Various shades ofred A woman withred hair. AUyghur girl inChina who hasred hair. A glass ofred wine Ared salmon FromMiddle English red , fromOld English rēad , fromProto-West Germanic *raud , fromProto-Germanic *raudaz fromProto-Indo-European *h₁rowdʰós , from the root*h₁rewdʰ- .
See alsoWest Frisian read ,Low German root ,rood ,rot ,rod ,Dutch rood ,German rot ,Danish andNorwegian Bokmål rød ,Norwegian Nynorsk raud ; alsoWelsh rhudd ,Latin ruber ,rufus ,Tocharian A rtär ,Tocharian B ratre ,Ancient Greek ἐρυθρός ( eruthrós ) ,Albanian pruth ( “ redhead ” ) ,Russian ру́дый (rúdyj) ("red", "redhaired").Czech rudý ,Lithuanian raúdas ,Finnish rauta ,Estonian raud ,Serbo-Croatian riđ ("reddish", "red"),Avestan 𐬭𐬀𐬊𐬌𐬛𐬌𐬙𐬀 ( raoidita ) ,Sanskrit रुधिर ( rudhirá ,“ red, bloody ” ) .
red (comparative redder or morered ,superlative reddest or mostred )
Of a red hue.The girl wore ared skirt.
c. 1596–1599 (date written),William Shakespeare , “The Second Part of Henry the Fourth, [ … ] ”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [ … ] (First Folio ), London: [ … ] Isaac Iaggard , andEd[ ward] Blount , published1623 ,→OCLC ,[ Act II, scene iv] :Your colour, I warrant you, is asred as any rose.
( of hair ) Having an orange-brown or orange-blond colour;ginger .Her hair hadred highlights.
( of the skin ) Having a redder hue than usual due toembarrassment ,anger ,sunburn , etc.;flushed .1982 ,Douglas Adams ,Life, the Universe and Everything , page23 :[T]he sun was shining on a happy crowd. It shone on white hats andred faces. It shone on ice lollies and melted them.
( of a dog or its coat ) Having a brown color.( card games , of a card) Of thehearts ordiamonds suits. Compareblack ( “ of the spades or clubs suits ” ) I got twored queens, and he got one of the black queens.
( politics , often capitalized ) Supportive of, related to, or dominated by a political party or movement represented by the color red:Left-wing parties and movements, chieflysocialist orcommunist , including the U.K.Labour party and theSocial Democratic Party ofGermany ."Only Nixon could go to China" was the refrain of conventional wisdom during Richard Nixon’s 1972 official visit to Mao Tse-tung’s regime. Nixon’s anti-communist credentials, however dubious, provided useful camouflage as he opened diplomatic relations withRed China and made breathtaking concessions that an undisguised liberal couldn’t get away with.[1] thered -black grand coalition in Germany
( US politics ) The U.S.Republican Party .[21st c.] ared state
ared Congress
( chiefly derogatory , offensive ) Amerind ; relating toAmerindians orFirst Nations 1994 , Soundgarden,Spoonman :All my friends are Indians / All my friends are brown andred
( astronomy ) Of the lower-frequency region of the (typically visible) part of the electromagnetic spectrum which is relevant in the specific observation.( particle physics ) Of a redcolor charge .( color ) : scarlet ,crimson ,vermilion ,ruby -red,cherry -red,cerise ,cardinal -red,carmine ,wine -red,claret -red,blood -red (sanguine ),coral -red,cochineal -red,rose -red (rosy ,damask ),brick -red,maroon ,rust -red (rusty),rufous -red,gules -red,rufescent .( antonym(s) of “ having red as its colour ” ) : nonred ,unred ( antonym(s) of “ having red as its colour charge ” ) : antired Adrianople red alizarin red anti-red apple red arctic red jellyfish arrest-me-red ash-red barn red beetroot red better dead than red big red button big red switch bleed red ink blood-red blood-red fancy blue-red brick-red cadmium red Cambodian red Canadian red pine cardinal red carmine red carthamus red catch red-handed cherry-red Christmas Island red crab code red Cuban red macaw cut red tape dago red dark red ,dead-red eastern red cedar Ezo red fox Falun red Falu red French red Great Red Dragon grey red-backed vole Harlan's red-tailed hawk Harrison red Himalayan red bear indigo red infra-red Irish red ale kino red Little Red Riding Hood Magdala red ,magdala red Miss Waldron's red colobus Moroccan red ,Morocco red Mount Graham red squirrel Murray red gum Nantucket red naphthalene red