^Annex 10 to the Convention on International Civil Aviation: Aeronautical Telecommunications; Volume II Communication Procedures including those with PANS status[1], 6th edition, International Civil Aviation Organization, 2001 October, archived fromthe original on31 March 2019, page§
The use as an indefinite personal pronoun may have been influenced by unrelatedFrenchon,[1] although the Germanic languages widely use cognates for the same sense (usually in non-subject function, but also in subject function, e.g. Luxembourgisheen).
Around the 14th century, in southwest and western England, the word began to be pronounced with an initial/w/[1][2] (compare e.g.woak, Middle Englishwocke, a dialectal form ofoak),[3] and the spellingswon andwone began to be found alongsideon,one;[4] the/w/, though initially nonstandard, had become the norm by the 18th century.[1] Inalone,atone, andonly,[2] as well as in the dialectal formun, 'un[1] (and innone andno),[5] the older pronunciations without/w/ are preserved,[1][2] whileonce shows the same/w/.
Which happies thoſe that pay the willinglone; / That's for thy ſelfe to breed an other thee / Or ten times happier be it ten forone,[…]
(impersonal pronoun, sometimes with "the") The first mentioned of two things or people, as opposed to theother.
She offered him an apple and an orange; he tookone and left the other.
1699,William Temple,Heads designed for an essay on conversations[3]:
Study gives strength to the mind; conversation, grace: the first apt to give stiffness, the other suppleness:one gives substance and form to the statue, the other polishes it.
(indefinite personal pronoun) Anyperson (applying to people in general).
It was not far from the house; but the ground sank into a depression there, and the ridge of it behind shut out everything except just the roof of the tallest hayrick. Asone sat on the sward behind the elm, with the back turned on the rick and nothing in front but the tall elms and the oaks in the other hedge, it was quite easy to fancy it the verge of the prairie with the backwoods close by.
She was a fat, round little woman, richly apparelled in velvet and lace,[…]; and the way she laughed, cackling like a hen, the way she talked to the waiters and the maid,[…] — all these unexpected phenomena impelledone to hysterical mirth, and madeone class her with such immortally ludicrous types as Ally Sloper, the Widow Twankey, or Miss Moucher.
‘It's rather like a beautiful Inverness cloakone has inherited. Much too good to hide away, soone wears it instead of an overcoat and pretends it's an amusing new fashion.’
1992, Rudolf M[athias] Schuster,The Hepaticae and Anthocerotae of North America: East of the Hundredth Meridian, volume V, Chicago, Ill.:Field Museum of Natural History,→ISBN, page vii:
With fresh material, taxonomic conclusions are leavened by recognition that the material examined reflects the site it occupied; a herbarium packet givesone only a small fraction of the data desirable for sound conclusions. Herbarium material does not, indeed, allowone to extrapolate safely: what you see is what you get[…].
One has to admire the sheer optimism of modern science: I love the fact that there is such a discipline as astrobiology, whose practitioners' task is to imagine what life might be like on other planets. Yet here on the home planet we have profoundly strange aliens of our own.
Bashkir:кеше(keşe),usually expressed by the modal verbs or similar expressions, e.g.ярай(yaray),ярамай(yaramay),кәрәк(kərək),була(bula),булмай(bulmay),etc.
Welsh:expressed by the autonomous verb form,dyn(cy) is used when it comes after a preposition, but isei in the genitive form e.g.Mae iawnderau a dyletswyddau gyda dyn- One has rights and duties,Chwerthir am ei pen- One will be laughed at
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Hindi:not translated "I want the green one" = "हरावाला चाहता हूँ" (the adj. and the verb agree) (literally, "I want the one which is green").
Interlingua:(pleaseverify)uno,(pleaseverify)alcuno,expressed byreflexivization in expressions of the type "one" + transitive verb + direct object,expressed bynominalization when following an adjective
2024 January 4, Matthew Sparkes, “First working graphene semiconductor could lead to faster computers”, inNew Scientist[4], retrieved2024-01-18:
This effectively allows switching on and off of the flow of current, so it is either conducting or not conducting, creating the binary system of zeroes andones used in digital computers.
(byellipsis)Used to briefly refer to a noun phrase understood by context
It was alreadyone in the morning; the rain pattered dismally against the panes, and my candle was nearly burnt out, when, by the glimmer of the half-extinguished light, I saw the dull yellow eye of the creature open; it breathed hard, and a convulsive motion agitated its limbs.
1853 September 17, “Metropolitan Hospitals & Medical Schools”, inThe Lancet, volume62, number1568,→DOI,page268:
The ophthalmic surgeon attends Tuesdays and Saturdays, at half-pastone.
