's already there.
The Honeydukes set in this film is aredress of the set of Flourish and Blotts that was seen inHarry Potter and the Chamber of Secrets, which, in turn, was aredress of the Ollivander's set from the first film.
Jacob Poole (d. 1827) (before 1828) William Barnes, editor,A Glossary, With some Pieces of Verse, of the old Dialect of the English Colony in the Baronies of Forth and Bargy, County of Wexford, Ireland, London: J. Russell Smith, published1867,page102