Nile red northern red-backed vole northern red oak Old Red Sandstone paint the town red paranitraniline red para red Parliamentary red picrosirius red Prussian red put on the red light Quebec red trout quinova red ragged red fibers raise red flags ratanhia red red admirable red admiral red alder red ale red alert red alga red-and-green macaw red and silver dewdrop red ant red antimony red ape red apple Red Army red arrow red as a beetroot red as a lobster red ash red-assed red avadavat red-backed fairywren red-backed hawk red-backed sea eagle red-backed shrike red-back ,redback ,red back red bag delivery red-bait red-baiter red-baiting red ball red banana red band red-banded sand wasp red bandfish red banner red bay ( tree ) Red Bay ( toponym ) red bayberry red bean red bean porridge red beet red-bellied black snake red-bellied piranha red-bellied titi red biddy red-billed red-billed gull red-billed leiothrix red-billed woodcreeper red birch red-bird ,redbird red-black tree red-blood red blood cell red blood cell cast red-blooded red-bloodedness Red Bluff red book red bourgeoisie red box red brass red-breasted flycatcher red-breasted goose red-breasted merganser red-breasted sapsucker red-brick ,redbrick red brick university Red Brigades red-brown red brush redbud redbug red building paper red button red cabbage red campion red cap red-capped red-capped parrot red car red cardinal red cardinal flower red card ,red-card red-carpetful red carpet ,red-carpet Redcastle red caviar red cedar red cell red cent red chalk red chamber red-chested cuckoo red chickweed Red China red chip red chokeberry red circle rate Red Cloud red clover red clump red Clydeside red coat ,redcoat red-cockaded woodpecker red codling red-collared lorikeet red-collared widowbird red colobus red-cook red copper red coral red corpuscle red cotton-tree ,red cotton tree Red Crescent red-crested pochard Red Cross red crossbill red-crowned crane red cunt hair red currant red currant]],red-currant red cypress red daikon red day red dead man's fingers red deer red delicious redden red detuning red-diaper red diaper baby ,red-diaper baby red diesel reddish red dog Red Dot red drum red dwarf red-eared slider red-eared terrapin red-eared turtle red ear syndrome red earth red egg red elm red ensign red envelope Red Eye red-eyed red-eye gravy red eye ,red-eye ,redeye red-faced red-faced cormorant red face test red factor canary red-fan parrot red fascism red fascist red fescue red fever red figure red-finned shark red-fin shark red fir red fire redfish red flag day red-flaggy red flag in front of a bull red flag knowledge red flag law red flag ,Red Flag red flag to a bull red flag warning Red Flames red-flanked bluetail red flour beetle red flower red-footed falcon red-footed tortoise red forest red fox red-fronted tinkerbird red fuming nitric acid red geyser red giant red ginger red gold red goods red grape red-green alliance red-green-brown alliance red-green coalition red-green ,red green red grouse Red Guard ,red guard red gum ,red-gum red gurnard red hair red hake red-handed red-handedly red-handedness red hat Red Hawke redhead red-headed Eskimo red-headed honeyeater red-headed ,redheaded red-headed stepchild red-headed vulture red heat red Helen red herring red herring prospectus Red Hill red hind red hornweed red horse ,redhorse red-hot minute red-hot poker red-hot ,red hot red huckleberry red-humped caterpillar red hydrogen red imported fire ant red ink red-inker red in the face red in tooth and claw red ivory red jackal red jade red judge red junglefowl red juniper red kangaroo Red Ken red king crab red kite red knot red kuri squash Red Lake County Red Lake Falls red lane red lead red leaf red Leb red-legged golden orb-weaver spider red-legged grasshopper (Melanoplus femurrubrum )red-legged partridge red-legged tinamou red-leg ,red leg Red Leicester red letter red-letter red letter date red-letter day ,red letter day red-letter edition red letter law red licorice red light red-light camera ,red light camera red-light district ,red light district red line