Modification of capital letterR by not closing the bottom of the loop but continuing into the leg to save a pen stroke, later shortening the right leg into a simple arc.
r (upper case R )
The eighteenth letter of thebasic modern Latin alphabet . Pronunciation of IPA[rɑː, ɑrrɑː] with the sound[r] : (file )
Abbreviation ofronto- .( engineering , geometry ) radius ( IPA ) (a) analveolar trill .(b)Used inbroad transcription for any rhotic consonant, e.g. in English, French or Japanese where the⟨ r ⟩ is not a trill[r] . (c)( superscript⟨ ʳ ⟩ ) an[r] -trill release (of aplosive ); a weak, fleeting or epenthetic[r] . (d)( superscript, obsolete ) a non-trilledrhotic coloration oroffglide of avowel ; arhotic vowel , now formed with⟨ ◌˞ ⟩ or a more-precise transcription such as⟨ ʴ ⟩ – see⟨ ʳ ⟩ . ( transcription ) used in several romanization systems of non-Latin scripts to represent variousrhotic sounds:Romanization of the Hebrewר ( “ reish”, “resh”, “rēš ” ) in the Common Israeli, Hebrew Academy (1953 and 2006), and ISO 259 transliteration schemes Romanization of the Hebrewרּ ( “ reish”, “resh”, “rēš ḥāzāq ” ) in the Common Israeli transliteration scheme ( chemistry ) of a tactic diad, having structural units in opposition.( physics ) relative . E.g.vr orvr for relativevelocity .( Romanization ofרּ , “reish”, “resh”, “rēš ḥāzāq” ) : rr ( in the Hebrew Academy (1953 and 2006) and ISO 259 transliteration schemes ) Other representations of R:
Anglo-Saxon Futhorc letter ᚱ, the Old English letter replaced by Latin r Old English lower case letterr , from 7th century replacement by Latin lower caser of the Anglo-Saxon Futhorc letterᚱ .
r (lower case ,upper case R ,plural rs or r's )
The eighteenthletter of the Englishalphabet , calledar and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letter ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
Theordinal numbereighteenth , derived from thisletter of the Englishalphabet , calledar and written in theLatin script . Fromare andour , pronounced like the name of the letterr .
( Internet slang , text messaging ) Abbreviation ofare .Howr u ―Howare you? 2018 ,Tommy Orange , “Jacquie Red Feather”, inThere There , New York, N.Y.:Vintage Books ,→ISBN , page100 :Whatr u doing? Jacquie texted Opal. She put her phone on the bed and went to her suitcase to get her swimsuit.
( Internet slang , text messaging ) Abbreviation ofour .2013 ,Jessica Burkhart ,Home for Christmas (Canterwood Crest ; Super Special), New York, NY:Aladdin M!X ,→ISBN ,page44 :This was supposed 2 be a SURPRISE, but the girls got it out of me. ☺ I wanted all of us 2 spend Xmas 2gether. By all, I meanr horses 2. Sooo . . . B, C, G, Z, & D, you have guests waiting @ BC. Zane, Valentino, Scout, Nero, & Polo r there! Now we can rider horses when we r not volunteering & spend Xmas w them. ☺
( Stenoscript ) the sound sequence /ɑr/, including the verbare ( Stenoscript ) Abbreviation ofher and inflectionhers . ( Stenoscript ) Abbreviation ofour ,inflectionours , and homophonehour . r lower case (upper case R )
The twenty-fourthletter of the Azerbaijanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) hərf ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ə ə ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,X x ,I ı ,İ i ,J j ,K k ,Q q ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The nineteenthletter of the Basquealphabet , callederre and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Catalanalphabet , callederra ,erre , orer and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lletres ;A a (À à ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ï ï ),J j ,K k ,L l (L·L l·l ),M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (upper case R )
