FromMiddle French prospereus , fromOld French prosperer , fromLatin prosperō ( “ I cause to succeed ” ) , fromOld Latin pro spere ( “ according to expectation ” ) , frompro ( “ for ” ) +spes ( “ hope ” ) .
prosperous (comparative moreprosperous ,superlative mostprosperous )
Characterized bysuccess .TradingBabe Ruth was far moreprosperous for the Yankees than for the Red Sox. Well off ;affluent .He was raised in a veryprosperous household.
1961 November 10,Joseph Heller , “The Eternal City”, inCatch-22 [ … ] , New York, N.Y.:Simon and Schuster ,→OCLC ,page428 :He wondered how many people were destitute that same night even in his ownprosperous country, how many homes were shanties, how many husbands were drunk and wives socked, and how many children were bullied, abused or abandoned.
Favorable .He chose aprosperous lottery number that evening.
characterized by success
Armenian:բարգավաճ (hy) ( bargavač ) Bulgarian:успешен (bg) ( uspešen ) Catalan:pròsper (ca) Chinese:Mandarin:繁榮 / 繁荣 (zh) ( fánróng ) ,昌盛 (zh) ( chāngshèng ) Dutch:succesvol (nl) ,geslaagd (nl) Finnish:menestyvä French:prospère (fr) ,florissant (fr) ,réussissant (fr) Galician:próspero (gl) German:blühend (de) ,florierend (de) ,erfolgreich (de) Greek:Ancient:οὔριος ( oúrios ) ,ὄλβιος ( ólbios ) Hindi:संपन्न (hi) ( sampann ) ,समृद्ध (hi) ( samŕddh ) Hungarian:sikeres (hu) Indonesian:makmur (id) ,sejahtera (id) Irish:rafar Japanese:繁栄している (ja) ( はんえいしている, han'ei shite iru ) Latin:prosper ,prosperus Macedonian:у́спешен ( úspešen ) Maori:taurikura Norman:prospéthe Occitan:prospèr (oc) Ottoman Turkish:عمران ( ʼümran ) Persian:برخوردار (fa) Plautdietsch:noppjebuat Portuguese:próspero (pt) Romanian:prosper (ro) Russian:процвета́ющий (ru) ( procvetájuščij ) ,преуспева́ющий (ru) ( preuspevájuščij ) ,уда́чливый (ru) ( udáčlivyj ) ,благополу́чный (ru) ( blagopolúčnyj ) ,успе́шный (ru) ( uspéšnyj ) Turkish:bayındır (tr) Vietnamese:phồn vinh (vi)
well off; affluent
Azerbaijani:firavan (az) Bulgarian:богат (bg) ( bogat ) ,заможен (bg) ( zamožen ) Catalan:pròsper (ca) Chinese:Mandarin:富裕 (zh) ( fùyù ) Dutch:welvarend (nl) ,welgesteld (nl) ,succesvol (nl) Finnish:vauras (fi) French:prospère (fr) ,riche (fr) German:wohlhabend (de) ,reich (de) Greek:πλούσιος (el) ( ploúsios ) ,επιτυχής (el) ( epitychís ) Ancient Greek:πλούσιος ( ploúsios ) ,ἐπιτυχής ( epitukhḗs ) Hindi:संपन्न (hi) ( sampann ) ,समृद्ध (hi) ( samŕddh ) Hungarian:jómódú (hu) Latin:prosper ,prosperus Macedonian:бо́гат ( bógat ) Maori:houkura ,tōnui ,taurikura Norman:prospéthe Portuguese:próspero (pt) Russian:зажи́точный (ru) ( zažítočnyj ) ,состоя́тельный (ru) ( sostojátelʹnyj ) ,бога́тый (ru) ( bogátyj ) ,обеспе́ченный (ru) ( obespéčennyj ) Spanish:rico (es) Swedish:välbärgad (sv)
Translations to be checked