We have agreed that heat is energy to begin with. Light is also a form of energy for when absorbed by anyopaque substance it turns completely into heat.
(computing) Describes atype for which higher-level callers have no knowledge of data values or their representations; all operations are carried out by the type's defined abstract operators.
The comparativeopaquer and superlativeopaquest, though formed following valid rules for English, are much less common thanmore opaque andmost opaque and seem to occur more frequently in poetry.
Most opaque has been more common thanopaquest for at least two centuries and 50 to 100 times more common in the last two decades, according tothis Google Ngram comparison.
1935 March, F. L. Nowosatka, “Making Colorful Modern Rings from Old Toothbrush Handles”, in Raymond J. Brown, editor,Popular Science Monthly, volume126, number 3, New York, N.Y.: Popular Science Publishing Co., Inc.,→ISSN,→OCLC, “The Home Workshop” section,page97, column 2:
They can be obtained in various thicknesses and in many colors, including beautiful imitations of pearl, mother-of-pearl, veins and mottles, stratifications, roll stratifications, imitation corals, and all colors of translucents, transparents andopaques, grained ivory, shell (plain and corrugated mottle), onyx, wood effects, plaids, checks, stripes, metallic, bronze pearl plain, bronze pearl with fancy blocks, bronze pearl in veins and stripes, and what is called “essence pearl.”