A letter of theMazahua alphabet. ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ⱥ ⱥ ,A̱ a̱ ,B b ,C c ,Cꞌ cꞌ ,Cj cj ,Cu cu ,Cꞌu cꞌu ,Cju cju ,Ch ch ,Chꞌ chꞌ ,Chj chj ,D d ,Dy dy ,E e ,Ɇ ɇ ,E̱ e̱ ,G g ,Gu gu ,Hu hu ,ꞌHu ꞌhu ,I i ,I̱ i̱ ,J j ,Jꞌ jꞌ ,Jm jm ,Jn jn ,Jñ jñ ,Ju ju ,Jy jy ,L l ,M m ,Mꞌ mꞌ ,N n ,Nꞌ nꞌ ,Ñ ñ ,Ñꞌ ñꞌ ,O o ,Ø ø ,O̱ o̱ ,P p ,Pj pj ,R r ,S s ,T t ,Tꞌ tꞌ ,Tj tj ,Ts ts ,Tsꞌ tsꞌ ,Tsj tsj ,U u ,Ꞹ ꞹ ,U̱ u̱ ,X x ,Z z ,Zh zh ,ꞌ r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-sixthletter of the Czechalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) písmeno ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,Ď ď ,E e ,É é ,Ě ě ,F f ,G g ,H h ,Ch ch ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ň ň ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,Ř ř ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,Ť ť ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ů ů ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Z z ,Ž ž r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Dutchalphabet , written in theLatin script . Previous letter:q Next letter:s The actual reading of this word is uncertain, as it is always written as an ideogram, but evidence from Coptic suggests the original wasrꜣ . The extension in meaning to ‘part, piece, fraction’ might be either by way of a mouthful being used as a standard share in some distribution of food or goods,[ 1] or else extended from its meaning of ‘opening’ > ‘division’.
mouth (of humans or animals)Reign of Amenemhat II or Senusret II, c. 1929–1878BCE , Stela of Hekaib (Rijksmuseum van Oudheden,AP 78 ):jnk nḏs jqr ḏd mr(ꜣ) .f I was an excellent individual, one who spoke with his ownmouth . ( figuratively , chiefly in titles) speaker ,mouthpiece utterance ,statement especially,ritual utterance,spell ( rare ) language ,manner ofspeech opening ,hole bodily orifice ,opening of thehuman body in general, includingeyes ,ears ,nostrils , thevulva , andopen wounds entrance to abuilding or otherenclosed structure ,doorway c. 1401BCE ,
Amduat of Amenhotep II (tomb of Amenhotep II, KV35) First Hour, closing text, lines 8–9:
jw hy n rꜥ rr(ꜣ) ꜥꜣwj tꜣ hnw n.k srq ꜣḫw ꜥq.k sbꜣ n(j) wrt May there be cries of joy for Ra at theopening of the double doors of the earth, and acclaim for you who make theakh -spirits breathe when you enter the door of the Great (i.e. the afterworld). entrance to aland orplace in generalmouth of ariver water ’sedge ,waterline ( especially in compounds ) place orthing seen as anopening from one point to another,passage ,thoroughfare ameasure ofvolume equivalent to1 ⁄ 32 of ahnw or1 ⁄ 320 of aḥqꜣt (about 15millilitres );mouthful part ,piece ,fraction ( mathematics ) used as a numerator of 1 in fractions, literally “piece of (the denominator)”. 12th Dynasty , Siut Tomb I, 285, published in Griffith, Francis Llewellyn,The inscriptions of Siûṭ and Dêr Rîfeh :Following Sethe,
[ 3] it has often been suggested that
r should also be taken to mean ‘one third’ as a reading of the sign
(questionably attested in hieroglyphs proper), extrapolating backward from the dual form
rwj ( “ two thirds ” ) ; however, such a usage remains uncertain, and the reading of the form
ḫmt-rw ( “ three fourths ” ) argues against the interpretation of
r in
rwj as specifically meaning a third.
In the sense of ‘mouth’ the plural is rare, as the singular is usually used even in reference to the mouths of multiple people.
