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See also:Rabbit


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A rabbit (eastern cottontail,Sylvilagus floridanus) (sense 1).



Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishrabet,rabette, from Anglo-Latinrabettus, from dialectalOld Frenchrabotte, probably a diminutive ofMiddle Dutch orWest Flemishrobbe(rabbit, seal), of uncertain origin; possibly someimitative verb, mayberobben,rubben(to rub) is used here to allude to a characteristic of the animal. Seerub.

Related forms includeMiddle Frenchrabouillet(baby rabbit) and inFrenchrabot(plane)), coming viaWalloonOld French (reflected nowadays asWalloonrobète(rabbit)), fromMiddle Dutchrobbe("rabbit; seal"; whence ModernDutchrob(rabbit", also "seal)); alsoMiddle Low Germanrobbe,rubbe(rabbit), and the laterGerman Low GermanRubbe,Robb(seal),West Frisianrobbe(seal),Saterland FrisianRubbe(seal),North Frisianrob(seal), borrowed intoGermanRobbe(seal).

Meant "young rabbit" until the 19th c., when it came to replace the original general termcony, owing to the latter's resemblance to and use as a euphemism forcunny, "vulva" (compareass anddonkey).



rabbit (countable anduncountable,pluralrabbits)

  1. Amammal of the familyLeporidae, with long ears, longhind legs and a short,fluffy tail.
    The pioneers survived by eating the small game they could get:rabbits, squirrels and occasionally a raccoon.
    • 1879,R[ichard] J[efferies], “The Old Punt: A Curious ‘Turnpike’”, inThe Amateur Poacher, London:Smith, Elder, & Co., [],→OCLC,pages19–20:
      Orion hit arabbit once; but though sore wounded it got to the bury, and, struggling in, the arrow caught the side of the hole and was drawn out. Indeed, a nail filed sharp is not of much avail as an arrowhead; you must have it barbed, and that was a little beyond our skill.
  2. (uncountable) Themeat from this animal.
  3. (uncountable) Thefur of a rabbit typically used to imitate anotheranimal's fur.
  4. Arunner in adistancerace whose goal is mainly to set thepace, either totire a specificrival so that ateammate can win or to help another break arecord; apacesetter.
  5. (cricket) A very poorbatsman, selected as abowler orwicket-keeper.
  6. (cricket) Abatsman who is frequentlydismissed by the samebowler (said to be that player's rabbit).
    Glenn McGrath dismissed Michael Atherton a record 19 times; hence Atherton is McGrath'srabbit.
  7. (computingtheory) A largeelement at the beginning of alist of items to bebubble sorted, and thus tending to be quickly swapped into its correct position. Compareturtle.
  8. Rarebit;Welsh rabbit or a similar dish: melted cheese served atop toast.
    • 2018, Helen Saberi,Teatimes: A World Tour, Reaktion Books,→ISBN:
      The cheese mixture may be served with toast on the side or poured on top of toast and grilled until golden brown and bubbling. Other variations include Buckrabbit, a Welshrabbit with a poached egg on top, and Yorkshirerabbit with bacon  ...
    • 1858, Mrs. N. K. M. Lee,The American Family Cook Book, page47:
    • 2019, Mark Kurlansky,Milk: A 10,000-Year History, Bloomsbury Publishing,→ISBN:
      Hannah Glasse offered recipes for Scotch, Welsh, and Englishrabbit. This is her Scotchrabbit: Toast a piece of bread very nicely[] Cut a slice of cheese,[]
  9. A pneumatically-controlled tool used to insert smallsamples ofmaterial inside thecore of anuclear reactor.
    • 2012, Joseph Cerny,Nuclear Spectroscopy and Reactions 40-A (part 1, page 249)
      Thisrabbit is constructed such that only that fraction of the beam that passes through the 15g-in. diameter target container reaches the Faraday cup behind therabbit.
  10. (genericized trademark) Avibrator with a shaft and aclitoralstimulator usually shaped like a rabbit's ears.
    • 201307, larry morgan,FOOTSTEPS: Poetic Reflections on the Opposite Sex and Life's Other Contradictions., iUniverse,→ISBN, page37:
      Rabbits come in many forms/In colors, shapes and sizes./ They satisfy a lady's needs,/Indulging her sweet vices.
    • 2018 August 29, Vivienne Savage,A Man of Many Talons, Payne & Taylor:
      First, she showed us the standard dildos before moving on to therabbits—vibrators with little ears to stimulate the clit.
    • 2023 June 6, Madeline Cox,250 Sexy Erotic Stories: Age Gap, Taboo Dark Reverse Harem, Forbidden Naughty Family, Tales for Adults, BDSM, Rough Daddies Dom, Sexy Hot Story for Women and Men, PaperGram LLC,→ISBN:
      She reached into her night stand for some lubricant and herrabbit vibrator.


Derived terms
poor batsman



rabbit (third-person singular simple presentrabbits,present participlerabbittingorrabbiting,simple past and past participlerabbittedorrabbited)

  1. (intransitive) Tohuntrabbits.
  2. (US, intransitive) Toflee.
    The informant seemed skittish, as if he was about torabbit.
    When the three friends heard someone behind them yell, "police, freeze!" they eachrabbited in a different direction.
    • 1986 December 7, Kim Westheimer, “Gay Bashing Still a Popular Boston Sport”, inGay Community News, volume14, number21, page 3:
      The attacked man stressed to theGCN the importance of confronting someone who is harassing a person in the Fenway. He said the attack on him could have been prevented if another man who was in front of him prior to the attack hadn't "rabbitted out of there."
to hunt rabbits

See also


Etymology 2


FromCockney rhyming slangrabbit and pork, to talk.



rabbit (third-person singular simple presentrabbits,present participlerabbiting,simple past and past participlerabbited)

  1. (British, intransitive) To talkincessantly and in a childish manner; tobabble annoyingly.
    Synonym:rabbit on
    Stop your infernalrabbiting! Use proper words or nobody will listen to you!
    • 1941They Die with their Boots On, Gerald Kersh, William Heinemann Ltd., London.
      To Barker, a row is a Bull-an'-a-Cow, a suit is a Whistle or Whistle-an'-flute, a kid is a Gord-Forbid ; a car is a Jam , or Jam-Jar ; talk is 'Rabbit , or Rabbit-an'-Pork ; beer is Pig's-Ear … and so on, up and down the language
Derived terms
to talk incessantly and childishly

See also


Etymology 3


Perhaps a corruption ofrabate.




  1. Confound;damn;drat.
    • 1797, George Colman,The Heir at Law:
      LORD D. There, Dick, d'ye hear how the tutorer talks? ohrabbit it! he can ladle you out of latin by the quart;—and grunts greek like a pig.






  1. nominativeplural ofrabbi







rabbi +‎-t


  • IPA(key): [ˈrɒbːit]
  • Hyphenation:rab‧bit




  1. accusativesingular ofrabbi
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