plural ofrat rats
( informal ) Expression ofannoyance ordisgust ;damn ,darn .[from 1886] ( informal ) Expression ofdisbelief .1925 July –1926 May ,A[rthur] Conan Doyle , “(please specify the chapter number) ”, inThe Land of Mist (eBook no. 0601351h.html), Australia:Project Gutenberg Australia , published April 2019:"It's damned clever - fair puzzles 'em every time. How d'ye get them?" "I tell you I don't. It's outside myself." "Rats ! You can tell me, Tom. I'm Griffiths, the safe man."
third-person singular simplepresent indicative ofrat tars ,sart ,ARTS ,arts. ,tsar ,tars- ,ARTs ,Sart ,srat ,Srta. ,star ,RAST ,Arts ,stra. ,Srta ,arts ,astr- ,TSRA ,RTAs ,Star ,TRAs rats
plural ofrat rats n
indefinite genitive singular ofrat indefinite genitive plural ofrat Clipping ofratjetoe .
rats m ( uncountable )
( dated ) Adish consisting of ahodgepodge of (leftover)vegetables andmashed potatoes , associated withsoldiers .Synonym: hutspot rats m
plural ofrat FromProto-Baltic *retas . Cognates includeLatvian rets andLithuanian retas .
IPA (key ) : [ˈrat͡s] Hyphenation:rats rats
rare Indefinite declension ofrats (type 1 adjective)
Definite declension ofrats (type 1 adjective)
Nicole Nau (2011 )A short grammar of Latgalian , München: LINCOM GmbH,→ISBN Stūres rats (1) Dzirnavu rats (1) Rati (2) FromProto-Indo-European *ret(h) ,*rot(h) . Cognates includeLithuanian rãtas ( “ wheel ” ) ,Sanskrit रथ ( ratha ,“ chariot ” ) ,Old High German rad ( “ wheel ” ) (German Rad ( “ wheel ” ) ),Latin rota ( “ wheel ” ) (Portuguese roda ,Spanish rueda ,Italian ruota ,Romanian roată ,French roue ),Albanian rreth ( “ hoop, circle, wheel rim ” ) .[ 1]
rats m (1st declension )
wheel ( circulardevice thatrotates on itsaxis ) stūresrats ―steeringwheel dzirnavurats ―millwheel spararats , spararats ―flywheel ķēdes pārvadarats ―chainwheel laimesrats ―thewheel of fortune pagriezt atpakaļ , apturēt vēsturesratu ―to turn back, to stop thewheel of history ( only plural ) cart ,carriage ( small wheeledvehicle drawn by animals ) jūgt zirguratos ―to harness a horse to acart vienjūga, divjūgarati ―a one-, a two-horsecart orcarriage smagierati ―heavycart rati ar gumijas riteņiem ―acart with rubber wheels rats
nominative plural ofrat