Alternative hieroglyphic writings ofr
r r jr r [New Kingdom] [21st Dynasty] [Greco-Roman Period] rare in hieratic
The senses relating to ‘opening, doorway’ sometimes carry different determinatives:
Alternative hieroglyphic writings ofr
r r [Old and Middle Kingdoms and Greco-Roman Period] [Old and Middle Kingdoms and Greco-Roman Period] in senses relating to ‘opening, doorway’ in senses relating to ‘opening, doorway’
The sense ‘water’s edge’ is similarly sometimes found with a different determinative:
Alternative hieroglyphic writings ofr
Demotic:rꜣ Akhmimic Coptic:ⲣⲟ ( ro ) ,ⲣⲱ⸗ ( rō⸗ ) Bohairic Coptic:ⲣⲟ ( ro ) ,ⲣⲉ- ( re- ) ,ⲣⲱ⸗ ( rō⸗ ) Fayyumic Coptic:ⲗⲁ ( la ) ,ⲗⲉ- ( le- ) ,ⲗⲱ⸗ ( lō⸗ ) Lycopolitan Coptic:ⲣⲟ ( ro ) ,ⲣⲱ⸗ ( rō⸗ ) Old Coptic:ⲣⲱ⸗ ( rō⸗ ) Sahidic Coptic:ⲣⲟ ( ro ) ,ⲣⲁ- ( ra- ) ,ⲣⲉ- ( re- ) ,ⲣⲱ⸗ ( rō⸗ ) Possibly cognate toHebrew אֶל ( ʾel ,“ to, at ” ) ,Arabic إِلَى ( ʔilā ,“ to, until, near ” ) .[ 4]
regarding ,with respect to ,concerning ,according to in order to ,for (the purpose of)( with following infinitive ) forms theperiphrastic prospective of a verb ( with verbs of motion, of places ) to ,towards ( in adverbial sentences, of places, roles, or functions ) headed for,destined for,bound for( of time ) at ,in ,on against , inopposition tofrom , apart from (ablative )( after an adjective or adverb, forming the comparative ) than , bycomparison to( generally in sentence-initial formjr ) introduces theprotasis of aconditional sentence ;if ,when ,as ( with a verb in theterminative as object ) until Alternative hieroglyphic writings ofr
jr jw [since the Old Kingdom] [Late Period] at the beginning of a sentence, and occasionally before pronouns; in wider usage in the Old Kingdom
Demotic:r ,jw ,jr⸗ ,r.r⸗ ,r.ḥr⸗ ,r.jr⸗ ,r.j.jr⸗ Akhmimic Coptic:ⲁ- ( a- ) ,ⲁⲣⲁ⸗ ( ara⸗ ) Bohairic Coptic:ⲉ- ( e- ) ,ⲉⲣⲟ⸗ ( ero⸗ ) Fayyumic Coptic:ⲉ- ( e- ) ,ⲉⲗⲁ⸗ ( ela⸗ ) Lycopolitan Coptic:ⲁ- ( a- ) Old Coptic:ⲁ- ( a- ) ,ⲁⲣⲁ⸗ ( ara⸗ ) Sahidic Coptic:ⲉ- ( e- ) ,ⲉⲣⲟ⸗ ( ero⸗ ) enclitic
( with attached suffix pronoun ) so ,regarding (that ,you ,me , etc.),as for (that ,you ,me , etc.)This usage is distinguished from the preposition by the fact that it occurs as the enclitic second element in a clause instead of at the end of a clause, as is otherwise the case with prepositional phrases.
Alternative hieroglyphic writings ofr
“rʾ (lemma ID 92560) ”, “r (lemma ID 91900) ”, and “jr (lemma ID 28170) ”, inThesaurus Linguae Aegyptiae [1] , Corpus issue 18, Web app version 2.1.5, Tonio Sebastian Richter & Daniel A. Werning by order of the Berlin-Brandenburgische Akademie der Wissenschaften and Hans-Werner Fischer-Elfert & Peter Dils by order of the Sächsische Akademie der Wissenschaften zu Leipzig,2004–26 July 2023 Erman, Adolf ,Grapow, Hermann (1926 )Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache [2] , volume 1, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag,→ISBN ,pages103.6–103.9 Erman, Adolf ,Grapow, Hermann (1928 )Wörterbuch der ägyptischen Sprache [3] , volume 2, Berlin: Akademie-Verlag,→ISBN ,pages386.6–388.10, 389.1–392.10 Faulkner, Raymond Oliver (1962 )A Concise Dictionary of Middle Egyptian , Oxford: Griffith Institute,→ISBN ,pages145–146 James P[eter] Allen (2010 )Middle Egyptian: An Introduction to the Language and Culture of Hieroglyphs , 2nd edition, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,→ISBN ,pages65, 71, 87, 118, 170, 179–180, 196, 410–411 .Gardiner, Alan (1957 )Egyptian Grammar: Being an Introduction to the Study of Hieroglyphs , third edition, Oxford: Griffith Institute,→ISBN ,page429 Hoch, James (1997 )Middle Egyptian Grammar , Mississauga: Benben Publications,→ISBN ,page42 ^ Palma, Helena Lopez (2015) “Egyptian Fractional Numerals: The grammar of Egyptian NPs and statements with fractional number expressions” inLingua Aegyptia , volume 23, page 199 ^ Loprieno, Antonio (1995 )Ancient Egyptian: A Linguistic Introduction , Cambridge: Cambridge University Press,→ISBN ,page58 ^ Sethe, Kurt (1916)Von Zahlen und Zahlworten