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WOTD – 9 October 2023

Etymology 1

Across section through ashoot ofelderberry (Sambucus nigra) showing thewhitish pith(nounsense 1.1) in thecentre.
Amagnified cross section through thestalk of aflaxplant (Linum usitatissimum) showing its pith(nounsense 1.1; number 1).
Theinnerportion of anorange peel showing its white pith(nounsense 1.2) oralbedo.

Thenoun is derived fromMiddle Englishpith,pithe(central tissue of a plant’s stem or a tree’s trunk and branches; other spongy inner tissue in a plant; flesh of a fruit, pulp; inner tissue in a body; inner part of an object; essential part, essence, quintessence; importance, value; energy, force, strength, vigour; severity) [and other forms],[1] fromOld Englishpiþa [and other forms], fromProto-Germanic*piþô, from earlier*piþō (oblique*pittan); further etymology unknown.[2]Doublet ofpit(seed or stone inside a fruit).

Theverb is derived from the noun[3] (Middle Englishpethen(to give courage or strength), frompith(noun),[4] did not survive into modern English).






pith (usuallyuncountable,pluralpiths)

  1. (botany)
    1. Thesoft,spongysubstance insideplantparts; specifically, theparenchyma in thecentre of theroots andstems of many plants andtrees.
      • 1597, John Gerarde [i.e.,John Gerard], “Of Aromaticall Reedes”, inThe Herball or Generall Historie of Plantes. [], London: [] Edm[und] Bollifant, forBonham and Iohn Norton,→OCLC, book I,page56:
        This ſvveete ſmelling Reede is of a darke dun colour, full of ioints and knees eaſie to be broken into ſmall ſplinters, hollovv and full of a certaine vvhitepith, cobvveb vviſe, ſomevvhat gummie in eating, and hanging in the teeth, and of a ſharpe bitter taſte.
      • 1601, C[aius] Plinius Secundus [i.e.,Pliny the Elder], “[Book XIV.] Foureteene Sorts of Sweet Wines.”, inPhilemon Holland, transl.,The Historie of the World. Commonly Called, The Naturall Historie of C. Plinius Secundus. [], 1st tome, London: [] Adam Islip,→OCLC,page417:
        Some make inciſion into the very Vine braunch, as farre as to thepith and marrovv vvithin (to divert the moiſture that feedeth the grape:) others lay the cluſters a drying upon tile-houſes: and all this is done vvith the grapes of the Vine Helvenaca.
      • 1634,T[homas] H[erbert], “Mohelia, Its Description”, inA Relation of Some Yeares Trauaile, Begunne Anno 1626. into Afrique and the Greater Asia, [], London: [] William Stansby, and Jacob Bloome,→OCLC,page24:
        Atop the [Palmito] tree is apith, in taſte better then Cabbage; and eating it takes avvay the future benefit of grovvth or fructifying, theſe and the Date-tree thriue not, except the male and female be vnited, and haue copulation: the ſhe is only fruitfull.
      • 1671 December 17 (Gregorian calendar),Nehemiah Grew, “The Anatomy of Plants, Begun. [] The First Book. [] Chapter III. Of the Trunk.”, inThe Anatomy of Plants. [], 2nd edition,[London]: [] W. Rawlins, for the author, published1682,→OCLC,page25:
        VVhy are the AnnualGrovvths of all bothHerbs andTrees, vvith greatPiths, the quickeſt and longeſt? But hovv are thePores andBladders of thePith permeable? That they are ſo, both from their being capable of a repletion vvithSap, and of being again vvholly emptied of it, and again, inſtead thereof fill'd vvithAer, is as certain as that they arePores.
      • 1711 May 30 (Gregorian calendar), [Joseph Addison], “SATURDAY, May 19, 1711”, inThe Spectator, number69; republished inAlexander Chalmers, editor,The Spectator; a New Edition, [], volume I, New York, N.Y.:D[aniel] Appleton & Company,1853,→OCLC,page278:
        The food often grows in one country, and the sauce in another. The fruits of Portugal are corrected by the products of Barbadoes, and the infusion of a China plant is sweetened by thepith of an Indian cane.
        The spelling has been modernized.
    2. Thealbedo(whitishinnerportion of therind) of acitrusfruit.
  2. (by extension)
    1. Senses relating tohumans andanimals.
      1. The softtissue inside ahuman or animalbody or one of theirorgans; specifically, the spongyinterior substance of ahorn or theshaft of afeather.
      2. Chiefly of animals: the soft tissue inside aspinal cord; thespinal marrow; also, the spinal cord itself.
        • 1607, Conradus Gesnerus [i.e.,Conrad Gessner],Edward Topsell, “Of the Horsse.[Of the Mourning of the Chine.]”, inThe Historie of Foure-footed Beastes. [], London: [] William Iaggard,→OCLC,page371:
          Becauſe many do hold this opinion that this diſeaſe doth conſume the marrovv of the backe:[] [s]ome againe, do tvvine out thepith of the backe vvith a long vvire thruſt vp into the horſſes head, and ſo into his necke and backe, vvith vvhat reaſon I knovv not.
      3. (obsolete)Synonym ofdiploe(thethinlayer of soft, spongy, orcancellate tissue between theboneplates whichconstitute theskull)
      4. (obsolete, rare) The soft tissue of thebrain.
        • 1653,Henry More, “Of the Nature of the Soul of Man, whether She be a Meere Modification of the Body, or a Substance Really Distinct, and then whether Corporeall or Incorporeall”, inAn Antidote against Atheisme, or An Appeal to the Natural Faculties of the Minde of Man, whether There Be Not a God, London: [] Roger Daniel, [],→OCLC, book I,page37:
          Verily if vvee take a right vievv of this laxepith or marrovv in Mans head, neither our ſenſe nor underſtanding can diſcover any thing more in this ſubſtance that can pretend to ſuch noble operations as free Imagination and ſagacious collections of Reaſon, then vve can diſcern in a Cake ofSevvet or a bovvle of Curds.
    2. (Ireland, Southern England, West Country) The soft inner portion of aloaf ofbread.
  3. (figurative)
    1. Thecentral orinnermost part of something; thecore, theheart.
    2. Theessential orvital part of something; theessence.
      Synonyms:crux,gist,heart,heart and soul,inwardness,kernel,marrow,meat,(obsolete)medulla,nitty-gritty,nub,quintessence,soul,spirit,substance;see alsoThesaurus:gist
      Thepith of my idea is that people should choose their own work hours.
    3. Physicalpower orstrength;force,might.
      • 1544 (date written; published1571),Roger Ascham,Toxophilus, the Schole, or Partitions, of Shooting. [], London: [] Thomas Marshe,→OCLC; republished inThe English Works of Roger Ascham, [], London: [] R[obert] andJ[ames] Dodsley, [], andJ[ohn] Newbery, [],1761,→OCLC, book 2,page132:
        Iron bovves, and ſtele bovves, have bene of longe time, and alſo novv are uſed among theTurkes, but yet they muſt nedes be unprofitable. For if braſſe, iron, or ſtele, have their ovvne ſtrengthe andpithe in them, they be farrre[sic] above mans ſtrengthe: if they be made meete for mans ſtrengthe, theyrpithe is nothinge vvorth to ſhoote any ſhoote vvithall.
      • [1786,Robert Burns, “The Auld Farmer’s New-year Morning Salutation to His Auld Mare, Maggie, on Giving Her the Accustomed Ripp of Corn to Hansel in the New-year”, inPoems, Chiefly in the Scottish Dialect. [], 2nd edition, volume I, Edinburgh: [] T[homas] Cadell, [], andWilliam Creech, [], published1793,→OCLC,page199:
        But thy auld tail thou vvad hae vvhiſkit, / An' ſpread abreed thy vveel-fill'd briſket, / VVi'pith an' povv'r,[]]
    4. Aquality ofcourage andendurance;backbone,mettle,spine.
    5. Theenergy, force, or power ofspeech orwriting; specifically, such force or power due toconciseness;punch,punchiness.
      • 1549 February 10 (Gregorian calendar; indicated as1548),Erasmus, “The Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon theGhospell of S. Luke. The Preface of Erasmus vnto His Paraphrase vpon theGhospell of Luke. Unto the Moostle Puissaunt and Most Victorious PrinceHenry the Eight, King of England, Fraunce, and Ireland, [].”, in Nicolas Udall [i.e.,Nicholas Udall], transl.,The First Tome or Volume of the Paraphrase of Erasmus vpon the Newe Testamente, London: [] Edwarde Whitchurche,→OCLC,folio xii, verso:
        I founde in myne owneſelfe, that litle fruite there commeth of the goſpell, if a man reade it but ſluggiſhely, and ſuperficially renne it ouer. But in caſe a mã [man] do with diligent and exquiſite meditacion kepe hymſelf occupied therin, he ſhal fele a certaine vertue andpith ſuche as he ſhall not fele the lyke in any other bookes.
    6. Chiefly inof(great) pith andmoment:gravity,importance, substance,weight.
      • 1521–1522,John Skelton, “Here after Followeth a Litel Boke Called Colyn Cloute, []”, inAlexander Dyce, editor,The Poetical Works of John Skelton: [], volume I, London:Thomas Rodd, [], published1843,→OCLC,page313, lines53–58:
        For though my ryme be ragged, / Tattered and iagged, / Rudely rayne beaten, / Rusty and moughte eaten, / If ye take well therwith, / It hath in it somepyth.
      • c.1599–1602 (date written),William Shakespeare, “The Tragedie of Hamlet, Prince of Denmarke”, inMr. William Shakespeares Comedies, Histories, & Tragedies [] (First Folio), London: [] Isaac Iaggard, andEd[ward] Blount, published1623,→OCLC,[Act III, scene i],page265, column 2, line88:
        Thus Conſcience does make Covvards of vs all, / And thus the Natiue hevv of Reſolution / Is ſicklied o're, vvith the pale caſt of Thought, / And enterprizes of greatpith and moment, / VVith this regard their Currants turne avvay, / And looſe the name of Action.
Derived terms
soft, spongy substance inside plant parts
parenchyma in the centre of the roots and stems of many plants and treesseeparenchyma
albedo of a citrus fruitseealbedo
soft tissue inside a human or animal body or one of their organs
  • Finnish:ydin (fi)
  • Macedonian:please add this translation if you can
spongy interior substance of a horn or the shaft of a feather
  • Finnish:ydin (fi)
  • Macedonian:please add this translation if you can
  • Middle English:pith
soft tissue inside a spinal cordseespinal marrow
spinal cordseespinal cord
soft inner portion of a loaf of bread
central or innermost part of somethingseecore
essential or vital part of somethingsee alsoessence
physical power or strengthseepower,‎strength
quality of courage and enduranceseemettle
energy, force, or power of speech or writing; such force or power due to concisenesssee alsopunch
  • Finnish:isku (fi)
  • Macedonian:please add this translation if you can
gravity, importance, substance, weightseeimportance
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked



pith (third-person singular simple presentpiths,present participlepithing,simple past and past participlepithed)(transitive)

  1. Torenderinsensate orkill (ananimal, especiallycattle or alaboratory animal) bycutting,piercing, or otherwisedestroying thespinal cord.[from early 19th c.]
  2. Toextract thepith from (something or(figurative) someone).
to render insensate or kill (an animal) by cutting, piercing, or otherwise destroying the spinal cord
to extract the pith from (something or (figurative) someone)
  • Finnish:poistaaydin
  • Macedonian:please add this translation if you can

Etymology 2


Frompi(constant representing the ratio of the circumference of a Euclidean circle to its diameter) +‎-th(suffix forming ordinal numerals).

Alternative forms






pith (notcomparable)

  1. (mathematics) Theordinalform of thenumberpi (π; approximately 3.14159…).
    Thepith root of pi is approximately 1.439…
    • 1998 June 21, Hbr…, “For what x is x^x real?”,[1] (Usenet), message-ID <6mhv6n$13l$>:
      (e^pi*i*i/2), or e^(-pi/2), which is the reciprocal of the square root of e to thepith power.
    • 2000 August 9, alice, “IMEI Changer T-10”,[2] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      That's nothing. I have an IMEI changer that will do all of the above and beat you off at the same time, while whistling the adaggio from Spartacus in Armenian and calculating pi to thepith power in swahili.
    • 2017 March 5, abu.ku…, “The non existence of p’th root of any prime number, for (p>2) prime”, insci.math[3] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      already, we know what is minus one from Euler: it is the I*pith power of e, such that ln(-1) = i*pi
ordinal form of the number pi



pith (pluralpiths)

  1. (mathematics)Onedivided bypi, that is,1π{\displaystyle {\frac {1}{\pi }}} (approximately 0.31831…).
    • 1997 April 26, Brian Hutchings, “Trigonometric Functions”, insci.math[4] (Usenet),message-ID <>:
      not only that, but your "radian" axis can be labelled as *being* in units of pis, as opposed to the redundancy of 0pi, pi/2, pi etc.; conversely, your circumferential measure can be rational (or units) and your radius can be transcendental (orpiths .-)
    • 2016 April 2, abu.ku…, “pi^2/6 and 6/pi^2”, insci.math[5] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      thought it was the two-sixths power of pi, and teh[sic] secondpower of sixpiths
    • 2017 January 13, thugst…, “Electron-positron annihilation”, insci.physics[6] (Usenet), message-ID <>:
      of course, although apith is less than a third, hence pi is more than three, say, thirty-one tenths, but 22/7 is still less than pi, and that's a rather small gore
one divided by pi


  1. ^pith(e,n.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.
  2. ^Comparepith,n.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press, September 2023;pith,n.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  3. ^pith,v.”, inOED OnlinePaid subscription required, Oxford:Oxford University Press,July 2023;pith,v.”, inLexico,;Oxford University Press,2019–2022.
  4. ^pethen,v.”, inMED Online, Ann Arbor, Mich.:University of Michigan,2007.

Further reading




Middle English


Alternative forms




FromOld Englishpiþa, fromProto-Germanic*piþô.


  • IPA(key): /ˈpiθ(ə)/,/ˈpið(ə)/,/ˈpeːθ(ə)/



pith (uncountable)

  1. The softinterior portion of something, especially:
    1. (botany)pith(soft substance in the center of a plant'sstem)
    2. Thepulp(soft innards) of afruit.
  2. (figuratively) Theessential orvital part;importance.
  3. (figuratively) Power,strength,might.




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