Meyer,G. (1891) “pik”, inEtymologisches Wörterbuch der albanesischen Sprache [Etymological Dictionary of the Albanian Language] (in German), Strasbourg: Karl J. Trübner,→DOI,page337
Det var Naja, gabende af søvnighed, men stadig lige netop vågen nok til at sige: - Jeg vil se dinpik. - Det må du ikke, sagde Benny og prøvede at stille sig sådan at pigen faktisk ikke så noget.
Kurabe, Keita (2016 December 31) “Phonology of Burmese loanwords in Jinghpaw”, inKyoto University Linguistic Research[1], volume35,→DOI,→ISSN, pages91–128
Te su protine misli bile u stvari vrlo utešne za mene, ali mi pred profesorom nisu mogle ništa pomoći. On je odlučno tražio od mene da mu kažem peti padež od imenice pas, čemu sam se ja odlučno odupro beskrajnim ćutanjem, jednom od onih mojih osobina kojom sam se često u školi odlikovao. A koliko je ovaj profesor imaopik baš na padeže, pokazaće i slučaj nekoga Stanoja Stambolića. Jedno popodne, za vreme velikoga posta, on diže ruku i zamoli: – Molim, gospodine, da idem u avliji. – Reci, Stamboliću, tu rečenicu pravilno, pa ću te pustiti – odgovori mu profesor. Stambolić se zbuni, uzvrda se pa očajno ponovi: – Molim, gospodine, da idem u avliji! – Reci pravilno pa ću te pustiti. Stambolić poče da se znoji i previja, koje zbog padeža a koje zbog nevolje radi koje je molio da izađe. Šapću mu drugovi i dobacuju, a Stambolić se oznojio, pocrveneo, digao jednu nogu i uvio je oko druge, pa dreknu: – U avliju! – Tako, sad je pravilno, sad možeš ići! – veli profesor.
These contrary thoughts were actually very comforting for me, but they could not help me in front of the professor. He resolutely asked me to tell him the fifth case of the noun “dog” which I resolutely resisted with endless silence, one of my qualities I was distinguished by in school. And the extent to which this professor had awont to be mean just with the cases, the case of some Stanoje Stambolić will also show. One afternoon, at the time of Great Lent, he raises his hand and begs: – Please, Sir, let me go on the schoolyard. – Say, Stambolić, that sentence correctly, and I will let you go – the professor replies. Stambolić is perplexed, squirms and repeats desperately: – Please, Sir, let me go on the schoolyard! – Say it right and I'll let you go. Stambolić began to sweat and bend, partially because of the case and partially because of mishap by reason of which he asked to go out. Friends whisper to him and throw the ball to him, but Stambolić sweats, blushes, pulls one leg and twists it around the other, and then shouts: – To the schoolyard! – Like this, it is right now, you can go now! – says the professor.
“pik”, inРечник српскохрватскога књижевног језика (in Serbo-Croatian),Друго фототипско издање edition, volume 4,Нови Сад, Загреб:Матица српска,Матица хрватска,1971, published1990, page419
“pik”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025 or“pik”, inHrvatski jezični portal [Croatian language portal] (in Serbo-Croatian),2006–2025