bei den alten Ägyptern , page 82–83 ^ Hoch, James (1997 )Middle Egyptian Grammar , Mississauga: Benben Publications,→ISBN ,page15 r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-firstletter of the Esperantoalphabet , calledro and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,Ĉ ĉ ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ĝ ĝ ,H h ,Ĥ ĥ ,I i ,J j ,Ĵ ĵ ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ŝ ŝ ,T t ,U u ,Ŭ ŭ ,V v ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Estonianalphabet , callederr and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) täht ;A a ,B b (C c ),D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Š š ,Z z ,Ž ž ,T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),Õ õ ,Ä ä ,Ö ö ,Ü ü (X x ,Y y )r (upper case R )
The twentiethletter of the Faroesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstavur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Æ æ ,Ø ø The Finnish orthography using the Latin script was based on those of Swedish, German and Latin, and was first used in the mid-16th century. No earlier script is known. Seethe Wikipedia article on Finnish for more information , andr for information on the development of the glyph itself.
r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Finnishalphabet , calledär orer and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kirjain ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s (Š š ),T t ,U u ,V v (W w ),X x ,Y y ,Z z (Ž ž ),Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Frenchalphabet , written in theLatin script . r (lower case ,upper case R )
Aletter of the Fulaalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) karfeeje ;' ,A a ,B b ,Mb mb ,Ɓ ɓ ,C c ,D d ,Nd nd ,Ɗ ɗ ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ng ng ,Ɠ ɠ ,H h ,I i ,J j ,Nj nj ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ŋ ŋ ,Ñ ñ ,Ɲ ɲ ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Ƴ ƴ r
Romanization of𐍂 r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Hungarianalphabet , callederr and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) betű ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,C c ,Cs cs ,D d ,Dz dz ,Dzs dzs ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,Gy gy ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ly ly ,M m ,N n ,Ny ny ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ö ö ,Ő ő ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sz sz ,T t ,Ty ty ,U u ,Ú ú ,Ü ü ,Ű ű ,V v ,Z z ,Zs zs .Only in the extended alphabet: Q q W w X x Y y .Commonly used: ch .Also defined: à ë .In surnames (selection): ä aa cz ds eé eö ew oe oó th ts ÿ .r inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh .A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz. ). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN r (upper case R )
The twenty-firstletter of the Icelandicalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bókstafur ;A a ,Á á ,B b ,D d ,Ð ð ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Þ þ ,Æ æ ,Ö ö ( context pronunciation ) IPA (key ) : /ɾ/ ( letter name ) IPA (key ) : /ɾe/ r (upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Idoalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litero ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The fifteenthletter of the Irishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (Á á ),B b (Bh bh ,bhF bhf ,bP bp ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ,dT dt ),E e (É é ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (gC gc ,Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Í í ),L l ,M m (mB mb ,Mh mh ),N n (nD nd ,nG ng ),O o (Ó ó ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ,tS ts ),U u (Ú ú ),V v ( diacritics ) ◌́ ◌̇ ( dotted letters used chiefly inGaelic type ) Ḃ ḃ ,Ċ ċ ,Ḋ ḋ ,Ḟ ḟ ,Ġ ġ ,Ṁ ṁ ,Ṗ ṗ ,Ṡ ẛ ṡ ,Ṫ ṫ r f or m (invariable ,lower case ,upper case R )
The sixteenthletter of the Italianalphabet , callederre and written in theLatin script . Alternative spelling ofer .