Red Liner red-line torpedo barb red link red-linked red lion red-lipped batfish red liquor red liquorice Red List red lives matter Red Lodge red lynx red-maids ,red maids red mammee ,red mamey red man red manganese red manganese oxide red mange red man syndrome red maple (Acer rubrum )red marrow red mass red mead red measles red meat red meat radish red menace red mercury red mirage red mist red mite red moki red mongo red monkey red mud red mulberry red mulga red mullet red-necked buzzard red-necked francolin red-necked grebe red-necked phalarope red-necked stint red-necked wallaby red-necked woodpecker red neck syndrome red Ned red neuralgia red-nigger ,red nigger red nightshade red noise red-nose tetra red notice red nucleus red nugget red nugget galaxy Red Oak ( toponym ) red oak red oak tree red ocher ,red ochre red onion red osier red osier dogwood red owl red oxide red oxygen red packet red panda red pea red-pencil red penny red pepper red phalarope red phosphorus red pill red pilled red piller red pine red pipe red piranha red plague red planet red point ,red-point Red Poll redpoll (Acanthis spp.)red poppy red porgy red precipitate red princess flower red puccoon (Sanguinaria canadensis )red pudding red pussy hair red rag red-ragger red rag to a bull red rail red raspberry red rattle red rattler red-red stew red ribbon red rice red rider red-rimmed red ring red ring disease red ring of death red ring skirt red river hog Red Rock red rock crab red rocket red room redroot Red Rose of Lancaster Red Roses red rosin paper red rot red route red-rumped swallow Red Russian kale red sage red salmon red sanders red sauce Red Scar red scare red scarf Red Sea red sea Red Sea Hills red seaperch red setter red-shafted flicker red shale redshank red shank red-shanked douc red shift red shirt ,red-shirt red-short red-shortness red-shouldered hawk red silky oak red silver red siskin red slaw red slender loris red snake red snapper red snow red sorrel red spider red spider lily red spiral red spiral galaxy Red Spot red-spotted purple red sprite red spruce red spurge red squad Red Square red squill (Drimia maritima )red squirrel Red Star red-start red state red steenbras red strawberry tongue red string of fate reds under the bed red sunflower red supergiant red swampdragon red tag red-tagging red tail disease red-tailed black cockatoo red-tailed black shark red-tailed hawk red-tailed phascogale red tailed shark red-tailed shrike red-tailed squirrel red-tailed tropicbird red tape red-tapeism red-tapism red-tapist red tea red teamer red-team ,red team red terror red-throat red-throated diver red-throated loon red-throated pipit red-throated thrush red-throated tit red tide red tiger red time red toad trillium red-toothed red-toothed shrew red-top ,red top ,redtop red-to-red red triangle slug red trillium red turtle dove red under the bed red-up ,red up red valerian red-veined darter red-veined dock red velvet red velvet cake ,red-velvet cake red velvet mite red vet pet Red Vienna red vitriol Red Volta red wall red water red wattlebird red wave red wedding red week Red Wharf Bay red whortleberry (Vaccinium vitis-idaea )red wiggler Red Willow County Red Willow Creek red wine headache Red Wing red-winged blackbird red-winged fairywren red-winged tinamou redwing ,red-wing red wings red wolf red won redwood red worm (Lumbricina spp.)red yeast rice red zone ,red-zone river red gum roll out the red carpet rose red ,rosy-red rosy-red minnow royal red prawn ruby-red ,ruby red run a red light ruthenium red scarlet red Shasta red fir sit dead-red Spanish red spot-red straight red straight red card take the red eye take the red pill tile red turn a number of shades of red turn on red unexpected red theory violet red bile agar we all bleed red western red cedar (Thuja plicata )wormred yellow-red red (countable anduncountable ,plural reds )
( countable and uncountable ) The colour of the setting sun; the colour which is evoked by the longest visiblewavelengths (between about 625–740 nm), and a primary additive
Red can be seen as hot or angry.
