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See also:Pack





Etymology 1


FromMiddle Englishpak,pakke, fromOld English*pæcca and/orMiddle Dutchpak,packe; both ultimately fromProto-West Germanic*pakkō, fromProto-Germanic*pakkô(bundle, pack). Cognate withDutchpak(pack),Low GermanPack(pack),GermanPack(pack),Swedishpacke(pack),Icelandicpakka,pakki(package).


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pack (pluralpacks)

  1. Abundle made up and prepared to be carried; especially, a bundle to be carried on the back, but also aload for an animal, abale.
    The horses carried thepacks across the plain.
    • 1854, Henry David Thoreau,Slavery in Massachusetts:
      We do not ask him to make up his mind, but to make up hispack.
  2. A number or quantity equal to thecontents of a pack
  3. Amultitude.
    apack of lies
    apack of complaints
  4. A number or quantity of connected or similar things; acollective.
  5. A full set ofplaying cards
    We were going to play cards, but nobody brought apack.
  6. The assortment of playing cards used in a particular game.
    cut thepack
  7. A group ofhounds ordogs, hunting or kept together.
    • 2005, John D. Skinner, Christian T. Chimimba,The Mammals of the Southern African Subregion:
      African wild dogs hunt by sight, although stragglers use their noses to follow thepack.
  8. Awolfpack: a number of wolves, hunting together.
    • 1886,Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad,Folk and Fairy Tales, page117:
      If I hurried down to the river, he said, I should be sure to fall in with apack of wolves, for just as he was driving up the hill close to the sound, they started up the river on the ice.
  9. A flock ofknots.
    • 1988, Michael Cady, Rob Hume, editors,The Complete Book of British Birds, page154:
      They form extremely tight flocks, which carpet the ground, giving rise to the descriptive name of "apack" of knots.
  10. A group of peopleassociated orleagued in a bad design or practice; agang.
    apack of thieves
    • 1886,Peter Christen Asbjørnsen, translated by H.L. Brækstad,Folk and Fairy Tales, page240:
      "She will try, for she does not know that it is you who dropped the tallow on the shirt; but that can only be done by Christian folks, and not by apack of trolls like we have in this place; and so I will say that I will not have anybody else for a bride except the one who can wash the shirt clean, and I know you can do that."
    • 1976, Freda Adler, Herbert Marcus Adler,Sisters in Crime: The Rise of the New Female Criminal,page100:
      In London there are some thirty gangs of “bovver birds,” violence-prone girls who roam the streets inpacks attacking almost any vulnerable object for no apparent reason other than the sheer thrill of it.
  11. A group ofCub Scouts.
  12. Ashook ofcaskstaves.
  13. Abundle ofsheetiron plates forrolling simultaneously.
  14. A large area offloating pieces ofice driven together more or less closely.
    The ship had to sail round thepack of ice.
  15. (medicine) Anenvelope, orwrapping, of sheets used inhydropathic practice, calleddry pack,wet pack,cold pack, etc., according to the method oftreatment.
  16. (slang) Aloose,lewd, orworthless person.(Can we add anexample for this sense?)
  17. (snooker, pool) A tight group ofobject balls incue sports. Usually thereds insnooker.
  18. (rugby) Theforwards in arugbyteam (eight inRugby Union, six in Rugby League) who with the opposing pack constitute thescrum.
    The captain had to take a man out of thepack to replace the injured fullback.
    • 2019 November 3, Liam de Carme, “Boks, you beauties”, inSunday Times[1]:
      If thepack wasn't pummelling England, Handre Pollard kept delivering telling blows.
  19. (roller derby) The largest group ofblockers from bothteams skating in closeproximity.
  20. (slang) A package of cigarettes.
    “Carlo, I told you that threepacks a day would kill you long before I was gone.”
  • (full set of cards):deck
Derived terms
Terms derived frompack (noun)
bundle to be carried
a number or quantity of connected or similar things
full set of playing cards
group of dogs
group of wolvesseewolfpack

Etymology 2


FromMiddle Englishpakken, from the noun (see above). CompareMiddle Dutchpacken(to pack),Middle Low Germanpacken(to pack).



pack (third-person singular simple presentpacks,present participlepacking,simple past and past participlepacked)