Borrowed fromTagalog r . Letter pronunciation is influenced byEnglish r .
r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twentiethletter of the Kankanaeyalphabet , calledar and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z Komisyon ng Wikang Filipino (2016 )Ortograpiya di Kankanaëy [Kankanaey Orthography ][4] (in Kankanaey and Tagalog),→ISBN , pages10-11 The Kashubian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theKashubian alphabet article on Wikipedia for more, andr for development of the glyph itself.
r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Kashubianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,É é ,Ë ë ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ò ò ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,Ù ù ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ż ż r (lower case ,upper case R )
A letter in theLatin alphabet , representing the sound /r/ ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,V v ,X x ,Y y ,Z z
Proposed in 1908 as part of the new Latvian spelling by the scientific commission headed byK. Mīlenbahs , which was accepted and began to be taught in schools in 1909. Prior to that, Latvian had been written in GermanFraktur , and sporadically inCyrillic .
R r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Latvianalphabet , calleder and written in theLatin script . Letters of the Latvian alphabet: burti :A a ,Ā ā ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,E e ,Ē ē ,F f ,G g ,Ģ ģ ,H h ,I i ,Ī ī ,J j ,K k ,Ķ ķ ,L l ,Ļ ļ ,M m ,N n ,Ņ ņ ,O o ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,Ū ū ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž r (upper case R )
The twenty-ninthletter of the Livonianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) kēratēd̦ ;A a ,Ā ā ,Ä ä ,Ǟ ǟ ,B b ,D d ,D̦ d̦ ,E e ,Ē ē ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Ī ī ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ļ ļ ,M m ,N n ,Ņ ņ ,O o ,Ō ō ,Ȯ ȯ ,Ȱ ȱ ,Õ õ ,Ȭ ȭ ,P p ,R r ,Ŗ ŗ ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,Ū ū ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Malayalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-secondletter of the Maltesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) ittra ;A a ,B b ,Ċ ċ ,D d ,E e ,F f ,Ġ ġ ,G g ,Għ għ ,H h ,Ħ ħ ,I i ,Ie ie ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Ż ż ,Z z r (r5 / r0 ,Zhuyin ˙ㄖ )
Hanyu Pinyin reading of兒 / 儿 IPA (key ) : [r] ,( more recently among some speakers ) [ʁ] r (lower case ,upper case R )
Aletter of the North Frisianalphabet , written in theLatin script . In the syllablecoda , ⟨r ⟩ is vowelized to[ɐ̯] , creating diphthongs (similarly to German and non-rhotic English). After ⟨ia, ua ⟩, insofar as they have[ɐ̯] to begin with, it may be lost entirely. In Sylt and Föhr-Amrum Frisian, ⟨r ⟩ before a voicelessstop is frequently not vowelized, but becomes[x] instead. This development is not related (or at least not directly so) to the use ofuvular R , since it happens equally in those speakers who say[r] . ( North Frisian letters ) : a ,ä ,å ,ā ,b ,c ,d ,đ ,e ,ē ,f ,g ,h ,i ,j ,k ,l ,m ,n ,o ,ö ,p ,r ,s ,t ,u ,ü ,v ,w (q ,x ,y ,z )( letter name ) : IPA (key ) : /ærː/ ,/æɾː/ ( phoneme ) : IPA (key ) : /r/ ,/ɾ/ ,/ʁ/ r
The eighteenthletter of the Norwegianalphabet , written in theLatin script . /ʁ/ is the pronunciation of r usually found in southern and southeastern dialects of Norway. Bergen has the dialect best known for this sound. Said to come from Danish and/or German, originally from French.Dialects with/ʁ/ do not have retroflex consonants. Silent before l in many dialects, such as [ˈdɔːlɪ] or [ˈdɔrlɪ] (dårlig/dårleg). r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twentiethletter of the Nupealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) banki ;A a (Á á ,À à ),B b ,C c ,D d ,Dz dz ,E e (É é ,È è ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ),J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,Ts ts ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ),V v ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Zh zh The Polish orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See thehistory of Polish orthography article on Wikipedia for more, andr for development of the glyph itself.