( countable ) Arevolutionary socialist or (most commonly) aCommunist ;( usually capitalized ) aBolshevik , a supporter of the Bolsheviks in the Russian Civil War.Coordinate term: pinko ( countable , snooker ) One of the 15 red balls used insnooker , distinguished from thecolours .( countable and uncountable ) Red wine .2005 , Jeffrey P. Landry,Temptation Mango :He produced a wine key from his jacket pocket and effortlessly removed the cork from the bottle ofred .
2008 January–February, “70 Ways to Improve Every Day of the Week”, inMen's Health , volume23 , number 1,→ISSN , page135 :59sneak in some red Smuggle a bottle of wine, two glasses, and a corkscrew into a long matinee. Red wine is rich in life-extending antioxidants, and the caper will add zest even to a bad movie.
( countable ) Any of several varieties ofale which are brewed with red or kilnedmalt , giving the beer a red colour.Hyponyms: Flanders red ,Irish red 2012 June 5, Howard Stelzer,Beer Cocktails: 50 Superbly Crafted Cocktails that Liven Up Your Lagers and Ales , Harvard Common Press,→ISBN :Americanreds and doppelbocks are heavy lagers as well. It really comes down to how the beer was made. Beyond that, brewers are immensely creative and have developed styles of both ale and lager that run a wide range of attributes.
2016 April 1, Lonely Planet, Helena Smith, Andy Symington, Donna Wheeler,Lonely Planet Belgium & Luxembourg , Lonely Planet,→ISBN :No other country has a brewing tradition as richly diverse as that of Belgium, with beers ranging from pleasant pale lagers to wild, winelike Flemishreds and lambics.
( countable , informal , Australia ) Ared kangaroo .( countable , informal , UK , birdwatching ) Aredshank .( derogatory , offensive ) AnAmerican Indian .Synonym: redskin ( slang ) The drugsecobarbital ; a capsule of this drug.Synonyms: redbird ,red devil 1970 , “Truckin'”, inAmerican Beauty , performed by Grateful Dead:What in the world ever became of sweet Jane? / She lost her sparkle, you know she isn't the same / Livin' onreds , vitamin C, and cocaine
1971 , Hunter S. Thompson,Fear and Loathing in Las Vegas , Harper Perennial, published2005 , page202 :The big market, these days, is in Downers.Reds and smack—Seconal and heroin—and a hellbroth of bad domestic grass sprayed with everything from arsenic to horse tranquillizers.
1998 ,Jeffery Deaver ,The Coffin Dancer , New York, NY:Pocket Books , published2021 ,→ISBN , page285 :“Whatchu got, man?” / “Reds , bennies, dexies, yellow jackets, demmies.” / “Yeah, demmies're good shit, man. I pay you. Fuck. I got money. I'm hurting inside. Got beat up. Where my money?”
