1) Not as common in written language. 2) Inflected as anadjective. 3) Inprescriptivist use, used only as direct object (accusative). 4) Inprescriptivist use, used only as indirect object (dative). 5) Archaic. Nowadays used for formal, literary or poetic purposes, and in fixed expressions. 6) To differentiate from the singulargij,gelle (object formelle) and variants are commonly used colloquially in Belgium. Archaic forms aregijlieden andgijlui ("you people").
7)Zich is preferred if the reflexive pronoun immediately follows the subject pronounu, e.g.Meldt u zich aan! 'Log in!', and if the subject pronounu is used with a verb form that is identical with the third person singular but different from the informal second person singular, e.g.U heeft zich aangemeld. 'You have logged in.' Onlyu can be used in an imperative if the subject pronoun is not overt, e.g.Meld u aan! 'Log in!', whereu is the reflexive pronoun. Otherwise, bothu andzich are equally possible, e.g.U meldt u/zich aan. 'You log in.'
1553, “Exodo, XXXVI”, in Yom Tob Atías, Abraham Usque, transl.,Biblia de Ferrara[1],page68:
E hizo cortinas de cabreño para tienda ſobre el tabernaculo,onze cortinas hizo à ellas. Longura de la cortina la vna treinta con el cobdo, y quatro cobdos anchura de la cortina la vna; medida vnà àonze cortinas.
And thou shalt make curtains of goats’ hair for a tent over the tabernacle;eleven curtains shalt thou make them. The length of each curtain shall be thirty cubits, and the breadth of each curtain four cubits; theeleven curtains shall have one measure.
19th century, Sa'adi Besalel a-Levi, translated by Isaac Jerusalmi, edited by Aron Rodrigue, Sarah Abrevaya Stein,A Jewish Voice from Ottoman Salonica: The Ladino Memoir of Sa'adi Besalel A-Levi[2], Stanford University Press, published2012,→ISBN,page276:
I alaonze [6 AM], ala turka, vinyeron en grande akompanyamyento delosaskyeres turkos adelantre i detras, kompanyas de soldados de kada nasyon ke fueron dezbarkados delas naves, djunto todos los viche-amirales i komandantes, i ofisyeres de kada nave ke se topo en muestro porto.
And ateleven [6 A.M.], a great escort of Turkishsoldiers came ahead of and behind the Turk; companies of soldiers from every nation disembarked from the ships, together with all the vice-admirals, commanders, and officers from every ship found in our port.
Xavier Varela Barreiro, Xavier Gómez Guinovart (2006–2018) “onze”, inCorpus Xelmírez - Corpus lingüístico da Galicia medieval (in Galician), Santiago de Compostela:Instituto da Lingua Galega
Manuel Ferreiro (2014–2025) “onze”, inUniverso Cantigas. Edición crítica da poesía medieval galego-portuguesa (in Galician), A Coruña:University of A Coruña,→ISSN