It was a weary time. A carriage clock had been placed on the discoloured wooden mantelpiece, and slowly its hands crept on fromone to two and from two to three.
When you love a woman then tell her / that she's really wanted / When you love a woman then tell her that she's theone / 'cause she needs somebody to tell her / that it's gonna last forever
(Internetslang,leetspeak,sarcastic)Deliberate misspelling of!.Used to amplify an exclamation, parodying unskilled typists who forget to press theshift key while typing exclamation points, thus typing "1".
A: SUM1 Hl3p ME im alwyz L0ziN!1!?1!
Someone help me; I'm always losing!?
B:y d0nt u just g0 away l0zer!!1!!one!!one!!eleven!!1!
Why don't you just go away loser!
2003 September 26, "DEAL WITH IT!!!!11one!!", in alt.games.video.nintendo.gamecube,Usenet
2004 November 9, "AWK sound recorder!!!11!!11one", in comp.lang.awk,Usenet
2007 December 1, "STANFORD!!1!!1!one!11!!1oneone!1!1!", in rec.sport.football.college,Usenet
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
Translations to be checked: "Translations to be checked"
One morning I had been driven to the precarious refuge afforded by the steps of the inn, after rejecting offers from the Celebrity to join him in a variety of amusements. But even here I was not free from interruption, for he was seated on a horse-block below me, playing with a fox terrier.
The translations below need to be checked and inserted above into the appropriate translation tables. See instructions atWiktionary:Entry layout § Translations.
1994, Christopher Nugent,Mysticism, Death and Dying, page55:
The question, of course, evokes discernment, not dogma, but we should note that the "unknowing" involves intellectual knowledge, whereas the problematic of being "oned" involves experiential knowledge.
2000, Carolyn Baker,The Journey of Forgiveness: Fulfilling the Healing Process, page145:
And both shall beoned in eternal happiness.
2003, Elizabeth MacKinlay,Mental Health and Spirituality in Later Life, page83:
Knit andoned to God human beings are irrevocably in relationship with the divine.
2019, David Grieve,Love in Thin Places: Confessions of a Cathedral Chaplain, page43:
What might be if we wereOned? United, as we would say, but at a greater depth than being a season ticket holder in a football club, or a shareholder in some conglomerate.
These fish,ah, anything also eatone. Small fish, each other, anything you throw in also they take.
2018,Jean Tay,Sisters & Senang: The Island Plays, Epigram Books,→ISBN, Scene 9, page62:
Only sweet hands can draw sweet water, you know that. If I take the water myself, sure saltyone.
2020 January 14, Justin Vanderstraaten, quoting Moon, “Drugs, Cash, and Prison. When Does Enough Become Enough?”, inricemedia.co[6], archived fromthe original on26 February 2024:
When I was a kid,kenarotan also cannot learnone but when I had peace of mind, it was easy.
Jock Wong (2005) “‘Why You so Singlish One?’ A Semantic and Cultural Interpretation of the Singapore English Particle One”, inLanguage in Society, volume34, number 2, Cambridge, Cambridgeshire:Cambridge University Press,→DOI,→ISSN,→OCLC, pages239–275.
Chow Siew Yeng, Francis Bond (2022 June) “Singlish Where Got Rules One? Constructing a Computational Grammar for Singlish”, inProceedings of the 13th Conference on Language Resources and Evaluation[8], Paris: European Language Resources Association,→OCLC, archived fromthe original on2024-07-18, pages5243–5250.
^Pukui, Mary Kawena, Elbert, Samuel H. (1986) “one”, inHawaiian Dictionary, revised & enlarged edition, Honolulu, HI: University of Hawai'i Press,→ISBN, pages288-9
^Ross Clark and Simon J. Greenhill, editors (2011), “qone”, inPOLLEX-Online: The Polynesian Lexicon Project Online
^Ross, Malcolm D., Pawley, Andrew, Osmond, Meredith (2008)The lexicon of Proto-Oceanic, volume 2: The Physical Environment, Canberra: Australian National University,→ISBN, pages67-8
^Tregear, Edward (1891)Maori-Polynesian Comparative Dictionary[2], Wellington, New Zealand: Lyon and Blair, page291
^Ross Clark and Simon J. Greenhill, editors (2011), “qone”, inPOLLEX-Online: The Polynesian Lexicon Project Online
^Ross, Malcolm D., Pawley, Andrew, Osmond, Meredith (2008)The lexicon of Proto-Oceanic, volume 2: The Physical Environment, Canberra: Australian National University,→ISBN, pages67-8