( informal ) Ared light ( a traffic signal ) 1974 , Tom Waits, “(Looking for) The Heart of Saturday Night”, inThe Heart of Saturday Night [2] :Stopping on thered , you're going on the green / Cause tonight will be like nothing you've ever seen / And you're barreling down the boulevard / You're looking for the heart of Saturday night
( Ireland , UK , beverages, informal ) Red lemonade ( particle physics ) One of the threecolor charges forquarks .( US , colloquial , uncountable ) Chili con carne ( usually in the phrase "bowl of red" ) .1982 ,The Rotarian , volume140 , number 1, page39 :Houston visited a home in an early pioneer settlement where he was offered a bowl ofred . Houston eagerly took his first large spoonful. His eyes watering, he spat out his bite[ …]
( informal ) Theredfish orred drum ,Sciaenops ocellatus , a fish with reddish fins and scales.2013 November, Catch Cormier, “Sightcasting for redfish”, inLouisiana Sportsman [3] :The species Sciaenops ocellatus certainly isn’t lacking for nicknames.[ …] Clear water also favors sightcasting. Against the dark background of marsh mud, ared will appear like a pumpkin — big, orange and round.
( slang , uncountable ) Tomato ketchup .2016 , Jon Bounds, Danny Smith,Pier Review: A Road Trip in Search of the Great British Seaside :I squeeze somered out over my chips and feel guilty. Nothing is as English as Heinz ketchup in the sauce game, except perhaps HP.
Terms derived fromred (noun)
Afrikaans:rooi (af) Ainu:フレ ( hure ) Aklanon:puea Albanian:kuq (sq) Amharic:ቀይ (am) ( ḳäy ) Arabic:حُمْرَة f ( ḥumra ) ,أَحْمَر (ar) m ( ʔaḥmar ) Egyptian Arabic:أحمر m ( ʔaḥmar ) Aragonese:royo m Armenian:կարմիր (hy) ( karmir ) Assamese:ৰঙা ( roṅa ) ,ৰঙা ৰং ( roṅa roṅ ) Assyrian Neo-Aramaic:ܣܡܘܿܩܵܐ m ( smoqa ) Asturian:bermeyu (ast) m Azerbaijani:qırmızı (az) Bashkir:ҡыҙыл ( qıźıl ) Basque:gorri Belarusian:чырво́ны (be) ( čyrvóny ) Bengali:লাল (bn) ( lal ) Bhojpuri:लाल ( lāl ) Breton:ruz (br) Budukh:ал ( al ) Bulgarian:червен (bg) m ( červen ) Burmese:အနီ (my) ( ) Buryat:улаан ( ulaan ) Catalan:vermell (ca) m ,roig (ca) m Cebuano:pula or puwa Central Huishui Hmong:liab Chechen:цӏе ( cʼe ) ,цӏен ( cʼen ) Cherokee:ᎩᎦᎨᎢ ( gigagei ) Chichewa:chofiira Chickasaw:homa Chinese:Cantonese:紅色 / 红色 ( hung4 sik1 ) Eastern Min:红色 ( oing saik ) Hokkien:紅色 / 红色 (zh-min-nan) ( âng-sek ) Mandarin:紅色 / 红色 (zh) ( hóngsè ) Chukchi:чеԓгыԓьын ( čeḷgyḷʹyn ) Cornish:rudh Corsican:rossu (co) Czech:červeň (cs) f ,červená (cs) f ,rudá (cs) f Danish:rød (da) Dutch:rood (nl) Dzongkha:དམརཔོ ( dmrpo ) Esperanto:ruĝo Estonian:punane (et) Evenki:хулама ( hulama ) Ewe:dzĩ Farefare:mõlga Finnish:punainen (fi) Franco-Provençal:rojo m