Frompie- +mirst(“to forget”), wheremirst is now attested only dialectally; see also the similarly derivedaizmirst(“to forget”).[1]
piemirst (transitive,1stconjugation,presentpiemirstu,piemirsti,piemirst,pastpiemirsu)
- toforget temporarily; to beunable toremember (at aspecificmoment)
- piemirst formula ―toforget a formula (e.g., during an exam)
- viņapiemirsusi dzejnieces uzvārdu ―shecan't recall the poetess' name
- kādu laiku turēju šo sarunu atmiņā; pēc tampiemirsu un no jauna atcerējos pēc pieciem gadiem, rakstot romānu ―for some time I kept this conversation in my memory; then Iforgot it (for a while), and again remembered it five years later, while writing a novel
- tokeep avaguememory
- viņu nebiju aizmirsusi, bet...piemirsusi gan; kaut tolaik... viņa bija viena no tām sievietēm, kurām toreiz gribēju līdzināties ―I hadn't forgotten her, just...almost forgotten; though at that time... she was one of those women I wanted to be like
- toforgetabout (doing) something (e.g.,because of somedistractingevent); to notdo somethinginadvertently,unwittingly,unintentionally; toleave (something, somewhere)inadvertently (andforget about it)
- piemirsu sieviešiem izstāstīt darbu ―Iforgot to tell the women (about) the work
- tikai tagad Māra iedomājās, ka piemirsusi nolikt atslēgu parastajā vietā: zem kājslauķa ―only then did Māra realize that shehad forgotten to put the key in the usual place: under the doormat
- viņa bija rosīgi strādājusi, pat pusdienaspiemirsusi paēst — she had worked intensely, (she had) evenforgotten to eat lunch
- piemirst dokumentus viesnīcā ―toleave (inadvertently) the documents in the hotel
- pulkstenispiemirsts dzīvoklī ―the clock (lay)forgotten in the apartment
- to notrealize, to notpayattention, toneglect (for sometime)
- “nekas, tūlīt būšu mājās”, Zigis mēģinājapiemirst slāpes ―“it's OK, I will soon be home,” Zigis (said) trying toforget the thirst
- viņš bija piemirsis to, ka laime ir tikai tad, ja dzīvo kopa ar tautu ―he hadforgotten that (there) is happiness only when one lives together with (one's) people
- daži cilvēki neapzinā vai arīpiemirsuši darba vērtību ―some people don't realize or haveforgotten the value of work
- mēs visi protam priecāties par šķietami nelielu uzmanības izpausmi un skumt, ja esampiemirsti ―we are all able to enjoy seemingly small expressions of attention and feel sad if we areforgotten,neglected
- third-personsingular/pluralpresentindicative ofpiemirst
- (with the particlelai)third-personsingularimperative ofpiemirst
- (with the particlelai)third-personpluralimperative ofpiemirst