When this prefix is combined with the prefixesmeng-,di-,ter-, andke-, the imperative aspect is lost
pe- is used in word with initial /r/ or word with final /-ər.C-/ in first syllable
However, some words that don't have /-ər.C-/ used this suffix inconsistently (per- +desa +-an >pedesaan).
pel- is only used in the wordsajar andunjur together with their derivatives.
Verbs with the prefix per- with an adjective stem are classified as causative verbs which cause the object to be ranked higher than its previous state. The difference with verbs with the suffix -kan which are also causative is that verbs with the suffix -kan cause the object to become what is described by the adjective stem.
Causative verbs with the prefixper- with an adjective stem differ from their counterparts with the suffixes-kan and-i in that the former verb takes the meaning of 'making something become greater in its quality of the stem adjective' while the latter verbs take the meaning of 'making something acquire the quality of the stem adjective'. Using the adjectivebaik(“good”) as an example, we get:
Althoughproscribed by theDBP, this prefix is often used alongside the-kan suffix to give abenefactive meaning so that a word likeperbaik(“to improve”) would often be used in the formperbaikkan instead.
Nik Safiah Karim, Abdul Hamid Mahmood, Farid M. Onn, Hashim Haji Musa (2015) “ (v) Awalan mempeR-”, inTatabahasa Dewan[1] (in Malay), pages179–181