first-person singular present indicative ofoccidere Fromob- ( “ towards; facing ” ) +cadō ( “ I fall ” ) .
occidō (present infinitive occidere ,perfect active occidī ,supine occisum ) ;third conjugation , nopassive
( intransitive ) tofall downSynonyms: corruō ,cadō ,incidō ,incurrō ,accidō ,ruō Antonym: orior ( intransitive , of heavenly bodies) togo down ,set ( intransitive ) toperish ,die ,pass away Synonyms: morior ,pereō ,occumbō ,dēfungor ,intereō ,dēcēdō ,cadō ,exspīrō ,discēdō ,dēficiō ( intransitive ) to belost ,undone orruined 1 At least one use of the Old Latin "sigmatic future" and "sigmatic aorist" tenses is attested, which are used byOld Latin writers; most notablyPlautus andTerence . The sigmatic future is generally ascribed a future or future perfect meaning, while the sigmatic aorist expresses a possible desire ("might want to").
Some Old Latin extant locutions had "soloccasus ", i.e. "sunset". Fromob- ( “ towards; facing ” ) +caedō ( “ I cut ” ) .
occīdō (present infinitive occīdere ,perfect active occīdī ,supine occīsum ) ;third conjugation
( transitive ) tofell ,cut to theground ;beat ,smash ,crush ( transitive ) tocut off ,kill ,slay ,slaughter Synonyms: necō ,caedō ,interficiō ,trucīdō ,tollō ,peragō ,percutiō ,interimō ,perimō ,iugulō ,obtruncō ,cōnficiō ,ēnecō ,sōpiō ,dēiciō ,absūmō ,cōnsūmō ( transitive , by extension) toplague todeath ,torture ,torment ,pester Synonyms: turbō ,perturbō ,sollicitō ,agitō ,angō ,disturbō ,ēvertō ,peragō ,concitō ,moveō ,agō ,versō ,ūrō Antonym: cōnsōlor ( transitive , by extension) toruin ,undo ,bring about the ruin ofSynonyms: ruīnō ,diruo ,aboleō ,dēstruō ,dēvāstō ,ēvāstō ,vāstō ,perdō ,exscindō ,tollo ,accido ,populor ,sepeliō ,perimō ,interimō ,trucīdō ,absūmō ,impellō Antonyms: ēmendō ,reficiō ,reparō ,corrigō ,medeor “occidō ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press “occīdō ”, inCharlton T. Lewis and Charles Short (1879 )A Latin Dictionary , Oxford: Clarendon Press “occido ”, inCharlton T. Lewis (1891 )An Elementary Latin Dictionary , New York: Harper & Brothers occido inGaffiot, Félix (1934 )Dictionnaire illustré latin-français , Hachette. Carl Meißner, Henry William Auden (1894 )Latin Phrase-Book [1] , London:Macmillan and Co. the sun rises, sets:sol oritur, occidit (ambiguous) to be situate to the north-west:spectare inter occasum solis et septentriones