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FromMiddle Englishoverriden, fromOld Englishoferrīdan, equivalent toover- +‎ride. Cognate withDutchoverrijden,Germanüberreiten,Danishoverride.





override (third-person singular simple presentoverrides,present participleoverriding,simple pastoverrode,past participleoverridden)

  1. Torideacross orbeyond something.
    • 2021 October 20, “Network News: Commuter train crashes into buffers at Enfield Town”, inRAIL, number942, page 8:
      Around 50 people were evacuated from a rush-hour London Overground service on October 12, after an eight-car trainoverrode the buffers at Enfield Town station.
  2. Toride over thetop of something, usuallyforcibly.
    • 1981 August 18,National Transportation Safety Board, “Collision and Derailment”, inRailroad Accident Report: Rear-End Collision of Union Pacific Railroad Company Freight Trains Extra 3119 West and Extra 8044 West, Near Kelso, California, November 17, 1980[1], archived fromthe original on29 March 2022, page 6:
      Separation of the caboose from the VAN train had caused the train to go into emergency braking and when Extra 3119 West struck the third rack car, the caroverrode the locomotive, destroyed the remaining superstructure, and caused the locomotive to overturn the north rail. The near-instantaneous derailment of the rest of the train followed immediately.
  3. To ride ahorse toohard.
  4. (transitive, intransitive) Tocounteract thenormaloperation of something; tocountermand with orders of higher priority.
    Coordinate terms:come first,veto
    In automotive design, safety shouldoverride lesser factors such as cosmetics and corner-cutting.
    Congress promptlyoverrode the president's veto, passing the bill into law.
    • 1943 November –1944 February (date written; published1945 August 17),George Orwell [pseudonym; Eric Arthur Blair],Animal Farm [], London:Secker & Warburg, publishedMay 1962,→OCLC:
      The needs of the windmill mustoverride everything else, he said.
    • 2013 February 17, Bob Greene, “America’s ‘Slave Narratives’ should shock us”, inCNN[2]:
      The power of the storiesoverrides everything else. The quiet starkness of the telling:[]
    • 2023 April 28, Greg Wallace, “FAA headquarters initially overrode its own engineers’ 737 Max grounding recommendation”, inCNN[3]:
      The Federal Aviation Administration initiallyoverrode its own engineers’ recommendations in 2019 to ground the Boeing 737 Max after a second fatal crash, according to a new watchdog report.
    • 2023 July 18, Jack Forrest, “Louisiana legislature overrides governor’s veto of ban on gender-affirming care for minors”, inCNN[4]:
      “The first time I wasoverridden, on the Congressional district map, I said the bill was illegal and I expected the courts would throw it out. The courts have done so,” Edwards said in his statement Tuesday. “Today, I wasoverridden for the second time… I expect the courts to throw out this unconstitutional bill, as well.”
    • 2024 December 11, Arit John, “North Carolina’s GOP-controlled legislature erodes incoming Democrats’ political powers”, inCNN[5]:
      Republicans in the North Carolina House pushed through a measure restricting the powers of the incoming governor and other Democrats,overriding outgoing Democratic Gov. Roy Cooper’s veto.[] The state Senate voted tooverride the governor’s veto last week.
  5. To give commands of a higher priority to an automated system; to take manual control of an automated system
    Manual controls allow the user tooverride the camera's default settings.
  6. (object-oriented programming) To define a new behaviour of amethod by creating the samemethod of thesuperclass with the same name andsignature.
    How the cat runs is defined in the methodrun() of the classCat, whichoverrides the same method with the same signature of superclass calledMammal.

Usage notes

  • The formoverrode is sometimes used as a past participle, in place of the standardoverridden.

Derived terms



to ride across or beyond something
to ride a horse too hard
to counteract the normal operation of somethingsee alsoexempt,‎except,‎annul,‎invalidate,‎ignore
(software) To define a new behaviour of a method

See also




override (pluraloverrides)

  1. Amechanism,device orprocedure used tocounteract anautomaticcontrol.
    • 2024 December 11, Arit John, “North Carolina’s GOP-controlled legislature erodes incoming Democrats’ political powers”, inCNN[6]:
      The bill passed with 72 members voting for theoverride and 46 against.
  2. Aroyalty.
  3. A device for prioritizing audio signals, such that certain signals receive priority over others.
  4. (object-oriented programming) Amethod with the same name andsignature as a method in asuperclass, which runs instead of that method, when an object of thesubclass is involved.


a mechanism, device or procedure used to counteract an automatic control
a royalty
a device for prioritizing audio signals

Further reading

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