Clipping ofpropriétaire +-o.
proprio m (pluralproprios,femininepropriote)
- (colloquial)landlord
- (colloquial)householder,landowner(real estate proprietor)
Borrowed fromLatinproprius.
proprio (femininepropria,masculine pluralpropri,feminine pluralproprie)
- (possessive)one's, one'sown,her (own),its (own),their (own)
- pensare ai fattipropri ―to mind one's own business
- fare delproprio meglio ―to do one's best
- inproprio ―on one's own, by oneself
- (possessive, peculiar)characteristic,peculiar,typical
- il cimurro è una malattiapropria del cane ―distemper is a diseasepeculiar to the dog
- (possessive, grammar, mathematics)proper
- nomeproprio ―proper noun
- (really)really,quite,indeed
- Anna èproprio bella. ―Anna isreally beautiful.
- (exactly)just, quite,exactly
- proprio allora ―just then
- (focus)(intensifier)very,right,at all
- proprio ora ―thisvery minute
proprio m (pluralpropri)
- one's own, whatbelongs to one, one'sdue
- a ciascuno ilproprio ―to eachhis own
proprio m (feminine singularpropria,masculine pluralpropri,feminine pluralproprie)
- (possessive)one's, one'sown,her (own),its (own),their (own)
- proprio in –Vocabolario Treccani on line, Istituto dell'Enciclopedia Italiana
Fromproprius +-ō.
propriō (present infinitivepropriāre,perfect activepropriāvī);first conjugation, nopassive, nosupine stem
- toappropriate
1At least one use of the Old Latin "sigmatic future" and "sigmatic aorist" tenses is attested, which are used byOld Latin writers; most notablyPlautus andTerence. The sigmatic future is generally ascribed a future or future perfect meaning, while the sigmatic aorist expresses a possible desire ("might want to").
See the etymology of the correspondinglemma form.
- dative/ablativemasculine/neutersingular ofproprius
- “proprio”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879)A Latin Dictionary, Oxford: Clarendon Press
- proprio inGaffiot, Félix (1934)Dictionnaire illustré latin-français, Hachette.
proprio (femininepropria,masculine pluralproprios,feminine pluralproprias,notcomparable)
- Obsolete spelling ofpróprio.
proprio (femininepropria,masculine pluralproprios,feminine pluralproprias)
- Obsolete spelling ofpropio.