r (upper case R ,lower case )
The twenty-thirdletter of the Polishalphabet , calleder and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ą ą ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,Ę ę ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ó ó ,P p (Q q ),R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u (V v ),W w (X x ),Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Portuguesealphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,à ã ),B b ,C c (Ç ç ),D d ,E e (É é ,Ê ê ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
( International Standard ) The twenty-secondletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Pan-Vlax ) The twenty-thirdletter of the Romanialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,X x ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kh kh ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u ,V v ,Z z International Standard: (À à ,Ä ä ,Ǎ ǎ ),Ć ć ,Ćh ćh , (È è ,Ë ë ,Ě ě ), (Ì ì ,Ï ï ,Ǐ ǐ ), (Ò ò ,Ö ö ,Ǒ ǒ ),Rr rr ,Ś ś , (Ù ù ,Ü ü ,Ǔ ǔ ),Ź ź ,Ʒ ʒ ,Q q ,Ç ç ,ϴ θ .Pan-Vlax: Č č ,Čh čh ,Dž dž , (Dź dź ),Ř ř ,Š š , (Ś ś ),Ž ž , (Ź ź ) .Yūsuke Sumi (2018 ) “R, r”, inニューエクスプレスプラス ロマ(ジプシー)語 [New Express Plus Romani (Gypsy) ] (in Japanese), Tokyo: Hakusuisha, published2021 ,→ISBN ,→OCLC , page14 r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-firstletter of the Romanianalphabet , calleder ,re , orrî and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ă ă , â ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,Î î ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,Ș ș ,T t ,Ț ț ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The fifteenthletter of the Scottish Gaelicalphabet , written in theLatin script . It is preceded byp and followed bys . Its traditional name isruis ( “ elder ” ) . ( Latin-script letters) litir ;A a (À à ),B b (Bh bh ),C c (Ch ch ),D d (Dh dh ),E e (È è ),F f (Fh fh ),G g (Gh gh ),H h ,I i (Ì ì ),L l ,M m (Mh mh ),N n ,O o (Ò ò ),P p (Ph ph ),R r ,S s (Sh sh ),T t (Th th ),U u (Ù ù )( diacritics ) ◌̀ ( obsolete vowels ) Á á É é Ó ó r (Cyrillic spelling р )
The 23rd letter of the Serbo-Croatian Latin alphabet (gajica ), preceded byp and followed bys . The Silesian orthography is based on the Latin alphabet. No earlier script is known. See theSilesian language article on Wikipedia for more, andr for development of the glyph itself.
r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-fifthletter of the Silesianalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,Ã ã ,B b ,C c ,Ć ć ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ł ł ,M m ,N n ,Ń ń ,O o ,Ŏ ŏ ,Ō ō ,Ô ô ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ś ś ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y ,Z z ,Ź ź ,Ż ż r (upper case R )
The twenty-seventhletter of the Skolt Samialphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bukva ;A a , â ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,Ʒ ʒ ,Ǯ ǯ ,D d ,Đ đ ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ǧ ǧ ,Ǥ ǥ ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Ǩ ǩ ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ŋ ŋ ,O o ,Õ õ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,U u ,V v ,Z z ,Ž ž ,Å å ,Ä ä ,ʹ r (upper case R )
The thirty-firstletter of the Slovakalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) písmeno ;A a ,Á á ,Ä ä ,B b ,C c ,Č č ,D d ,Ď ď ,Dz dz ,Dž dž ,E e ,É é ,F f ,G g ,H h ,Ch ch ,I i ,Í í ,J j ,K k ,L l ,Ĺ ĺ ,Ľ ľ ,M m ,N n ,Ň ň ,O o ,Ó ó ,Ô ô ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,Ŕ ŕ ,S s ,Š š ,T t ,Ť ť ,U u ,Ú ú ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Z z ,Ž ž IPA (key ) : ( phoneme ) /ɾ/ ,/r/ IPA (key ) : ( letter name ) /ˈere/ [ˈ] r (lower case ,upper case R )