French:rouge (fr) m Galician:vermello (gl) m ,encarnado (gl) m Georgian:წითელი ფერი ( c̣iteli peri ) ,წითელი (ka) ( c̣iteli ) German:Rot (de) n Greek:κόκκινο (el) n ( kókkino ) ,ερυθρό (el) n ( erythró ) ,πορφυρό (el) n ( porfyró ) ,άλικο (el) n ( áliko ) Greenlandic:aappaluttoq (kl) Guaraní:pytã Gujarati:લાલ (gu) ( lāl ) Haitian Creole:rouj ,wouj Hausa:ja Hawaiian:ʻulaʻula Hebrew:אדום (he) ( adom ) Higaonon:maliga Hiligaynon:pula Hindi:लाल (hi) ( lāl ) ,रुधिर (hi) ( rudhir ) Hungarian:piros (hu) ,vörös (hu) Icelandic:rauður (is) Ido:reda (io) Igbo:acha ọbara ọbara Indonesian:merah (id) Ingush:цӏе ( cʼe ) Interlingua:rubio ,rubro ,rubido ( dark ) Irish:dearg (ga) ,rua (ga) ( dark ) Italian:rosso (it) m Japanese:赤 (ja) ( あか, aka ) Javanese:abang (jv) ( ngoko ) ,abrit (jv) ( krama ) Kalmyk:улаан ( ulaan ) Kannada:ಕೆಂಪು (kn) ( kempu ) Kapampangan:lutu Kashubian:czerwiony Kazakh:қызыл (kk) ( qyzyl ) Khinalug:ал ( al ) Khmer:ក្រហម (km) ( grəhorm ) Kikuyu:ũtune class14 Kongo:mbwaki Korean:빨강 (ko) ( ppalgang ) ,빨간색 (ko) ( ppalgansaek ) Kyrgyz:кызыл (ky) ( kızıl ) Lao:ສີແດງ (lo) ( sī dǣng ) Latgalian:sorkons m ,sorkona f Latin:color ruber m Latvian:sarkans (lv) m Ligurian:rósso m Lithuanian:raudonas m ,raudona f Lombard:ross (lmo) Louisiana Creole French:rouj Luxembourgish:rout (lb) Macedonian:црвена ( crvena ) Maguindanao:mariga Malagasy:mena (mg) Malay:merah (ms) Malayalam:ചുവപ്പ് (ml) ( cuvappŭ ) Maltese:aħmar (mt) Manchu:ᡶᡠᠯᡤᡳᠶᠠᠨ ( fulgiyan ) Manx:jiarg Maori:whero (mi) Maranao:mariga' Marathi:लाल (mr) ( lāl ) Maricopa:hwetam Mongolian:улаан (mn) ( ulaan ) ᠤᠯᠠᠭᠠᠨ ( ulaɣan ) Moore:miuugu ,miigi ,miiri Nanai:сэгден ( segʒen ) Navajo:łichíʼí Nepali:रातो (ne) ( rāto ) Nga La:sen Nheengatu:piranga Norwegian:rød (no) ,raud (no) O'odham:wegi Occitan:rog (oc) m ,roge (oc) m Odia:ନାଲି (or) ( nāli ) Old Norse:rauðr Pangasinan:ambalanga Persian:قرمز (fa) ( qermez ) ,سرخ (fa) ( sorx ) ,احمر (fa) ( ahmar ) Polish:czerwień (pl) f Portuguese:vermelho (pt) m ,rubro (pt) m ,vermelha (pt) f ,rubra (pt) f ,encarnado (pt) m ,escarlate (pt) m Punjabi:ਲਾਲ (pa) ( lāl ) Quechua:puka Romanian:roșu (ro) Russian:кра́сный (ru) ( krásnyj ) Samoan:lanu mumu Sanskrit:रुधिर (sa) ( rudhira ) ,लोहित (sa) ( lohita ) Saterland Frisian:rood Scots:reid Scottish Gaelic:dearg ,ruadh ( dark red, auburn ) Serbo-Croatian:Cyrillic:црвена f Roman:crvena (sh) f Sherpa:མར་རུ ( mar ru ) Shona:tsvuku Sinhalese:රතු (si) ( ratu ) Slovak:červená Slovene:rdeča f Somali:gaduud Sorbian:Lower Sorbian:cerwjeń f Sotho:lesêdi ,khubelu (st) Spanish:rojo (es) Sundanese:beureum (su) Swahili: -ekundu Swedish:röd (sv) ,rött (sv) Sylheti:ꠟꠣꠟ ( lal ) Tagalog:pula (tl) Tajik:surx Tamil:சிவப்பு (ta) ( civappu ) Tausug:pula Telugu:ఎరుపు (te) ( erupu ) Tetum:mean Thai:สีแดง (th) ( sǐi-dɛɛng ) Tibetan:དམར ( dmar ) ,དམར་པོ ( dmar po ) Tok Pisin:redpela Tupinambá:pirang ,pitang Turkish:kırmızı (tr) ,kızıl (tr) ,al (tr) Turkmen:gyzyl Tuvan:кызыл ( kızıl ) Ukrainian:червоний (uk) ( červonyj ) Unami:maxke ,maxksu Urdu:لال (ur) ( lāl ) ,سرخ ( surx ) ,راتا (ur) ( rātā ) Uyghur:قىزىل (ug) ( qizil ) Uzbek:qizil (uz) Vietnamese:đỏ (vi) (𣠶 ) Walloon:rodje (wa) m Welsh:rhudd (cy) ,coch (cy) West Frisian:read (fy) Western Bukidnon Manobo:meriɣa' Winnebago:šuuc Xhosa:bomvu Yiddish:רויט ( royt ) Yoruba:pupa Yucatec Maya:chak Zazaki:sur (diq) ,rem (diq) Zulu:obomvu
snooker: one of the 15 red balls
derogatory: Amerind
—see also Amerind particle physics: one of the three color charges for quarks
Sciaenops ocellatus —see also red drum From the archaic verbrede .
( archaic ) simplepast andpast participle ofrede red (third-person singular simple present reds ,present participle redding ,simple past and past participle redded )
Alternative spelling ofredd FromEnglish red .
red red
past ofride red
inflection ofredden : first-person singular present indicative (in case ofinversion )second-person singular present indicative imperative red
singular imperative ofreden red
a type of rice FromOld Irish rét .
red m (genitive singular red ,plural reddyn )
thing ,object ,item Cha dainkreddyn dy mie. Things didn't pan out well. Cha nel shen deyr son y leagh t'erreddyn nish. That's not dear as things go. Kanys tareddyn goll er? How are things? Son y chiedred , t'eh ro vie dy ve firrinagh. For one thing, it is too good to be true. Tareddyn couyral. Things are getting better. Tareddyn ennagh ayn nagh vel niart ain orroo. There are some things we cannot help. Ta shenred aitt. That's a curious thing. T'eh yn unred . It amounts to the same thing. T'eh çheet stiagh rish ynred elley. It falls in with the other thing. She'nred hene eh y traa shoh. It's the real thing this time. Va shen ynred cooie dy ghra. That was the appropriate thing to say. matter FromOld English rǣd , fromProto-West Germanic *rād , fromProto-Germanic *rēdaz .
red (plural redes )
counsel ,advice ,recommendation persuasion ,convincing agreement ,permission ,allowance decree ,edict decision ,will ,purpose judgement , judicialdecision ,opinion plan ,strategy ,programme ,plot event ,happening ,occurrence benefit ,boon ,help deliberation ,discussion wisdom FromOld English hrēod , fromProto-West Germanic *hreud .
red (plural redes )
reed ,flax ( plant ) The stalk of a reed straw ,thatching reed pen FromOld English rēad , fromProto-West Germanic *raud , fromProto-Germanic *raudaz , fromProto-Indo-European *h₁rowdʰós .
