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See also:Plough


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Alternative forms




FromMiddle Englishplouh,plow,plugh(e),plough(e),plouw, fromOld Englishplōh(hide of land, ploughland) andOld Norseplógr(plough (the implement)), both fromProto-Germanic*plōgaz,*plōguz(plough). Cognate withScotspleuch, plou,North Frisianplog,West Frisianploech,Low GermanPloog,Dutchploeg,Russianплуг(plug),GermanPflug,Danishplov,Swedish andNorwegianplog,Icelandicplógur. ReplacedOld Englishsulh(plough, furrow); seesullow.





plough (pluralploughs)

  1. (agriculture) A device pulled through the ground in order to break it open intofurrows for planting.
    Hyponyms:ard,light plough,scratch plough,carruca,heavy plough,mouldboard plough,turnplough
    The horse-drawnplough had a tremendous impact on agriculture.
  2. The use of a plough;tillage.
    • 1919, Commonwealth Shipping Committee,Report, volume 8, page47:
      If you get it early ploughed and it lies all winter possibly, you find it an advantage to give it a secondplough; but it does not invariably follow that we plough twice for our green crop.
  3. Alternative form ofPlough (Synonym ofUrsa Major)
    • 2004,Amazing Physics Quiz,→ISBN, page32:
      Rising in the north-east fairly high in the sky, Arcturus may be found by following round the curve of theplough.
    • 2005, Clive L. N. Ruggles,Ancient Astronomy: An Encyclopedia of Cosmologies and Myth,→ISBN:
      To many generations of rice farmers in rural Java, Indonesia, it was not the stars of Ursa Major that formed theplough, but the stars of Orion.
    • 2007, Mike Lynch,Florida Starwatch,→ISBN, page52:
      Across the Atlantic, what we call the Big Dipper has been called many other names. In England, this grouping of stars is seen as theplough.
    • 2010, John Turner,Exploring the Other Island: A Seasonal Guide to Nature on Long Island,→ISBN:
      Consider the Big Dipper, or as it is also known, theplough or the wagon.
  4. Alternative form ofploughland, analternative name for acarucate orhide.
  5. Ajoiner'splane for makinggrooves.
  6. Abookbinder'simplement fortrimming orshaving off the edges ofbooks.
  7. (yoga) Ayoga pose resembling a traditional plough,halāsana.

Usage notes

  • The spellingplow is usual in the United States, but the spellingplough may be found in literary or historical contexts there.

Derived terms





device pulled through the ground
alternative name for Ursa Major
plane for making grooves
bookbinder's implement



plough (third-person singular simple presentploughs,present participleploughing,simple past and past participleploughed)

  1. (transitive) To use a plough on soil to prepare for planting.
    I've still got toplough that field.
    • 1917,The English Reports: Exchequer, page789:
      That there is and from time immemorial has been within that part of the parish called Mablethorpe St. Mary's a laudable custom that, if any outdweller take ancient pasture ground, he shall pay a modus of 4d. an acre, and so in proportion, on the 1st of August, in lieu of all manner of tithe; and that if any of the ancient pasture be onceploughed up or meadowed, it shall, when restored to pasture again, pay 4d. the acre in the hands of such outdweller.
  2. (intransitive) To use a plough.
    Some days I have toplough from sunrise to sunset.
  3. Tomove with force.
    Trucksploughed through the water to ferry flood victims to safety.
    • 2011 January 18, “Wolverhampton 5 - 0 Doncaster”, inBBC[1]:
      Wolves continued toplough forward as young Belgian midfielder Mujangi Bia and Ronald Zubar both hit shots wide from good positions.
    • 2020 December 30, Tim Dunn, “The railway's mechanical marvels”, inRail, page 58, photo caption:
      Thirteen people were injured in August 1957 when this Bristol freighter skidded on the runway atSouthend Airport when landing with a flight fromCalais. Itploughed through the boundary fence, but thankfully stopped short of the railway and the 1,500V overhead wires. A tripwire was installed on this section of Shenfield-Southend line to warn train drivers of instances such as this.
  4. (transitive, colloquial) Toknock over orrun over (someone) without stopping.
    My brotherploughed me over.
    Three people wereploughed down when he lost control of the truck.
  5. Tofurrow; to make furrows, grooves, or ridges in.
  6. (nautical) To run through, as in sailing.
  7. (bookbinding) Totrim, or shave off the edges of, as a book or paper, with a plough.
  8. (joinery) To cut agroove in, as in aplank, or the edge of aboard; especially, a rectangular groove to receive the end of a shelf or tread, the edge of a panel, a tongue, etc.
  9. (UK, universityslang, transitive) Tofail (a student).
    • 1863,Henry Kingsley,Austin Elliot, page123:
      The good Professor scolded, predicted that they would all be either gulfed orploughed.
    • 1863,Charles Reade,Hard Cash:
      You see, Miss Dodd, an university examination consists of several items: neglect but one, and Crichton himself would beploughed; because brilliancy in your other papers is not allowed to count; that is how the most distinguished man of our day gotploughed for Smalls.
    • 1895, Roger Pocock,The Rules of the Game:
      I knew one of that lot at Corpus; in fact, we were crammed by the same tutor for "smalls," and both gotploughed.
  10. (transitive, vulgar) To sexuallypenetrate, typically in avigorous manner.
    Synonyms:get up in,pound;see alsoThesaurus:copulate with
    I love just gettingploughed face down on my bed.

Derived terms



use a plough on soil to prepare for planting
use a plough
vulgar: have sex with
move with force
nautical: run through water
bookbinding: trim
joinery: cut a groove in

See also


Middle English


Alternative forms




FromOld Englishplōh, fromProto-West Germanic*plōg, fromProto-Germanic*plōgaz.





plough (pluralploughs)

  1. plow




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