FromMedieval Latinofficiāns, present participle ofofficiō, officiāre(“to perform a duty or service”) (not to be confused with Classicalofficiō, officere(“to obstruct, hinder”)), a denominal verb fromofficium(“duty, service”).
officiant (pluralofficiants)
Ultimately fromMiddle Frenchofficiant.Thisetymology is incomplete. You can help Wiktionary by elaborating on the origins of this term.
Audio: | (file) |
officiant m (pluralofficianten)
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officiant (feminineofficiante,masculine pluralofficiants,feminine pluralofficiantes)
officiant c
nominative | genitive | ||
singular | indefinite | officiant | officiants |
definite | officianten | officiantens | |
plural | indefinite | officianter | officianters |
definite | officianterna | officianternas |