1775, “a Connoisseur”, “Containing an Account of the Game ofBack-gammon, with the most approved Method of playing at it, and the Rules of the Game. Together with the Artifices and Legerdemains that are frequently practised at it.”, inAnnals of Gaming; or, The Fair Player’s Sure Guide. Containing Original Treatises on the following Games.[…], London:[…]G. Allen,[…], pages181–182:
Accordingly the firſt beſt throw upon the dice is eſteemed aces, as it ſtops the ſix point in the outer table, and ſecures the cinque in your own, whereby your adverſary's two men upon your ace point cannot get out with eitherquatre, cinq, or ſix.
1775, “Introduction to the Game of Back-Gammon; With the most approved Method of playing at it”, in Charles Jones, editor,Hoyle’s Games Improved. Being Practical Treatises on the following Fashionable Games,[…], London:[…]J. Rivington and J. Wilkie,[…], page170:
The firſt beſt Throw upon the Dice is eſteemed Aces, as it ſtops the Six-Point in the outer Table, and ſecures the Cinque in your own, whereby your Adverſary’s two Men upon your Ace-Point cannot get out with eitherQuatre, Cinque, or Six.