red (comparative redder ,superlative reddest )
red ,crimson ,scarlet (in color)red pigment reddened ,dyed red blushing , red-facedbloody ,blood-stained ruddy ,rosy red-haired red -clothed ,wearing red ( metal ) golden ( alchemy ) causing transmutation into goldred
red ( colour ) red pigment ,vermillion ,cinnabar ( heraldry ) red ,gules ( tincture ) reddish orruddy skin reddish eyes oririses red fabric red wine blood Colors in Middle English ·coloures ,hewes (layout ·text ) whit grey ,hor blak red ;cremesyn ,gernet citrine ,aumbre ;broun ,tawne yelow ,dorry ,gul ;canevas grasgrene grene plunket ;ewage asure ,livid blewe ,blo ,pers violet ;inde rose ,murrey ;purpel ,purpur claret
todisappear . red
simplepast ofri simplepast ofride red m
Alternative form ofræd IPA (key ) : /ˈrɛt/ Rhymes:-ɛt Syllabification:red red
genitive plural ofreda Inherited fromProto-Slavic *rędъ .
rȇd m (Cyrillic spelling ре̑д )
row ( mathematics ) series konvergentan red ―convergent series divergentan red ―divergent series queue order ( of magnitude ) order ( arrangement, disposition ) line ( of customers ) ( chess ) rank ( religion ) order franjevačkired ―order of Saint Francis of Assisi “red ”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal ] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 FromProto-Slavic *rędъ .
rẹ̑d m inan
order (arrangement, disposition)rẹ̑d f
swath (the track cut out by a scythe in mowing)“red ”, inSlovarji Inštituta za slovenski jezik Frana Ramovša ZRC SAZU , portal Fran “red ”, inTermania , Amebis See also thegeneral references Inherited fromOld Spanish red , fromLatin rēte ( “ net ” ) . Cognate withEnglish rete .
IPA (key ) : /ˈred/ [ˈreð̞] Rhymes:-ed Syllabification:red red f (plural redes )
( hunting , tools) web ,mesh ( fishing ) net 1911 , Benito Pérez Galdós,De Cartago a Sagunto : 13 :Si se consigue pescar a Dorregaray con cuarenta mil duretes, a Cástor Andéchaga con veinticinco mil, y a otros tales, habremos hecho más que cogiendo en lared a los bicharracos de menor cuantía. (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) spiderweb Synonyms: telaraña ,tela de araña trap ,snare Synonyms: trampa ,cepo ( communication , transport ) net ,network red de carreteras ―highwaynetwork red de radiodifusoras ―radio broadcastersnetwork red televisiva ―TV broadcastingnetwork ( sports ) net ,goal ( electricity ) grid fuera de lared ―off thegrid ( informal , sometimes capitalized ) Web ,Internet 2013 January 16, “España: al 74% le gustaría acceder por Red a su historial clínico”, inEl País [4] :La mayoría de la población (84%) accede a lared para temas relacionados con la sanidad. Most of the population (84%) accesses theweb for health-related topics. 2021 January 29, Sara Rivas Moreno, quoting Paula González, “Las pymes montan la tienda en Instagram”, inEl País [5] , Madrid,→ISSN :"Nunca hemos hecho una campaña ni hemos pagado por seguidores, pero como soy prehistórica de laRed , me une una relación de contacto y amistad con muchasinfluencers ; de no ser así, no nos sacarían", puntualiza. (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) ( in theplural ) social networks Synonym: redes sociales red
imperative ofreda past indicative ofrida red (definite accusative reddi ,plural redler )
Alternative form ofret ( “ refusal, rejection ” ) Borrowed fromEnglish red .
red (nominative plural reds )
the colour red 1 status as a case is disputed2 in later, non-classical Volapük only
FromMiddle English redden , fromOld English hreddan .
tosave 1927 , “ZONG OF TWI MAARKEET MOANS”, inTHE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD , page129 , line11 :In durk Ichred virst mee left-vooted shoe." In the dark Ihappened first on my left-footed shoe." Kathleen A. Browne (1927 ) “THE ANCIENT DIALECT OF THE BARONIES OF FORTH AND BARGY, COUNTY WEXFORD.”, inJournal of the Royal Society of Antiquaries of lreland (Sixth Series)[6] , volume17 , number 2, Royal Society of Antiquaries of Ireland, page129