  1. (physical) To put or bring things together in a limited or confined space, especially for storage or transport.
    1. (transitive) To make a pack of; to arrange closely and securely in a pack; hence, to place andarrange compactly as in a pack
      topack goods in a box;  topack fish
    2. (transitive) To fill in the manner of a pack, that is, compactly and securely, as for transportation; hence, to fill closely or to repletion; to stow away within; to cause to be full; to crowd into.
      topack a trunk;  the play, or the audience,packs the theater
      • 1935,George Goodchild, chapter 5, inDeath on the Centre Court:
        By one o'clock the place was choc-a-bloc. […] The restaurant waspacked, and the promenade between the two main courts and the subsidiary courts was thronged with healthy-looking youngish people, drawn to the Mecca of tennis from all parts of the country.
      • 2007 November 23, Claudia La Rocco, “Ballet and African Steps, Delivered at Warp Speed”, inThe New York Times[2]:
        The mix of ballet vocabulary, modern techniques and African steps is familiar, but the extent to which Mr. Rhodenpacks — and overpacks — phrases, cultivates warp-speed delivery and hyperextends every possible hip jut and arabesque is, thank goodness, something special to Complexions.
    3. (transitive) Towrap in a wet or dry sheet, within numerous coverings.
      The doctor gave Kelly some sulfa pills andpacked his arm in hot-water bags.
    4. (transitive) To makeimpervious, such as by filling or surrounding with suitable material, or to fit or adjust so as to move without allowing air, water, or steam inside.
      topack a joint;  topack the piston of a steam engine; pack someone's arm with ice.
    5. (intransitive) To make up packs, bales, or bundles; tostow articles securely for transportation.
    6. (intransitive) To form a compact mass, especially in order for transportation.
      the goodspack conveniently;  wet snowpacks well
    7. (intransitive, of animals) To gather together in flocks, herds, schools or similar groups of animals.
      the grouse or the perch begin topack
    8. (transitive, historical) To combine (telegraphmessages) in order to send them more cheaply as a singletransmission.
  2. (social) To cheat.
    1. (transitive, card games) To sort and arrange (the cards) in the pack to give oneself an unfair advantage
    2. (transitive) To bring together or make up unfairly, in order to secure a certain result.
      topack a jury
      • 1687,Francis Atterbury,An answer to some considerations on the spirit of Martin Luther and the original of the Reformation:
        The expected council was dwindling into[]apacked assembly of Italian bishops.
    3. (transitive) Tocontrive unfairly or fraudulently; to plot.
      • 1655,Thomas Fuller, “He lost life [] upon a nice point subtilely devised andpacked by his enemies.”, inThe Church-history of Britain; [], London: [] Iohn Williams [],→OCLC,(please specify |book=I to XI):
    4. (intransitive) To put together for morally wrong purposes; to join incahoots.
  3. (transitive) Toload with a pack
    topack a horse
  4. (transitive, figurative) to load; toencumber.
  5. To move, send or carry.
    1. (transitive) To cause to go; to send away with baggage or belongings; especially, to send awayperemptorily or suddenly; – sometimes with off. Seepack off.
      topack a boy off to school
    2. (transitive, US, chiefly Western US) To transport in a pack, or in the manner of a pack (on the backs of men or animals).
    3. (intransitive) To depart in haste; – generally withoff oraway.
      • 1723,Jonathan Swift,Stella at Wood-Park:
        Poor Stella mustpack off to town.
      • 1842,Alfred Tennyson,Dora:
        You shallpack, / And never more darken my doors again.
    4. (transitive, slang) To carry weapons, especially firearms, on one's person.
      packing heat
    5. (intransitive, LGBTQ, especially of atrans man ordrag king) To wear an object, such as aprostheticpenis, inside one’strousers to appear moremale ormasculine.
      • 1995, Robin Sweeney, “Too Butch to Be Bi (or You Can't Judge a Boy by Her Lover)”, in Naomi Tucker, Liz Highleyman, Rebecca Kaplan, editors,Bisexual Politics: Theories, Queries, and Visions[3], Binghamton: The Haworth Press,→ISBN,page181:
        I am a butch bisexual woman[] Frequently I like to appear as masculine as I can, often passing for male on the street.[] Sometimes Ipack when I go out, putting my dildo in my pants and wearing my dick out of the house.
  6. (transitive, sports, slang) To block a shot, especially in basketball.
  7. (intransitive, rugby, of theforwards in arugby team) To play together cohesively, specially with reference to their technique in thescrum.
  • (To sort and arrange (the cards) in a pack so as to secure the game unfairly):stack
  • (antonym(s) ofmake into a pack):unpack
Derived terms
terms derived frompack (verb)
to put things together for storage or transporting
to make a pack
to fill in the manner of a pack
to stow away within











  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese)Classifier for packs(bundles) of objects.




  1. (Hong Kong Cantonese) topack up


  • Bauer, Robert S. (2021)ABC Cantonese-English Comprehensive Dictionary, Honolulu: University of Hawai'i Press,→ISBN, page788





Borrowed fromEnglishpack.





pack m (pluralpacks)

  1. pack (item of packaging)
  2. pack ice
  3. (sports) arugbyteam

Further reading


Middle English





  1. Alternative form ofpak





Unadapted borrowing fromEnglishpack.





pack m (invariable)

  1. (colloquial, euphemistic) sexual photos and videos sold over the internet
    A garota começou a venderpacks para pagar as despesas.
    The girl started sellingpacks to pay her expenses.






  1. intimate;confidential

Derived terms






Borrowed fromEnglishpack.





pack m (pluralpacks)

  1. pack,package
  2. kit,set,bundle
  3. (colloquial, euphemistic) sexual photos and videos, paid or not, sent over internet, network social;sexting photos

Further reading

  • Manuel Seco, Olimpia Andrés, Gabino Ramos (2023 August 3) “pack”, inDiccionario del español actual [Dictionary of Current Spanish] (in Spanish), third digital edition, Fundación BBVA [BBVA Foundation]





pack n

  1. (derogatory) socially despised people;scum,trash, (when related to low social class)dregs,riffraff, etc.
    fotbollshuliganer och annatpack
    football hooligans and otherscum
  2. stuff,things,luggage;only used inpick och pack


Declension ofpack



See also



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