The nineteenthletter of the Spanishalphabet , written in theLatin script . 1915 , Julio Vicuña Cifuentes,Mitos y Supersticiones Recogidos de la Tradición Oral Chilena , page270 :Las ostras deben comerse sólo en los meses que no llevanr : Mayo, Junio, Julio y Agosto (pleaseadd an English translation of this quotation) ( Latin-script letters) letra ;A a (Á á ),B b ,C c ,D d ,E e (É é ),F f ,G g ,H h ,I i (Í í ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,O o (Ó ó ),P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ü ü ),V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Swedishalphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) bokstav ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z ,Å å ,Ä ä ,Ö ö Borrowed fromSpanish r . Each pronunciation has a different source:
Filipino alphabet pronunciation is influenced byEnglish r . Abakada alphabet pronunciation is influenced by Baybayin characterᜇ ( da/ra ) . Abecedario pronunciation is fromSpanish r . r (lower case ,upper case R ,Baybayin spelling ᜀᜇ᜔ )
The twentiethletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theFilipino alphabet ), calledar and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) titik ;A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ñ ñ ,Ng ng ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R ,Baybayin spelling ᜇ )
The fifteenthletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbakada alphabet ), calledra and written in theLatin script . r (lower case ,upper case R ,Baybayin spelling ᜁᜇᜒ )
( historical ) The twenty-firstletter of the Tagalogalphabet (theAbecedario ), calledere and written in theLatin script . “r ”, inPambansang Diksiyonaryo | , Manila,2018 r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-firstletter of the Turkishalphabet , calledre and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harf ;A a (Â â ),B b ,C c ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,Ğ ğ ,H h ,I ı ,İ i (Î î ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u (Û û ),Ü ü ,V v ,Y y ,Z z
r (upper case R )
The twenty-firstletter of the Turkmenalphabet , calleder and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) harp ;A a ,B b ,Ç ç ,D d ,E e ,Ä ä ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,Ž ž ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,Ň ň ,O o ,Ö ö ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Ş ş ,T t ,U u ,Ü ü ,W w ,Y y ,Ý ý ,Z z r (lower case ,upper case R )
The twenty-thirdletter of the Welshalphabet , calleder and written in theLatin script . It is preceded byph and followed byrh . ( Latin-script letters) llythyren ;A a (Á á ,À à , â ,Ä ä ),B b ,C c ,Ch ch ,D d ,Dd dd ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ê ê ,Ë ë ),F f ,Ff ff ,G g ,Ng ng ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Î î ,Ï ï ),J j ,L l ,Ll ll ,M m ,N n ,O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ô ô ,Ö ö ),P p ,Ph ph ,R r ,Rh rh ,S s ,T t ,Th th ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Û û ,Ü ü ),W w (Ẃ ẃ ,Ẁ ẁ ,Ŵ ŵ ,Ẅ ẅ ),Y y (Ý ý ,Ỳ ỳ ,Ŷ ŷ ,Ÿ ÿ )R. J. Thomas, G. A. Bevan, P. J. Donovan, A. Hawke et al., editors (1950–present), “r ”, inGeiriadur Prifysgol Cymru Online (in Welsh), University of Wales Centre for Advanced Welsh & Celtic Studies r (lower case ,upper case R )
The nineteenthletter of the Yorubaalphabet , calledrí and written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) lẹ́tà ;A a (Á á ,À à ,Ā ā ),B b ,D d ,E e (É é ,È è ,Ē ē ),Ẹ ẹ (Ẹ́ ẹ́ ,Ẹ̀ ẹ̀ ,Ẹ̄ ẹ̄ ),F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i (Í í ,Ì ì ,Ī ī ),J j ,K k ,L l ,M m (Ḿ ḿ ,M̀ m̀ ,M̄ m̄ ),N n (Ń ń ,Ǹ ǹ ,N̄ n̄ ),O o (Ó ó ,Ò ò ,Ō ō ),Ọ ọ (Ọ́ ọ́ ,Ọ̀ ọ̀ ,Ọ̄ ọ̄ ),P p ,R r ,S s ,Ṣ ṣ ,T t ,U u (Ú ú ,Ù ù ,Ū ū ),W w ,Y y ( Benin ) ( Latin-script letters) lɛ́tà ;A a ,B b ,D d ,E e ,Ɛ ɛ ,F f ,G g ,Gb gb ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,Kp kp ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,Ɔ ɔ ,P p ,R r ,S s ,Sh sh ,T t ,U u ,W w ,Y y r (lower case ,upper case R )
The eighteenthletter of the Zulualphabet , written in theLatin script . ( Latin-script letters) A a ,B b ,C c ,D d ,E e ,F f ,G g ,H h ,I i ,J j ,K k ,L l ,M m ,N n ,O o ,P p ,Q q ,R r ,S s ,T t ,U u ,V v ,W w ,X x ,Y y ,Z z {{c:nb:Clocks}}