Frompo. Alternatively fromLatinporrō(“then, moreover; but”), the loss of the final -r a result of the permanent unstressed position of the conjunction.[1]
Uncertain. Perhaps from aProto-Uralic*porɜ(“dust, sand”), but the absence of the expected sound change*p >*f is hard to explain.[1] Compare withFinnishporo(“burning ash, coarse dust, debris”) andNorthern Mansiпорс(pors,“garbage, waste, dust”).
por inBárczi, Géza andLászló Országh.A magyar nyelv értelmező szótára (“The Explanatory Dictionary of the Hungarian Language”, abbr.:ÉrtSz.). Budapest: Akadémiai Kiadó, 1959–1962. Fifth ed., 1992:→ISBN
(Can wedate this quote?), Christoph Herzog, Richard Wittmann, editors,Istanbul – Kushta – Constantinople: Narratives of Identity in the Ottoman Capital, 1830-1930[3], Taylor & Francis, published2018,→ISBN,page96:
Yo ǧuzava, de otra parte, muy perikolozopor el repozo i la seguridad de·los ǧudyós de Turkía de propagar entre estos últimos este movimyento polítiko.
I was judging it, in another way, very dangerousfor the Turkish Jews' peace and security in propagating, among these last things, this political movement.
1982, Enrique Saporta y Beja,En torno de la torre blanca[4], Editions Vidas Largas,page57:
Eya fue atraidapor esta sivda importante de punto de vista djidyo, muy komertchante, i penso fazer profitar la komunita de su djenerozita.
She was attractedto this city from a Jewish point of view, very businesslike, and she thought to take advantage of the community's generosity.
2020 May 13, Nesi ALTARAS, “Syego de Las Klasas”, inŞalom:
De verdad, la pandemia es mas kolay fizikamentepor los patrones i personas ke lavoran en buros.
Really, the pandemic is easier physicallyfor bosses and people who work in offices.
1979, Isaac ben Michael Badhav, Ana María Riaño López,Un tratado sefardí de moral[7], Ameller,→ISBN,page94:
El Dyo mos dyo este día i lo apartópor desbarazar muestro meoyo de todo modo de intereso de presonas, i aplikar sus eĉas i konoser sus grandes maraƀías kuryozas, i akodrarmos ke en sex días kreó el Dyo este mundo i lo renoƀó de la nada.
God gave us this day and put it asideby clearing our mind of every person's way of interest, and doing His work and learning His great and wonderful miracles, and we shall remember that He created this world in six days and restored it ex nihilo.
2006,Los Muestros[8], numbers65–73, R. Capuia,page 7:
Para mi, una transmision de una estoria ke dezgrasiadamente no m'ambezi por falta de interlokutores, i sovre todopor kulpa miya.
For me, I am unfortunately not learning a story's transmission because of the interlocutors' mistake, and above allthrough my fault.
2008, Matilda Gini Barnatán, Viviana Rajel Barnatán, Darío Meta Barnatán,La ija i la madre komo la unya i la karne[9], Ibersaf Editores,→ISBN,page73:
Ayípor la ignoransia La arrogansia, la intoleransia La mezuzá kayía Yorando entre despididas...
Therethrough ignorance Arrogance, intolerance The mezuzah was silencing Crying between farewells...
Muestros platos, ke provienen de Espanya, de Turkía, de Gresia i de munchos otros lugares,por sus variedad i sus buena savor, pueden trankilamente entrar en los livros de rechetas de todo el mundo.
Our dishes, which originate from Spain, Türkiye, Greece and many other places, can easily enter everybody's cookbooksbecause of their variety and good flavour.
19th century, Sa'adi Besalel a-Levi, translated by Isaac Jerusalmi, edited by Aron Rodrigue, Sarah Abrevaya Stein,A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi[12], Stanford University Press, published2012,→ISBN,page235:
[…] i kontavan la moneda ke re[ko]jia kada mes, i korava 20por 100 por su lazerya.
and they were counting the money that was accumulating monthly, and they collected 20by 100 for their work.
through(entering and then leaving; by the medium of)
19th century, Sa'adi Besalel a-Levi, edited by Aron Rodrigue, Sarah Abrevaya Stein,A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi[15], Stanford University Press, published2012,→ISBN,page231:
I anke se les pagava una taksaporoka delamasá a los orneros, ma era kon fogera, ke kada uno keria tener lamasá en kaza un dia antes.
Although a fee was paid upper ounce of matzah to the bakers, everyone remained urgently wanting to have matzah at home a day earlier.
I su marido aze tefilapor eya de kontino ke oyga el Sefer Tora ke en pokos diyas la sake de entre los bivos i tienen kada ora 'pleto i ketata' i kavza ke se destruye la kaza i los kelim.
And her husband prayed constantlyfor her to hear the Seder Torah; that in a few days she take take it from amongst the living, and that they "fight and brawl" hourly, and that it cause the house and the tools to be destroyed.
From Classical Latinprō, probably reshaped by analogy with the prepositionper. Attested in an imperial inscription from what is now Budapest and another from Tunis.[1][2] Replaced in much of Romance with descendants ofper.
^Berger, Roger & Brasseur, Annette. 2004.Les Séquences de Sainte Eulalia: Buona pulcella fut eulalia: Edition, traduction, commentaire, étude linguisuque. Cantica virginis Eulaliae: Edition, traduction, et commentaire avec les autres poèmes du manuscrit 150 de Valenciennes, Rithmus Teutonicus, Dominus caeli rex, Uis fidei.→ISBN. Page 100.
On sab son enamic, sobre lhui cor / e si le vat ferit de tau vigor / que del caval lo porta a terrapor.
At the place where he recognizes his enemy, he runs to him, / and goes to strike him with such vigour / that he makes him fallforward from his horse onto the ground.