FromAfrikaansplaas(“farm”).Doublet ofplace,piazza, andplaza.
plaas (pluralplaases)
- (South Africa) Afarm.
1929, Norman Giles,Keerboskloof, page110:"The man who burned down theplaas, deserves himself to be burned," cried Solomon with irrelevant heat.
FromDutchplaats, fromMiddle Dutchplāetse, fromOld Frenchplace.
plaas (pluralplase,diminutiveplasie)
- farm; a piece of land, usually used for farming
FromDutchplaatsen, fromplaats.
plaas (presentplaas,present participleplasende,past participlegeplaas)
- toplace; toput something down
Hy't die kruideniersware op die tafelgeplaas.- Heput the groceriesdown on the table.
- tosubject someone to something(usually used withop oronder)
Onsplaas jou onder huisarres.- Weare placing you under house arrest.
- todeposit
Ek gaan al my geld in die bankplaas.- I am going todeposit all my money in the bank.
- torecognise; toidentify(usually used with a negative)
Ek kon haar nieplaas nie.- I couldn'trecognise her.